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Chapter 134 - Appetizer
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Chapter 134 - Appetizer

Evie's initial jerk reaction was to turn around and run back to her room without looking back. But she knew she could not escape this as it was a royal summon. Thus, taking a deep breath, Evie steeled herself. Though she knew something was definitely off with this summon, she did not have a choice. She could not turn around and leave or disobey this summon. Because if she did, who knows what this emperor would do? She could not afford to anger him when her father and Gavriel were not here to defend or save her if and when this emperor decides to do something funny. Though Leon was here, she knew his power would not be enough to deal with royalty, and this being the emperor himself.

When Evie nodded at Leon, the half-blood clearly struggled to make himself move. But when Evie flashed him a forced smile, Leon clenched his jaws and moved to push the huge door open.

She squared herself as she entered and clenched down hard on her jaws. She would not give the emperor the satisfaction of seeing or hearing how nervous she was. However, the moment she stepped inside the door, the heartbeat she tried so hard to keep normal began to drum loudly in her ears when she saw the emperor lounging on the chair. He was wearing only a bath robe and his hairy chest was on full display. Evie's heart shook and her legs almost gave way as she took in the sight. But his clothes were not the even the issue right now because his blue eyes now looked incredibly dimmer, as though dark blood had just been mixed into them.

The emperor chuckled. "Sigh… don't be so frightened, Lady Evielyn. I had wondered if you also reacted the same way in front of Gavriel." He asked as he rose languidly from his chair. He then glared hard at Leon who had followed Evie in. "And you, who permitted you to enter?"

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"I… I asked him to come along, Y-your Majesty. As you can see, I am still quite scared around vampires." Evie threw out the only excuse she could come up with for now.

The dangerous glare in his eyes somehow subsided. "Like I said, you have nothing to fear. I am not a monster like Gavriel." His gaze on Evie gentled, like the way it was when Evie had first seen him at the ballroom in his imperial castle.

"However, I will be needing this man to step out." He waved a hand, dismissing Leon. "You can wait for her outside the door." His tone became frosty when her gave the order to Leon.

When Leon did not immediately obey his command, his face darkened, and Evie saw a serious threat in them. "J-just go, Leon." Evie pushed Leon. "I'll be fine. His Majesty only wants to talk with me. Wait for me by the door."

Leon stared hard into Evie's eyes but Evie was certain that this emperor would not hesitate to end whoever that opposes him. She could see it in his eyes. The threat looming in there was alarming and he did not bother to veil it at all.

Evie forced herself to nod at Leon and thankfully, Leon did not continue being stubborn and finally moved. Though it was obvious he was extremely unwilling.

Once the door closed behind Leon, Lorcan sighed before mildly slumping back into his comfortable looking chair. "What a stubborn half-blood." He hissed.

"May I know the reason in you summoning me here, Your Majesty?" Evie asked. She was curious but yet, at the same time nervous on wanting to know the reason behind this summoning.

Lorcan began to pace slowly and elegantly before her. Evie who was closely observing every move of the emperor thought that no matter how he tried, he was never going to be as elegant and regal as her beloved husband.

After pacing about for a while, he halted, and his gaze moved over to Evie before travelling from her head right down to her toes. What he just did gave Evie the creeps. She somehow managed to maintain her poker face and showed no outward reaction whatsoever. Inside her mind however, Evie was screaming bloody murder and wanted to slap that rude emperor.

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"I need something from you, Lady Evielyn." He drawled out and Evie could not help but stiffen up in fear.

He laughed again at her slight reaction, but this time it was stomach-churning laugh.

"Do not worry, Lady Evielyn. Though I admit your beauty is incomparable, I am not interested in your body. It's my son who is the one that wants you badly… so you do not need to show that wary look on your face in front of me." He informed her and Evie would have sighed in relief if not for the way his gaze was continually fixed on her neck.

He began to take a step closer towards her. "Your body will soon belong to my son. But your blood… it will belong to me." He whispered before smiling widely, showing his fangs. Warning bells then began to toll in Evie's mind.

The horror that filled Evie's eyes made him smile again. As though her fear was a kind of appetizer to the main course – which was her of course. And now the hungry look in his eyes turned into something that was beyond starvation.

"Don't be scared, dear girl. I only want to taste the blood of the infamous Ylvia family. I told you, my son wanted you as his reward. So, I will naturally not harm you." he added as he took a few more steps closer to Evie, like a ferocious hyena drooling at a piece of juicy meat. "I initially had planned to wait until my son's return. But since this damned place has no available human to serve me, I don't think anyone else would be able to quench my thirst now but you. I will only take a little sip as an appetizer. This good emperor promises you that." He swore and then launched himself at her.