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Solo Farming In The Tower-Novel

Chapter 311: But What About Breakfast?
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TL: Hanguk

Black Tower, 66th Floor.

To the left, a towering spire stretched skywards, while to the right, a massive red fortress wall was visible.

“Follow me.”

“Puhuhut. Alright, meow!”


[Hurry and lead the way!]

Panchen, with a sly smile, led Theo and Piyot to the black market.

The black market, dealing in illegally obtained goods, was operated very secretly across various floors of the Black Tower.

Especially, no one knew where the headquarters of the black market was located. Even regular patrons didn’t know its exact location.

The place Panchen was heading to was a branch of the black market. However, Panchen had a way to get to the headquarters.

The destination was to the right, towards the red fortress walls, in the city inhabited by the Red Orcs called “Red Fortress.”


As Panchen approached, the Red Orcs allowed Panchen, Theo, and Piyot to pass without checking them.

It was expected. The Red Orcs were Theo’s slaves. They let him through upon recognizing him.


‘Pfft. When did dad bribe the guards?’

Panchen thought it was due to the influence of the black market.

“Are we still far away, meow?!”

“We’re almost there. Just a little bit further.”

Panchen replied with a kind voice to Theo, who was getting annoyed.

‘Your path to the afterlife is not far now.’

Thinking of dealing with Theo and Piyot, Panchen entered a narrow alleyway.

“Here we are.”

Panchen took out a key from his possession,


and opened a door to an ordinary house, entering inside.

A moment later.

Thud. Thud.

Armored Red Orc soldiers surrounded the house that Theo entered.

And then,

“Giant Fang-nim, we’re here! Theo-nim has entered this house!”

“Understood. Wait here until Theo-nim comes out!”

The ruler of the Red Orcs, Giant Fang, waited in front of the house for Theo to emerge.


As Theo and Piyot followed Panchen inside, a space filled with thousands of items was revealed.

“Meow?! What is this, meow?!”

From the outside, it looked like a small house, but inside, it was spacious enough to accommodate thousands of people.

It was a place enhanced with space expansion magic, a method often used when creating branches of the black market.

“Welcome to the black market! Please, come in!”

100 black market employees greeted them,

“Is there anything you wish for?”

One of the employees approached Theo and asked.

“I want the land deed for the 70th floor, meow!”

“The land deed for the 70th floor? We have it. Please, follow me. I’ll guide you.”

“Puhuhut. Excellent, meow!”

Pleased by the employee’s words, Theo happily followed the employee. Piyot too.

As they followed the employee deeper into the space,


“Kukukuk! So, you’re the bold ones who dared to mess with young master Panchen?”

The black market employees drew out swords and axes, surrounding Theo and Piyot.

“Meow?! Where did Panchen go, meow?”

Suddenly, Panchen was nowhere to be seen.

“What, meow?! Did Panchen trick us, meow?! No way! There’s no land deed for the 70th floor, meow?!”

Theo, who cared more about the land deed for the 70th floor than Panchen, angrily questioned the employee.

“Kukuk. Of course, it doesn’t exist. Worry about your lives before such things!”

The land deed for the 70th floor didn’t exist from the start. The employees lied to separate the two from Panchen.

Piyo! Piyo?!

[How dare you lie to Theo-nim?! What should we do, Theo-nim?!]

Piyot moved its neck left and right, asking.

“Haak! Haak! Piyot, don’t interfere, meow! I will fight alone, meow!”

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Angry about delaying his return to Sejun, Theo stepped forward, declaring he would fight alone.

Since he was going to fight anyway, he planned to test the dragon skin he received from Kellion.

Shortly after,

“Meow meow meow!”

Theo, with his bare body, blocked swords and axes, subduing the black market employees.

As expected of dragon skin. It was tough and resilient.

Click. Click.

Piyo! Piyo?!

[You bad people! How dare you deceive Theo-nim?!]

In the meantime, Piyot collected the weapons and belongings of the unconscious employees and put them in Theo’s bag.

Press. Press.

While getting the employees’ stamps on the contract. Puhuhut. This is fun! So this is why Theo-nim does this!

