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Regressor Instruction Manual

Chapter 668
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Chapter 668: Over the Wall (4)

“Hayan’s here? It’s been a long time.”

“Oh, O-Oppa.”

“How have you been?”

“Y-Yes… Well, I’m doing well. I-it was a little difficult, but… I’ve been well. Did you do well, too? Yeah…”

“Yes, I’m sorry for not being able to contact you. I’m so busy… I’m sorry, Hayan.”

“Oh, no. No. It’s not something Oppa should be sorry for. Oppa shouldn’t be sorry. Yes… That’s right.”

“It’s been a long time for Sora, too.”

“I know, Vice Guild Master…”

“Is the work going well?”

“Yes, it doesn’t seem too bad. In fact, I don’t know if I can match all the quantities… Still, it’s okay for now, so you can rest assured.”

“Sora is w-w-working hard.”


‘I can’t look in her eyes properly.’

It wasn’t because I felt sorry for her, but because her eyes seemed so full of murderous intent.

‘It’s not like this all the time.’

Since that day, I had monitored her status with the telescope, and she still had those eyes.

I thought meeting her would make a difference, so I came in a neat appearance, but she still looked far from normal. All other factors were alright, but her eyes were a problem.

‘Ah, isn’t this okay? Isn’t this like touching the beehive?’

Since I had such a thought, what more would be needed?

However, on the other hand, she appeared to be down.

It wasn’t known what she was exactly thinking, but I thought that one of the reasons for Jung Hayan’s expression was obviously a feeling of inferiority.

She prepared a lot and made up her mind again, but she couldn’t completely shake off her thoughts about the genius wizard Park Mijin.

Sora put her own efforts to bring Jung Hayan back to normal, but it looked like it refused to work.

It wasn’t a suitable example, but I thought it was similar to Kim Hyunsung’s feeling of despair. After the work was over, she had to bring Jung Hayan back to her former state again.

It was no wonder that the front of her eyes was darker than normal.

She had to reassure Jung Hayan and raise her self-esteem. After all the work was done, that is.

‘At the moment, this is the best.’

I knew that Jung Hayan’s jealousy and anger were based on her low self-esteem.

I didn’t know if my interpretation was correct, but she had been like that since we first met.

She also had the trauma of being abandoned by her family, like human trash. That was why she wasn’t sure of herself.

She was basically carrying the burden that everything was because of her, and she consequently came to the idea that she could be abandoned at any time. Jung Hayan was constantly anxious, and her anxiety was the driving force behind her second timeline’s growth.

It was true that she had grown up, not simply because she was crazy, but because she desperately grabbed onto her magic.

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After I greeted her briefly, she ran to me, and then a comfortable smile began to spread from her lips. It looked like the bomb she carried had been given to someone else.

It was the happiest look I’d seen recently. So what else did I need to say?

‘Can you be so happy? Don’t show it too much.’

Wasn’t the situation heavenly for her?

“Did you prepare yourself?”

“Yes, a-a-a little.”

‘You’re desperate. I’ve seen a lot of this before.’

“You don’t have to overwork yourself, Hayan. As I already said, it’s just a mock battle, and it doesn’t mean much. I just need a lot of data. You might get hurt if you overdo yourself, so you can just think of it as a practice. Do you understand?”

“Yes, I know. I know.”

I was certain that she probably heard it with one ear and let it pass through the other ear.

Because in the state she was currently in, she wasn’t not listening well to others.

My arm was starting to tingle as if someone was holding my left arm so tightly.

I was worried that my limb would be broken by Jung Hayan’s grip, which was unusually strong for a wizard.

“The mock battle will be held in this forest, and there will be no separate rules. Whatever you do, it’s up to you, Hayan, so do it comfortably.”

“Yes, that will be convenient. That should be the right thing. Cha… When is Cha Heera coming?”

“Soon, perhaps.”

“Come on, honey, it’s been a long time. Even Ms. Second is here. How long has it been? How have you been?”


“I came because I was in a hurry and didn’t eat yet, but it doesn’t matter.”

“You do what you want, Noona.”

“You, too. Let’s eat together before starting. Blue Guild’s Han Sora. You too.”

“No, I…”

“Don’t walk away.”


Even Cha Hee-ra couldn’t be good enough.

Contrary to her usual appearance, she was slightly different, and she looked a little tense. From Jung Hayan’s appearance, Cha Hee-ra felt like a boundary.

It seemed that I didn’t really think she would be broken.

When I honestly saw Jung Hayan, I was worried about whether she would pressure Cha Hee-ra, but that didn’t seem to be the case.

What I was careful about was Jung Hayan. Cha Heera, as usual, was in the position of an apex predator.

“Well, let’s sit down and eat.”

I thought it would be necessary to eat together since it didn’t seem harmful.

That was because I was confident that sitting down and talking would help their feelings.

Wasn’t it a task that helped them not kill each other but to be co-workers first?

The huge bags she brought with her was noticeable.

I wondered why she brought the bag, which seemed to be larger than her body, but after checking it once with my Mind’s Eyes, I couldn’t help but think it was appropriate.

