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The Alpha’s Contract by Taylor West

Chapter 387
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Chapter 0387 "Why did you sell that toddler to a bunch of Humans?" My eyes flicker to Abraxas. At the time, I felt no guilt about what I did to his daughter, it was purely payback. I had no problem tormenting someone in that way. It was just something that needed to be done. Now... Now I could see the cruelty of it. I had killed a mother and her unborn pup in the process and she wasn't the first. I had taken a child without a second thought and gave her to the most vile creatures on Earth. Humans.

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"Because I am a bitch." I whisper. I had becso cruel and not once had I stopped to think about it until now. I nod at them both. "I more than deserve to die. All I want to know is when." Dane looks over his shoulder at Abraxas who nods his head "Neah will make that call." Dane tells me, "Though personally, I would like my Wolves to hunt you." Being ripped apart while I was still breathing was not something to look forward to. I was starting to wish that there was poison in the cup.

Dane squats down in front of me. "I want you to draw out any little bit of information you can from Samara." I still couldn't believe she had setup. Everything she said and did, madethink she was being truthful, but I could see it now, after everything Neah had said to me, I could see that Sammie was nothing more than a liar. "I will try." "You will more than try. Your life depends on it." Abraxas sneers "Right." I lower my gaze. "And if I don't." "I think you know the answer to that." Abraxas tells"So you will killif I don't do it and you still might killif I do dig out information." "Correct." Abraxas smiles at me. "Glad you understand." Dane unbinds my hands and pulls a protein bar out from his pocket. "Eat. If you are going to do this, I can't have you starving to death." His tone is hollow. I don't think he would actually care if I were to starve. I was his gpiece and for now, that means I get to live.

He takes it out of the wrapper and gives it to me. "Move." I stand up and he takes the chair out of the cell. Abraxas swings the door closed and turns the lock. I take a tiny bite of the protein bar and stash the rest in my pocket. Who knows if I was going to get something to eat again.

"Wait, what do you wantto find out?" UMS "Use your brain." Abraxas smirks. "You've done this shit before, shouldn't be too hard for you to figure it out." I'm shut in the dark. It was shocking to realise how blind Humans were when it cto the dark. Sammie had been lettingsleep with the light on, just to givescomfort. And the night we left el were street lights illuminating the read, but here, I could barely see my fingers in front of my face.

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The door to the dungeons eventually opens, bringing rays of sunshine that briefly light up the dungeon. lè see Sammie before I see Damien Her hands are bound, just like mine were Damien's dark eyes find mine and narrow.

He pushes Sammie into the cell opposite mine. She keeps her head down, but I could see that she h had O been crying. Fake tears? I wasn't sure. I knew that I had never seen her fully cry.

As he locks her cell, Sammie slides down the wall to the floor. I still couldn't see how she might be an beam Lycan, but Neak said they could smell her. "Are you okay?" I ask quietly when Damien leaves. He had left the light on, was that for my benefit? "We have to get out of here, Blair! You were right, we shouldn't have chere." "What did Neah say to you? "She was askingabout Cooper. I told her what I know but, I don't think she cares. I thought she was supposed to be a great Alpha." "I guess she is just being cautious." I sigh "You weren't in there for as long as I was." She stares into her lap as she talks.

"Maybe she just doesn't want to listen to me." I mutter with a frown. "Maybe she thought you might know more. I guess now, we just wait." "Screw that, I'm finding a way out of here." X