Thus, Theo subdued the employees.

“Meow?! But where did Panchen hide, meow?”

Theo looked for the vanished Panchen, but couldn’t find him even after searching every nook and cranny.

“Piyot, let’s collect the items here first, meow!”



Unable to find Panchen, Theo and Piyot started putting the black market’s items into their bag.

Unfortunately, there were no items that attracted to him.



[Theo-nim, here is the land deed for the 81st floor that Sejun asked for!]

Flap. Flap.

Piyot flew over, holding a land deed.

“Puhuhut. Well done, Piyot, meow! As a reward, I’ll give you a one-day pass to be the right hand of Vice Chairman Theo, meow!”

Theo, following Sejun’s example, rewarded Piyot for its commendable action.

Piyo?! Piyo!

[Really?! It’s an honor!]

Being able to be Theo-nim’s right hand for a day?! Piyot, moved by the opportunity, packed the items into the bag more diligently.

After collecting all the items from the black market,

When they tried to leave,

Clank. Clank.

The door wouldn’t open.

“Open up, meow!”

Theo tried to force it open with strength, but this place was separated by dimensions using magic.

Strength couldn’t destroy it. A special key was needed.

Thus, Theo and Piyot were trapped in the branch of the black market.



As morning came, Sejun woke up from his sleep.


Next to him, Fenrir was sleeping in a spread-eagled pose, like a human.


Sejun got up from the bed.

And then,

“Summon, Ajax.”

As promised, he summoned Ajax first.

[Summoning Ajax Mamebe, the Tower Farmer of the White Tower.]

A message appeared, and 10 seconds later,

“Sejun hyung-nim!”



Just after being summoned, Ajax happily hugged Sejun’s legs, calling out to him.

“Hyung-nim! Why did you call so late?! I’ve been waiting!”


Ajax, rubbing his face against Sejun’s legs, whined.

Swoosh. Swoosh.

Sejun waited for Ajax to calm down while stroking his head.

A moment later,

Ajax calmed down.

“Sejun hyung-nim, but what about breakfast?”

Ajax, who had his face buried in Sejun’s legs, peeked out and asked about the breakfast menu.

“Breakfast? I haven’t decided yet… What do you want to eat?”

“Ah?! You’ll make whatever I want?!”

“Yeah. You did me a favor.”

Ajax, moved by Sejun’s words, began to ponder with his hand on his chin. What should he ask Sejun hyung to make?!

“Ah! I’ve decided! I want to eat Garaetteok for breakfast!”

Ajax shouted, remembering Cuengi telling him how incredibly delicious Garaetteok were.

“Garaetteok? Alright. Got it.”


Ajax cheered at Sejun’s agreement.

“Ah! And this.”

Ajax handed over 100 cherry tomatoes harvested from the White Tower and the remaining Harvest Elixir, saying,

“Thank you.”

Sejun, receiving the cherry tomatoes and Harvest Elixir,


He put down the Harvest Elixir for now and checked the cherry tomatoes.

[Elixir: Cherry Tomato Imbued with Powerful Magic Power(+1)]

→ Consumption permanently increases magic power by 30.

→ It absorbs powerful magic power to grow and cannot grow in places without strong magic.

→ Cultivator: Ajax Mamebe, Tower Farmer of the White Tower (Slave of Sejun Park, Tower Farmer of the Black Tower)

→ Expiration Date: 10 Years

→ Grade: A


Fortunately, the desired effect was enhanced, increasing the magic power boost from 10 to 30.

After checking the options of the cherry tomatoes, Sejun,


Shook the glass bottle to see how much Harvest Elixir was left.

After using two drops on the cherry tomatoes, there was only one drop of the Harvest Elixir left in the bottle.

‘I’ll have to save this for when it’s really needed.’


Sejun stored the cherry tomatoes and the Harvest Elixir in the void storage.

“Making Garaetteok takes time, so why don’t you sleep for a bit?”

“Okay! Hyung-nim!”


Upon Sejun’s suggestion, Ajax immediately jumped onto the bed.


‘What’s making all that noise…?’

