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Saving 80,000 Gold in an Another World for Retirement

Chapter 113
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It’s time for us to return .

Well, it’s not because we have completed our mission .

Continuing on from last time, we three left the royal capital as we have done our share of work in that kingdom .

Of course, we walked until we leave the royal capital first, and then summoned Big Lorry with Transfer .

There were still various things that we had to do, such as hearing Earl’s complaints over the radio as he was forced to take care of the trouble that we caused, solving disputes for the next kingdom, and other things, but we will finally go back home at last as we have visited all of the kingdoms that we had planned before .

It took around two and a half months in total . Our negotiations with the other kingdoms are sometimes the same as what we had with the first two kingdoms and it wasn’t that smoothly as well .

It seems that the delegations for the real negotiation has already departed without waiting for us to return as we had informed everything to the king almost in real time . Additionally, not only the princess of the first kingdom, but also the king of the second kingdom seems to have signed the treaty obediently . Yeah, this is what you called 「learning from mistakes」, right?

And thus, we, who had gone to the farthest kingdom that was planned before, are now planning to return home, but…

After leaving the last kingdom, I retrieved Big Lorry, which was 「hidden outside the royal capital」 and said my farewell to the Earl and the others .

Mitsuha: “Well then, we will bid our farewell here . Let’s meet up at the Royal Palace the next time we meet!”

Audyst & Klarge: “”Eh?””

The Earl and Klarge-sama is puzzled .

Mitsuha: “Well, there’s no need to leave together as all of our duties are finished, right? Therefore, we will go straight back to the royal capital, so we’ll see you next time at the Royal Palace to welcome everyone’s triumphal return……”

Audyst & Klarge: “”EEEEEEEEHH!?””

Apparently, because our return route will be the same route as before, it looks like there will be another welcoming party from other kingdoms for the delegations as we will report the results of prior negotiations with other kingdoms to the leaders of each kingdoms .

But there’s no need for the three of us to partake it, right?

Besides, no matter how many times I have shown my face in the territory, two and a half months is already a long time .

I couldn’t go to the capital as well because I don’t want to publicize my transfer skill grandiosely .

Yes, I have fully enjoyed my trip to foreign kingdoms . I would rather quickly go home if we take the same route . Sabine-chan and Colette-chan agreed as well .

Audyst: “W-w-w-w-wait! Please wait! They have prepared a welcoming party for us . If we leave out the eye-catching goods, then it would be-… . ”

Mitsuha: “Now then, farewell~!”

Follow on NovᴇlEnglish.nᴇt

We broke off from the Earl and the others who desperately tried to stop us, immediately got on the Big Lorry and stepped on the accelerator to scramble and dash!

(TL Note: I don’t know whether FUNA-sensei is trying to reference that Scramble Dash with this one or not) .

They might have their own circumstances and expectations, but by any means, spare me from spending a lot of time in persuasion battles with the other nobles! Well then, Byeeeeeee!!

And thus, we arrived at my home in Japan .

Well, the calculation will obviously not matched as one would expect if we arrived immediately at the royal capital by the time we split off from the main party . Hence, we have to kill some time for at least a week .

Therefore, it’s a week off for us .

We don’t have much time for today so we went to the usual department store, ate kid’s meal, and such .

Colette: “M-Mitsuha, are you done yeeet?”

Mitsuha: “Don’t rush me, Colette-chan!”

Sabine: “Why neesama has to go first!? You could have just transfer away to any other restrooms besides this! What were you thinking!?”

Mitsuha: “F-forgive me…”

The three of them didn’t learn from their mistakes at all .

And it’s currently the next day .

Mitsuha: “We’re going to an amusement park today!”

Colette & Sabine: “”Amyusmen Paak?””

Mitsuha: “Yes! The amusement park that is said to be the best in Japan!”

To begin with, Sabine-chan and Colette-chan don’t know what 「Amusement Park」 is . It seems like the anime they had watched did not include any details about amusement park scenes .

