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Seduce The Villainess (GL)

Chapter 259 The Hunter Who Killed Immortals (10)
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(Northern Region- Outskirts Of The Gobrean Jungle)

(Golden Boat- Private Cabin Two)

Xu Lu gently exhaled, and a faint white mist came out of her mouth.

The temperature inside her room had gotten colder over the last few days as she practised her cultivation.

She raised up her right hand and gently traced the edges of the silver mask that was firmly placed over her face.

Its cold metal surface was a constant reminder of the horrors that lay beneath.

No… I can't think like that.

Stop it… stop it… I am not hideous.

My scars do not define who I am.

Xu Lu shook her head and tried to push down the emotions coming from the original Xu Lu, but it was difficult…

Feelings of self-hatred mixed with disgust and loathing always appeared in her heart whenever she thought about her face.

She needed a distraction.

Xu Lu closed her eyes and focused on the details of the mission.

The Gobrean Jungle was a vast expanse of temperate rainforest that covered an area that was roughly the size of two hundred thousand square kilometres.

The mission just stated that there was a secret ruins somewhere inside the vast jungle and that she needed to confirm its location and appearance.

Fortunately there was a medium sized town on the outskirts of the jungle that was known for its connection to a major trading organization.

Information could more than likely be bought from the numerous merchants and traders who entered the city.

The saintess of the Holy Sword Sect opened her eyes and  let out a heavy sigh.

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She slowly got up from her bed since she could sense a presence on the other side of the cabin door.

Knock! Knock!

Two quick knocks echoed through the room as the person on the other side carefully rapped their knuckles against the wooden door.

Xu Lu slowly walked towards the door and pulled it open. She saw Lin Kun on the other side looking at her with an expression of uneasy.

"We have arrive at White Lotus town," Lin Kun hesitantly spoke as his eyes drifted to the sword attached to Xu Lu's waist.

"The others are waiting for you on the deck… but there is no need to rush… please take as much time as you need to get ready."

Xu Lu nodded and then closed the door in his face. She waited for a few moments until she heard the sound of footsteps walking away.

Her relationship with her companions had not improved.

After her brutal display a few days ago, Xu Lu had retreated to her room and had not stepped outside since.

The image that she wanted to portray was now firmly embedded into each of their minds.

She was an unapproachable flower with deadly thorns.

The young cultivator took a quick glance around her room to make sure that she did not leave anything behind and then headed for the door.

It only took around five minutes to reach the upper deck. Xu Lu squinted slightly as the harsh rays of sunlight fell on her face.

She blinked twice and could make out three figures standing on the deck. They were all looking at her with varying expressions of nervousness and fear.

Cao Ji's body was trembling slightly and she was positioned at the back of the group. The zither in her hand was perfectly motionless.

Clearly, she had understood Xu Lu's warning.

Fu Qiu and Shen Guo were both standing at the edge of the deck and looking at the dense forest below the ship.

Lin Kun had a gentle smile on his face but it somehow seemed a bit forced and unnatural as if he was pretending to be unconcerned by Xu Lu's appearance.

"We will enter the town and spend the next few days gathering information from the locals about the Gobrean Jungle and the ruins inside," Xu Lu coldly spoke as she approached the group.

"I have already sent out a message to the city lord… he is expecting our arrival," Lin Kun politely spoke.

"He is most excited to meet the honourable saintess of our sect so we should expect a warm welcome."

Xu Lu frowned slightly at his words but chose not to make a fuss.

She would have preferred to enter the town with the identity of ordinary Holy Sword Sect disciples but clearly that was no longer an option.

"Let's go," Xu Lu curtly spoke as she cut off the rest of Lin Kun's words.

The handsome sword cultivator took in a deep breath and tried to swallow down the anger rising up in his chest.

Why was the saintess so difficult to get along with?

He was clearly not the only one pissed off by her attitude as Shen Guo stared at Xu Lu with an irritated frown on his face.

If the saintess noticed the low mood of her companions then she pretended not to notice as she bent her knees and confidently leapt off the boat.

The golden boat was soaring hundreds of feet in the air but Xu Lu jumped off without even a second of hesitation.

Treading Clouds Technique!

Her feet stepped on invisible platforms in the air as she navigated her way downwards and landed on the ground with a light thump.

Xu Lu looked around and saw nothing but an endless sea of trees and greenery that stretched out towards the horizon.


She looked in a northern direction and saw a faint outline of giant stone walls. Tiny ant-like figures could be seen patrolling along the top of the walls.


A small brown snake crept out of a nearby bush and lunged towards Xu Lu with its jaw wide open and its fangs gleaming under the sunlight.

Xu Lu calmly stepped to the side and avoided the animal. When the snake turned around to attack a second time… she dodged again with ease.

The snake hissed angrily, and its pink tongue flickered out of its mouth and tasted the air.

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Xu Lu lightly tapped the snake's head using a single finger and injected a trace of ice qi into its veins.

​ The effect was instantaneous.

The snake stiffened and frost began to spread throughout its body from the top of its skull. The frost eventually coated the entire length of its body and the snake died.

Xu Lu stepped away from the corpse and waited patiently as her companions made their way down from the boat.

Lin Kun and Cao Ji were standing on the same sword and carefully floated downwards under the control of the talented sword cultivator.

The white fan in Fu Qiu's hand expanded until it was the size that could fit a person on top of it. He stepped on the fan, and it carried him towards the forest floor.

Shen Guo had used some kind of movement technique and his body slowly descended to the ground in a straight line.

Xu Lu clicked her tongue in amazement as she observed the different methods that her companions used.

Going from a world with modern technology to this place… was a bit of a shift.

Sure, her last world had vampires and vampire hunters, but it was remarkably similar to her life in the twenty first century life as Sui Lu.


It would take some getting used to this strange world where immortals existed and had the powers of gods.

"Let us go," Xu Lu commanded in a firm tone as her companions joined her on the ground.

She began to walk towards the stone walls in the distance without paying attention to see if her fellow sect members were following her.

There was a reason why Xu Lu didn't fly directly to the town. She wanted to learn more about the terrain of the Gobrean Jungle.

Soaring through the skies would teach her nothing about the plants, wildlife and the hidden environment that lurked beneath the trees.

"Yes. We will follow you," Fu Qiu sighed heavily as his fan shrunk back to its normal size.

Cao Ji's fingers extended towards her zither's strings but stopped just before she touched them.

Remembering the feeling of Xu Lu's hand closed around her throat was enough to quell any musical urges in her mind.

Meanwhile Shen Guo was staring at the back of the saintess. His intense gaze was not picked up by any of his companions.

Only he knew why his eyes kept following the saintess…. and searching desperately for a weakness.