Because of the commotion, Fenrir woke up.




Ajax scooped up Fenrir in a hug.

“Blackie, let’s sleep together…”


Ajax, seemingly exhausted, fell asleep before he could finish his sentence.

Kking?! Kking?! Kking!

‘What is this?! Are you trying to kill me?! Hey! Save me!’

Trapped in Ajax’s embrace, Fenrir looked to Sejun for help.


“Sorry Blackie.”

Sejun, unable to extract Fenrir from Ajax’s grip with his strength, turned away and headed to the kitchen.



Thus, Fenrir ended up sleeping together with Ajax until it was time to wake up for breakfast.



Several hours had passed since Theo and Piyot were trapped in the black market branch.


Despite Theo’s relentless attacks on the wall, the door remained unmovable.

“This is bad, meow!”

‘I want to go back to Chairman Park, meow! I want to return to Sejun’s lap, meow!’ Theo fell into despair, wanting to go back.

Piyo! Piyo!

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[Right! This is serious!]

Piyot agreed.

‘I have to brag about being Theo-nim right arm today…’

Because the day was passing, Piyot wouldn’t be able to boast about being the right arm anymore.

Just as they were drowning in despair,



Iona appeared, opening the door.

On the 66th floor of the Black Tower, there were originally two factions.

One was the headquarters of the Wizard’s Association located to the east,

And the other was the city of Red Fortress, home to the Red Orcs, to the west.

“Why aren’t they coming out?”

Giant Fang started to grow anxious as hours passed without Theo coming out.

If something happened to Theo, a subordinate of the great Black Dragon, here, it could direct the Black Dragon’s wrath towards them.

Thus, he attempted to enter the building directly.




Upon opening the door, there was just an ordinary household inside, and no one was there.

“Is it magic?”

Sensing something was off, Giant Fang sent a subordinate to ask for help from the headquarters of the Wizard’s Association.

Iona, who was present as the chairman of the Wizard’s Association, came following the Red Orcs.

“Kyoot kyoot kyoot. Theo-nim was here?!”

And then,

“Kyoo-kyoo-kyoo- Unforgivable! How dare they imprison Theo-nim!”

Seeing the magic cast on the house, Iona began to analyze it with a sneer.

About an hour later,

“Kyoo-kyoo-kyoo- Theo-nim, I’ll get you out now!”

Iona, having finished analyzing the magic,


Sent a magical pattern that could open the space connected to the door through the handle,Follow current ɴᴏᴠᴇʟs on novelenglish.net . Fɪre.ɴet


And opened the door.

“Iona, meow!”



Theo and Piyot cheered upon seeing Iona.

“Kyoo-kyoo-kyoo-kyoo- Theo-nim, are you okay?! Who dared to imprison you here?!”

Iona asked Theo, visibly angered.

“It was a guy named Panchen, meow! But I can’t see where he went, meow!”

“Kyoo-kyoo-kyoo- I’ll find him for you! Just wait a moment!”


After Theo’s words, Iona wrapped Theo’s tail around her and closed her eyes.

A moment later,

“Kyoo- Panchen, that guy, I can’t see him. But there’s a trace of magic used for spatial movement!”

Iona, now calmer, opened her eyes and informed them.

“Did he escape, meow? Then we can’t catch him, meow?”

Theo was disappointed by Iona’s words.

However, standing in front of Theo was Iona, the greatest wizard of the Black Tower.

“Kyoot kyoot kyoot. Theo-nim, who do you think I am?!”

“Iona, meow!”

“Kyoot kyoot kyoot. Yes! I am none other than Iona, the chairman of the Wizard’s Association!”

Iona smiled, thinking this was her chance to show off her skills to Theo.

Squinting her eyes more than before, she focused harder.

“Theo-nim, I found out where he went!”

Iona exclaimed confidently, having discovered the coordinates to which Panchen had teleported.

“Puhuhut. Then let’s go catch Panchen right away, meow!”

Iona recited a spell and used space teleportation magic to the coordinates where Panchen had moved,

Theo, Iona, and Piyot chased after Panchen, moving towards the headquarters of the black market.


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