‘Weapons and armor.’

It looked like Hee-ra was in the mood for drinking, but she seemed to have decided that the Jung Hayan wasn’t an easy opponent, considering she prepared that much.

‘Of course, she can’t do anything without any weapons.’

Cha Hee-ra also understood that it was impossible to throw off the magic with her bare hands as before.

‘You must win.’

In simple terms, Jung Hayan had the upper hand, but her experience itself was inferior.

The Mercenary Queen was a person who had gained experience by crossing countless battles, and all of her experience was inherent in her body.

Soon, we began to eat leisurely. Unlike Cha Heera, who was eating meat with excitement, Jung Hayan didn’t put anything in her mouth.

It was natural for me to feel uncomfortable with the continued silence. I wasn’t the only one who was anxious either. Sora, a risk expert, was also losing her cool.

I thought she had to say something.

“I talked about it before, but I think it would be better to do it in a way that they won’t be too crowded with each other…”

“I know that.”

“Because we’re not going too far away, we’re waiting for the number of people to recover from the accident, and some safety devices are in place. You don’t have to be too passive.”

“There’s a lot to keep in mind. If it isn’t excessive, and if it isn’t possible to be passive…”


“Well, I’m done eating, so I have to wear some armament. By any chance, I’m telling you to stay far away as possible, honey. It means don’t wait here but go a little further.”

‘Why are you saying that, Noona?’

“It’s always annoying every time I wear it. And I’m going to die because it’s annoying to carry this bag, but there are no infinity bags for sale. If I knew this would happen, I would have bought some in advance.”

‘I have a lot.’

But I didn’t think I had to say that. Hee-ra looked busy wearing cool black armor for each part of her body.

Naturally, it was an unfamiliar scene. Cha Hee-ra was wearing completely different clothes than what she usually wore.

She had conveyed a sense of weight that seemed to feel like work from what she usually wore. Of course, it was not heavy for Cha Hee-ra, but it would be for anyone else, even her powerful guards.

I was sure that they wouldn’t be able to lift one part, let alone a whole set.

She looked like a warrior from legends with a large greatsword and a large ax in hand.

‘A feeling of overbearing…’

Wouldn’t Jung Hayan feel it as well? She hadn’t said much, but I could see that she was nervous.

“Are you nervous?”

“N-n-not really.”

“Relieve your tension. It’s a mock battle anyway. But she was strong, Park Mijin that is.”

‘Noona, why are you like that?’

“She was really strong. My pride has been crushed a little after such a long time, too. You can do it in moderation, Ms. Second. I think the results will also be obvious. Honestly, I wouldn’t have been here if it hadn’t been for the Vice Guild Master. It feels like he’s giving me another chance. Well, I’ll just do my best.”

‘Noona, stop. I think it would be okay to stop now.’

“This is really fun. Let’s start quickly?”

Follow on Novᴇl-Onlinᴇ.cᴏm

‘Stop Noona, please, Shit.’


It was all a little uncomfortable.

Perhaps the useless remarks of Cha Hee-ra were the expressions of her willingness to fight sincerely.

To say that it was the end of training didn’t match her personality.

Since she opened her mouth about Park Mijin, I was sure she was thinking of finishing it off with Park Mijin.

“So, annoying… Annoying… You’re annoying… Really…”

Jung Hayan slowly began to mutter with her small voice.

“Let’s go, Vice Guild Master. Quickly, quickly.”


“I have to go now. now… I think I should go now. We have to get out of here right now. Now…”

“No, wait a minute… wai…”

“I have to get out of here now…”

“No, what is so urgent?”

“I have to go now! You motherfucker!”

Immediately after Han Sora’s voice popped out, the birds in the forest suddenly started flying into the sky.

‘Shit, that surprised me.’

The animals started behaving as if a natural disaster was about to occur. However, that much was expected. What was a little surprising was that Han Sora sensed the natural disaster earlier than the wild animals.

‘What is this child’s identity?’

I thought so for a moment, but I felt it myself when I bore witness to what was right in front of my eyes.

Cha Hee-ra was still smiling, and Jung Hayan gradually lowered her head and muttered quietly in an inaudible voice.

I thought it would be a good idea to say that it was the start of their preparations, but it wasn’t a situation where such a statement was compatible.

Jung Hayan bit her lips tightly, and she had bloodshot eyes. Of course, red blood flowed from her mouth, but she didn’t seem to care about it.




That was when the loud clash was heard.

I saw an unrealistic view of Cha Hee-ra’s body floating a few hundred meters and being thrown to the other side.

“Let’s make a run for it.”

The red monster, who had already risen from her slumber, gave a big smile, and the appearance of joy was reflected. I was forced to turn right away and sit on the Griffon’s saddle.


“Don’t leave. Don’t leave me… Do not leave me!”


“Please, please!”

“Run quickly!!”

“Hey, you son of a bitch! Don’t leave me! Huh huh… Please don’t leave me! Ugh… Don’t leave me!!”