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She's My Sleeping Pill

Chapter 639
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“I remember now.” Cayenne spoke to intervene before Stefan could say something to the man. “You are Allan?”


“Oh. I was close.” Cayenne replied making the man smile at her. “Arthur and I were just really friends. Nothing was brewing between us. My husband here is really my first boyfriend.”

“Dang! I even made a bet that you two will get married one day.”

Cayenne didn’t know what to say at this point. She was trying to save him but he was trying his best to fall into ruins. She snaked her hand around Stefan’s arm and leaned closer to him, letting everyone know the affection between them. “So, are you here with someone?”

“Yup. I just returned from Europe and my parents brought me here to know some people. You know I’m not good with socializing.”

“So, how did you make the bet?” Stefan butted in, still not forgetting the man’s first statement involving Arthur. If this man continues to be dumb, he would be facing a lot of difficulties later on.


Allen looked towards Stefan and he could see that the man was angry. He didn’t really want to make him mad but he didn’t know what else to talk that could bridge him and Cayenne. He just wanted to have someone he can talk to during the occasion. He didn’t want to be a loner.

In the end, he decided to apologize, saving himself before Stefan can deal him a huge damage. “I’m really sorry, Mr. Dumrique. I was overseas and I was busy with work and study. I didn’t have extra time for social media. It was thoughtless of me to think that...you know, they’d be together. I only based my bet with the events in the past. I hope you won’t take this against me.”

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“Why would my husband do that?” Cayenne smiled sweetly to Stefan before she leaned her head on his chest. “Stefan is a reasonable man and we don’t keep anything between us. We’ve learned our lesson already. He knows the position of Arthur in my life. There’s no way he’d take it against you.”

“I agree. I’ve read so many reports about him, too.”

“He’s rather famous despite being not a celebrity.” Cayenne added, just going with the flow of her former classmate’s story. She didn’t know what he was up to but she didn’t want to judge people so quickly as well. “Excuse us for a minute. We’d like to talk to some of our friends before going home.”

“Sure.” Allen said and turned around to get a glass of wine from the passing waiter.

“You are leaving already?” Riley asked when she heard Cayenne’s words. She had been listening to the conversation but she didn’t say a single word until now since it was a matter between Cayenne and her former classmate.

Stefan also looked towards his wife. The program was just halfway through and they’re leaving already. He was worried that she was feeling uncomfortable because of her classmate.

“Are you alright?” Stefan whispered to her but she only smiled. “Shall we get a room upstairs and rest?”

“How about you? Are you okay? I don’t want you to feel bad because of the things he said.”

“Me?” Stefan was quite surprised at her question and he couldn’t stop herself from laughing. “I’m fine. I was a little disgruntled when I heard Arthur’s name but that’s it. Nothing more. You don’t have to worry about me.”

“Shall we stay?”

“Hmm...If we leave now...well, let’s give it another half an hour.”


Stefan kissed Cayenne’s temple before letting go of her. “I’ll talk to some businessmen first. I’ll be back soon.”


Cayenne watched him leave and she even heard the other men tease Stefan for being so possessive and jealous the moment he joined their circle.

“So, you guys aren’t leaving yet?” Riley questioned once again.

“We’ll leave later.” Cayenne answered. Right after saying this, Allen approached her once again. He was even grinning at her. “What were you trying to do? How can you be so mischievous up until today?”

“Ah? Oh. So, you really remembered.”

“Of course. Shall I tell my husband that you were one of Arthur’s supporters in the past?”

“Tsk! That man. I kept nagging him to court you but he was so slow! Seiji was even better than him. Well, fortunately, none of them ended up with you.” Cayenne cocked her eyebrow at him with a questioning gaze. Even Shein looked at him and was curious about his opinion as well. “I have seen Arthur’s mother several times, you know. I guess she was monitoring you and Arthur in the past. I even told him about it but, he didn’t believe me. I thought to myself that you don’t deserve a man who can’t even protect you from his own mother.”

“What about Seiji?” Shein asked which startled Cayenne. She had no idea that he was listening to their conversation. She thought he was busy playing with his iPad. “What makes you dislike him?”

Allen took a sip of his drink while trying to recall of the past. Since none of these men ended up with Cayenne, he decided to just run his mouth off and say his opinion of them. “It’s not that I dislike him but to me, Seiji feels a little calculating to me. I can’t read him and he seems like someone with so many secrets.”

“Judgmental, aren’t you?” Riley questioned followed by faint chuckles. “If you searched for Seiji Sy now, you would understand why seems calculating and secretive.”

“I did. When I came back from Europe, I searched for them. I don’t have any idea about Arthur. He suddenly vanished although, I can still see his brother from time to time. As for Seiji, I didn’t expect him to be an heir of a huge business.”

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“Then, what can you say about my husband?”

Allen shifted his eyes towards Stefan who was busy talking with other businessmen before looking back towards Cayenne. He scratched the tip of his nose awkwardly before putting his drink on the table. “I...uh...I didn’t really expect him to be so wrapped around your hand. His world basically revolves around you. He’s obsessed with you.”

Shein and Riley turned silent while Cayenne has gone red from blushing. She didn’t know what to say after having heard these things right in front of her. She never intended for Stefan to be so obsessed with her.

Few seconds later, Shein’s shoulders were shaking from laughter while Riley covered her mouth to stop herself from laughing. She has to act lady-like because she’s a celebrity and it’s an occasion, she cannot just laugh so hard in front of everyone.

When Cayenne looked towards Stefan, she found him looking at her as well. She didn’t know why but she felt really shy upon meeting his gaze. It’s not even their first meeting.

“Idiot.” She muttered as she stood up from her seat and left in a hurry to find the powder room.

Stefan followed Cayenne five minutes later and found her walking back to the reception hall. She’s back to normal already but Stefan didn’t let this matter pass without teasing her.

“So, what were you guys talking about that made you blush like a teenager who just fell in love?”

“Can we not talk about it?”

“I thought we’re not keeping anything from each other?”

“Hon, it’s embarrassing.”

“Then, let’s go somewhere with no other people to make it less embarrassing.” Cayenne bit her lower lip while he dragged her to a corner away from other people.

“Let’s talk in the car.” She mumbled and when she thought he didn’t hear her, Stefan suddenly changed direction and brought her to the parking area.

“You’ve made the right choice darling.” Stefan whispered with faint laughter. His hot breath fanned her ears, sending another rush of heat on her face. She was about to make a retort but when she opened her mouth, Stefan sealed it close with his.

‘Will this be another episode of us making out in a car?’ Cayenne thought to herself while indulging his husband to do what he wants. After all, he had been hungry for several days and even when the food was right in front of him, he couldn’t eat it her.

“I’ll have my fill tonight.” Stefan muttered as he pulled her to his lap for better access.