Three Lolis: “””GYAAAAAAAAAAAA~~~!!!”””

Colette: “Why did Mitsuha shout too!?”

Mitsuha: “No, the truth is, this is my first time coming here!!”

Thrill rides, how fearsome!!

Ah, of course, we moved with transfer . I don’t want to waste our money nor time after all!

Day 2 .

Mitsuha: “We will go to Tokyu Hands for today!”

(TL Note: It’s a department store in Japan)

We spent all day from start to finish, except for meals and restrooms, but in the end, we still couldn’t go through everything… .

Tokyu Hands, how fearsome!

Day 3 .

Mitsuha: “We’re going to Mt . Fuji today . ”

Yeah, not 『Climbing Mt . Fuji』, but 『Going to Mt . Fuji』… . with transfer .

Rather than climbing, Mt . Fuji is better to be seen from its foot, right~?

Especially in the evening .

That magnificent beauty as if it’s not from this world .

Mt . Fuji has the highest elevation in Japan . As expected for the one which has a nickname as 『Sacred Mountain』 .

The two who seemed to know Mt . Fuji from anime had faces full of surprise and excitement as I thought they would .

And of course, we went to the summit . With transfer .

Sabine: “Neesama! There’s no excitement on this!”

Colette: “Mitsuha, you ruined it!”

……ah, you really think so?

We spent our time on the fourth and fifth day sightseeing and finally, the sixth day .

Mitsuha: “Uncle~ this one please~!”

Shopkeeper: “Oh, if it isn’t Miss Yamano!”

The one who came to greet me is the regular solar ray-, no that’s not it, solar system shopkeeper .

……It’s not like we’re going to attack a space fortress, though .

Follow on Novᴇl-Onlinᴇ.cᴏm

I must keep my promise . That is, before I’m forced to do so .

Mitsuha: “I need the same set as the previous one . ”

Shopkeeper: “Yes, we’ll prepare it immediately!”

It’s now my fourth time coming here and he understood it quickly .

The previous one that I ordered was the one that I had installed at Sabine-chan’s room in the Royal Palace, that is, a battery-used radio . I included an LED stand light and a small fan for the bare minimum necessities as well .

Although Sabine-chan’s room has a small refrigerator instead of a fan, Princess Remia won’t be needing a refrigerator, so even a fan is already a great service .

I asked them to deliver the solar power generator set to my house and we went back home .

In this short period of time, I have personally asked for 4 sets in which 2 of them were quite a large-scale of a set, so I might have been regarded as a valued customer now . He even gave me a discount and a bonus as well and it seems that he has already given up on taking charge of the installation . Yeah, it’s because this is my fourth time, right…

Perhaps he thinks that I have a lot of villas all over Japan and it’s my hobby to build it on my own .

Well, because I have visited there for four times, I too have already turned into a veteran . If there’s a chance, I could perhaps work as a part-timer for installing solar power systems in that store, you know?

Mitsuha: “Her Highness Remia, we have come~!”

Remia: “M-Mitsuha-chan!?”

Yup, without my knowledge, my nickname is now 『Mitsuha-chan』 .

I’m older than her but she might not believe me even if I said so .

……I’ve had enough . I’m already used to it now!

Remia: “You always come in an unexpected moment, I see…”

Yeah, the captain also said so!

Mitsuha: “Now then, as what I have promised…”

Saying so, the three of us dropped the luggage that we had .

Yes, these are parts for the solar system .

If we come and immediately installed various things without having to do it from the start, everyone other than Her Highness will become suspicious of us, hence we brought our luggage .

……is Her Highness also suspicious of us? Ahaha…

We can’t carry everything obviously, hence we only brought some parts . The rest will later be transferred directly to Her Highness room .

Mitsuha: “Well then, let’s start the installation process!”

Sabine & Colette: “”Yeah!””

Alright, will they do their best being my assistants this time?