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Saving 80,000 Gold in an Another World for Retirement

Chapter 100: Attack
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*Ira ira ira ira ira ira*… . .

Aaah! I’m so irritateddd!

Well, after we went a little far with the delegation’s carriage from Mathrica, the royal capital of the first visited kingdom, Dalisson Kingdom, I transported a . k . a 『transferred』 『Big Lorry』 (I named it because it’s sad to call it 『RV』 forever) and rode it together with Sabine-chan and Colette-chan .

Of course, I placed Big Lorry up ahead just like what I did last time and disguised it as having been there for a long time . Though, I was criticized by the Earl as it’s too careless and suspicious about how come it wasn’t stolen .

He thought for a little while and reach to a conclusion that instead of going ahead and leaving the delegation party behind, we need to travel together with them .

And thus, we had been following them from the back . The reason being is that it would be tiring for us if we’re at the front and need to constantly check our behind so that we are not separated from them .

Well, it’s also bad for the horses to breathe the exhaust gas too, though .

And my irritation turns worse because of this very slow driving .

If it’s this slow, the spark plug will overheat!!

Well…, it’s because I was being emotional earlier, though .

I was a little worried about the main unit and cannot help but accompanying them……

When I consulted with the Earl, he also has the same concern, so, yeah…, I will have to accompany them for a couple of days .

After continuing this slow drive for a while, we parked Big Lorry on the side of the road and unwind ourselves . I realized that our stress will be considerably reduced if we catch up with the main unit just before they disappear from view .

……is what I had thought, but right now, the bored Sabine-chan and Colette-chan are staying in the back and have started playing Dragon Quest 3 .


Two days later, after leaving the royal capital .

At last, the thing that I have been waiting for has come . No, it’s not a happy thing at all, though .

Yup, we are being attacked by bandits .

A band of around 25~26 bandits who suddenly appeared in front at a location that has a short line of sight, much like the foot of this rocky mountain . The road ahead is blocked with carriages that were carefully turned sideways so that the prey cannot break through .

As it has already been a while after our temporary halt and the main unit is not that far from us, we immediately start to catch up and join the main unit that had been stopped . And then, 14~15 bandits appeared from behind us and we got trapped in both sides .

Although the rear is not blocked by carriages, it’s difficult to turn a carriage around where there’s no space for sheltering nor turning back . There’s also no benefit on doing it either .

The right side of the main road is a steep rocky mountain, and although the left side is a little vacant, the ground is rough and rocky with large and small crags jutting out, so it’s not a place that a carriage can escape to . In conclusion, it’s impossible to break off and run away .

And then, the bandits start coming towards us slowly .

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That’s right, the bandits that seems a bit strange .

When I said strange is that…, they have matching leather combat boots, well-kept swords, and properly shaved beard but somehow wearing shabby clothes .

They still keep the pace unconsciously regardless of the fact that they are walking in a scattered manner . The number of people is about 40 in total, just enough to form a platoon of a kingdom’s troops .

(Mitsuha & Sabine) 「「Aah~…」」

I don’t know whether Colette-chan understood it or not, but me and Sabine-chan sighed together .

And I turned on one of several micro switches that were attached to the shift lever .

(Mitsuha) 『Aa~, the suspicious bandits over there, stop right there! If you don’t stop, it’s going to be unpleasant, you know!』

Yup, it’s a microphone switch that is connected to an external speaker equipped on the Big Lorry .

(Colette) 「Mitsuha, there are no such thing as unsuspicious bandits, though?」

Colette-chan said so, but no, I don’t mean it literally 『suspicious』 . It means 『it’s too suspicious to even call them bandits』 .

Then, I did a continuous transfer in just a few milliseconds, and brought the equipment for Sabine-chan and Colette-chan . Of course, mine too .

The 『bandits』 kept coming closer without even heeding my warning .

Yup, they are 『bandits』, alright .

According to the rules of this world, we could now establish a legitimate self-defense as they have ignored the warning and are approaching a delegation from foreign kingdom .

(Mitsuha) 「Okay then, let’s do it . Colette-chan and I will take the ones who are in front meanwhile I will leave the rear to you, Sabine-chan . Leave them incapacitated instead of killing them as much as possible . And lastly, don’t let anyone get away . 」

(Sabine) 「Understood . 」

(Colette) 「Leave it to me!」

The two of them gave a reliable reply .

Yup, that’s because these two’s skill with the gun is above mine, you see…

Damn it!

The horse-riding escorts and the ones who had jumped out of the carriage stood in front of the main unit, but there’s too much of a difference between their numbers .

If they really are bandits, the escorts who were chosen to be the bodyguards for the delegation will need to fight to a certain extent until the other side have judged that 「this won’t be good」 and escape .

