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Seduce The Villainess (GL)

Chapter 243 Lady Of The Night (67)
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Three hunters.

They were dressed in long black cloaks and had silvery masks on their faces that concealed their facial features.

Three Enemies.

A long-range archer. A swordsman. A person skilled with talismans.

Three threats to eliminate.

After years of training, Mary's body had been molded into the perfect combat machine. Fighting was in her blood... her instincts were perfectly suited for combat.

As soon as she encountered the hunters, her mind had already begun to think about countermeasures and her body could easily react to her thoughts.

Swish! Swish! Swish!

Eight arrows shot towards her body at a rapid pace. Each arrow was engulfed in brilliant golden flames that shone with an eerie glow.

The world slowed down to a crawl as Mary's golden eyes began to shine.

She tilted her body to the left and the first arrow passed harmlessly mere inches away from her arm.

She raised up her sword and neatly sliced the arrows that were aimed for her legs and chest.

The final two arrow were shot directly at her head but there was not a hint of fear in her movements.

Mary rushed forward and at the last second, she threw her body on the ground. The arrows narrowly passed over her head and embedded themselves in a nearby wall.

The archer seemed to be shocked that she had managed to dodge her attacks but to her credit... she reacted well by backing away and creating some distance.

"Explosive technique!" the man next to her shouted in a rough voice.

Mary felt a sense of danger and immediately leapt away from where she had been standing.

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A talisman buried in the ground erupted with a fiery white light that was so bright that she was temporarily blinded.

Swish! Swish!

More arrows were shot towards her location and Mary's body reflexively moved to dodge the sudden attacks.

Okay... enough playing around.

Mary stood still for a moment and cold shiver ran down the spines of Lily and Ian as the vampire knight pointed their blade at them.

They could feel the shadow of death falling on their bodies.

This vampire knight was going to kill them. Every instinct in their bodies was screaming at them to flee while they still could.

Ian trembled and the talismans floated around his body began to form a protective layer.

Hopefully this would buy enough time until they figured out a plan...


Where did she go?

Ian's eyes widened in shock as the knight in white armour vanished and then reappeared directly in front of him.

He opened his mouth to chant a spell to protect himself, but a heavy metal fist crashed into his stomach.

There was no need for Mary to use any techniques when her fists were strong enough to knock out her enemies.

Ian was blown away by the force of the blow and his body flew across the room and landed on the ground with a heavy thud.

He tried to get up, but his body could no longer move properly. Ian coughed violently and thick flecks of blood stained the floor in front of him.

Ian kneeled over and vomited before falling unconscious. His head hit the ground with a sickening thump as he passed out cold.

​ Swish! Swish!

Two arrows shot towards Mary, but she easily dodged them and closed the gap between herself and the archer.

She wasn't going to kill these hunters... not yet. Since she needed to know any information that they had on Camilla's whereabouts.

Still... it was not like she needed all of them to be alive...

Mary cocked back her fist and was about to drive it into the stomach of the archer when she saw something quite shocking.

She could see the archer's eyes. The mask covered most of her appearance, but her eyes were still visible.

And they were golden.

Another Sun-Born?

Mary was frozen in shock and the archer immediately rushed towards her and punched her right in the center of her breastplate.

The material immediately crumpled, and the aftershock of the blow tore apart the metal covering Mary's chest.

This kind of power... she was strong.

But... not strong enough.

Mary did not even stagger after experiencing such a powerful blow and caught the fist with her left hand.

The archer struggled but Mary's grip was iron-clad, and she refused to let this mysterious hunter escape from her grasp.

"Kill... kill me..." Lily spat out in rage as stared at the vampire knight holding down her body with fury in her eyes.

Mary raised an eyebrow beneath her white helmet as she could not help but feel that the voice was oddly familiar.

She needed to know who this mysterious archer was.

"No! Don't hurt her!" Finley staggered to his feet and tried to stop the vampire knight from killing his beloved woman.

But he was too injured.

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He could do little more than watch as the vampire knight extended their right hand and tore off the mask covering Lily's face.

There was a terrible moment of silence.

Lily stared at the faceless knight clad in white armour and tried not to let the fear that she felt show on her face.

This opponent... was too powerful.

Finely screamed and rushed forward with all the strength that he could muster in his body. His one crimson eye shone with a hypnotic light as he lunged at the knight.

Then... something strange happened.

Golden flames wrapped around the knight's hand, and they punched in Finley's direction.

A wave of golden flames erupted out from their fingertips and slammed into the dhampir's body.

Finley cried out in pain as he flew back and collapsed on the ground with his vision slowly fading away into darkness.

"You... you're... a... human?" Lily stuttered in disbelief as the knight turned their attention back to her.

"It's been some time..." the knight whispered as they let go of Lily's body and allowed the young woman to escape from their hold.

The mysterious knight did not seem to be concerned about whether or not Lily would attack them now that she was free.

Lily reached for her bow and nocked another arrow on the string when she saw something that made her heart skip a beat.

The knight raised up their arms in surrender and then gripped the sides of their helmet.

They pulled gently on the metal covering and it slowly came off their head.

A face appeared beneath the helmet.

A face that was identical to the one that Lily saw every time that she looked in a mirror and could only belong to one person other than herself.

"Mary?" Lily exclaimed in shock.

She could not believe what she was seeing... no this had to be an illusion!

Maybe it was some kind of trick? How was this possible?

"It's good to see you too sister," Mary smiled warmly.