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Reincarnated Hero System

Chapter 327 Flesh Golem II
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"I feel like an animal in a zoo."

That 'someone' who was on the golem's body, the high demon of Pride, remarked as she coated her sword in black flames and shaped the flames into a longer blade to extend their reach, before spinning around and 'whipping' the flesh golem's face with her sword of flames.

Before it could even let out its usual roar, she had already moved once more, slicing the creature's neck with her sword, but only stopping halfway as the flames on the blade faded away.

Now, the creature had the chance to roar like usual, before waving its still-injured left arm in an attempt to swat Pride off its right shoulder, however, the high demon only used its large arm as a foothold to launch herself into the air, with Evan appearing right above her and grabbing onto her other hand while standing on an aura foothold.

Without even a moment's delay, the young hero spun around on the aura foothold and tossed the high demon back towards the monster who had just slammed its empty shoulder.

Pride gripped her sword with both arms and generated another gigantic flame sword, one that was easily twice the size of the previous one and swung it downwards, with the black flames cleaving through the monster's arm and severing the limb in two.


The flesh golem let out its loudest roar yet as its forearm fell to the ground with a loud thud, with its green eyes flashing as it picked up its severed arm with its right hand and swung it like a club with the aim of knocking Evan out of the sky.

Evan instantly disengaged the void step he was standing on and let gravity take him back to the ground, an action that led to him inadvertently dodging the swing. He still had to put up an elemental shield to block the trio of corpses that fell out of the arm and toward his body from hitting him.

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But perhaps because its grip on its severed limb wasn't too strong, after Evan dodged and Pride landed back on the ground, the flesh golem's detached forearm flew out of its hand and towards the town walls that were a few hundred metres away.

It was far too fast and unexpected, as the adventurers and town guards on the walls could not react fast enough. Even the mages who fired magic towards the incoming limb didn't have time to aim properly to hit the target, and the ones that did hit, only seemed to slow it down a bit.

Just when they had begun scurrying away to avoid the impact of the flesh golem's arm landing on the walls, a large semi-transparent wall of light appeared in front of the walls, with the arm crashing into it a moment later.

However, this wall of light stood strong with zero cracks as the severed arm could only fall to the ground after having all of its momentum killed.


"How did..."



The surprised adventurers naturally questioned the source of the phenomenon they were looking at, with the answer coming to them in the form of a certain blonde battle priestess who calmly walked forward while twirling a spear in her fingers.

Floating beside her was a large orb, one about twenty centimetres in diameter. It had a ring made of bronze around it with two pieces of a cloth-like material tied to the two edges of the ring.

"If you all had any plans of using ranged magic, now's the time."

Her words snapped the mages out of their stupor as they cancelled their own hastily made magic barriers and transitioned into attack magic, launching another barrage of spells towards the flesh golem who roared and waved its right arm, creating a shockwave that swatted out more than half of the spells fired.

Meanwhile, the melee-type adventurers and town guards turned towards Eliza, with the adventurers noticing the familiar-looking guild card hanging from her neck.

However, hers was silver in colour and had a gold lining, with them not even needing to look at the large letter printed on the back of the card to know what rank the card was.

"B rank?!"

A random adventurer exclaimed as if confirming the thoughts of all the others, with many gazes going over to Eliza who only sighed and stabbed the Memoria into the ground beside her.

"Enchant: Life."

A green two-ringed magic circle appeared in between her palms, shooting out three beams of green light with two hitting Evan and Pride on the ground while the third and largest one hit the giant flesh golem.

It roared loudly as the ominous black haze surrounding its body dimmed a bit, with Eliza snapping her fingers twice and sending two more beams of green light that caused the black haze to completely fade away.

"I only have 3 charges left now…"

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Eliza muttered to herself as she kept her skill active just in case the flesh golem somehow regained its death aura once more and she had to deal with it again.

Meanwhile, Evan who now had a green ring of light with the same inscriptions on Eliza's spell circle floating around it, charged towards the flesh golem's feet and used vortex on one of its legs.

As the spiral-shaped mass of aura slammed onto the flesh golem's leg, it screamed in pain while dropping to one knee, right before Evan jumped into the air and generated another array of energy swords.

Unlike last time, all the swords had a barely noticeable thin layer of green light around them, something the flesh golem happened to notice as it stopped its attempt to charge towards the town walls in favour of blocking Evan's attack.

It swung the stump of its right arm while doing something that everyone watching considered to be disgusting.

The mass of flesh and corpses that made up its upper torso twitched and squeezed about, before twitchily moving over to its arm and reforming its left forearm.

It then transferred some of its flesh from its right arm over to its torso, in an attempt to balance the weight of its two arms on its body.

'Yeah…almost forgot it could do that.'

Evan's brow twitched repeatedly as he jumped backwards to avoid the weird black liquid that dripped from its forearm as it coated said arm in magic power and swatted away all the blades he had created.

Naturally, they exploded on contact but the creature's magic power coat made sure it only took minimal damage.

Immediately after this, it turned its attention back to the city walls, throwing out another shockwave to collide with the incoming magic before making its way towards the city walls.

Meanwhile, on said city walls, Eliza was currently trying to convince the lower levelled B rank adventurers that going out to join Evan and Pride in close combat with the golem was the worst idea that they could possibly have.

"I understand that you want to help, but the occasional magic attacks are okay.

If you go out there, you'd only end up disrupting my party members and making things worse. Don't you realise that you might be out of commission if that creature ge-!"