But of course, I’m aware that the escorts are not stupid .

That is, we understood that the enemies are 『fake bandits』 .

The escorts have a grim look .

I moved Big Lorry a bit and skewed against the main road . With this, we could shoot the bandits from the left and right windows . This is also to get rid of the main unit’s carriages and escorts from our line of fire .

And the first one was from me .


(Bandit) 「GYAAAAAAAA!」

Yup, just like what I aimed at, it hit his thigh .

The accuracy is good as I shot it while placing the gun barrel on the window frame . Easy-peasy .

The bandits stopped moving, and listened to the exhorting voice from their command-, no no, their leader .

(Commander Leader) 「That thing will take time to do its next attack! If we approach in that meantime, they can only attack once or twice only! Their aim will also go amiss if they become flustered! Let’s go, charge!」


(Commander Leader) 「GYAAAA!」

The second shot was from Colette-chan . Yup, it’s a common sense to aim for their commander .

(Leader) 「Now’s the chance! Run towards it!!」

Arya~ he still gives instructions even if he fell and his leg was shot, huh? I admire your spirit! But .


(Soldiers Bandits) 「「「「「Eh……?」」」」」

The bullet missed but the bandits were surprised at the series of gunshot that just resounded .

(Leader) 「What are you doing? They only have two weapons! Go!」

*Pan!* *Pan!* *Pan!* *Pan!*

(Bandit) 「GYAA!」

(Bandit) 「UWAAAAH!」

(Leader) 「Eh……?」

Continued gunshots, increased casualties . The leader was shaking from the unexpected situation and his voice has stopped .

And, I set the selector lever to full auto .


(Bandits) 「「「「「GYAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!」」」」」

Follow on Novᴇl-Onlinᴇ.cᴏm

Yup, of course I won’t use the old-fashioned and defect M1 Garand for actual combat .

I chose these ones because it has a smaller size and lighter than M1 Garand . It also has 30 capacity magazines, hence it could be handled easily by Colette-chan and Sabine-chan .

Yes, it is M4 Carbine .

(TL Note: Oh no… not again… . meanwhile here’s your girl . )

The bullet is a small-diameter high-speed bullet with a diameter of 5 . 56 mm instead of 7 . 62 mm, hence there’s only a little recoil and to increase the initial velocity of the gun, the firepower is dropped a little . Setting aside ogres or demons, it won’t be a problem if our opponent only has a bandit-level leather armor .

(TL Note: Oh thank god, I thought I need to translate another long trivia… . . )

It was me that shot at full auto, but I didn’t particularly aim at the bandits . I just mowed down right in front of the bandits feet .

However, that was intentional as it was extremely easy to put it in their mind and it will be unlikely for them to doubt that this time I could shoot their body instead of their legs .

(TL Note: Aww… I thought we also have a Rena here…)

And I switched on the microphone again .

(Mitsuha) 『All of you, throw away your weapons on the spot and walk slowly with your hands up . If you make a strange move or try to run away, you will get shot .

And then, after we handed you over to Her Highness Princess Remia, your identity will be checked and you will be beheaded as bandits who had attacked a delegation from another kingdom . Your corpse then will be exposed at the central plaza and we will capture and investigate your family, relatives, friends and others, who are also doubted as partners in crime .

However, if you are only soldiers who had obeyed the commands from your superior, of course, the responsibility would then be transferred to the superior and everyone would not be blamed for it . If he escapes or resists, it will be instantly regarded as a confession from him that he’s a conspirator, a traitor, and a shameful piece of garbage who escaped from his enemies and abandoned his comrades, and he also should be dumped from his enemy and his allies as he’s just a despicable being . 』

The bandits were frozen in place .

The leader, or should I say, the commander who acted as the bandit leader, is stiffened while currently sitting on the ground because of his injured leg and could not let out any voice .

And while we handled the bandits who are in front, the sound of Sabine-chan’s gunshot should have echoed in the back if she was shooting in the same manner according to her own situation . However, right now the rear is also silent just like the bandits right here .

Is it because the speaker’s voice can also be obviously heard from the back too?

While all of them were frozen in place, the ones who were at the hindmost, were starting to move back little by little so that no one noticed .

And when a certain man tried to run away at once .


A bullet hit his right shoulder, and the man somersaulted and fell down

(Bandits) 「「「「「「………………」」」」」」


*Gachan* *Gacha-Gachan*!

The bandits started throwing away their swords and spears all at once, and slowly walked up with both hands raised .

(Mitsuha) 「Everyone, prepare for the apprehension!」

Under my direction, all of the escorts rushed to the carriages to get ropes and twines .