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Regressor Instruction Manual

Chapter 488: Cliché (2)
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Chapter 488: Cliché (2)

‘The royal road never collapses.’

It was the reason why I chose that cliché among various scenarios. The royal road would never collapse.

It was safer to go with the scenarios that had already been verified than to complicate the situation. The same would be true for the 27th Corps, but our job was very important to me.

Since the event was huge, I couldn’t help but worry about it.

Even if I organized it tepidly, there were many things that my project could solve at once.

It was even more so just looking at Benigonre’s bankruptcy, one of the most pressing things in the current situation.

‘This is already working. I’m not wrong after all.’

It was an unprecedented situation in which a part of the demon army would be summoned on the continent. The video I sent a few times had already spread all over the continent. As if responding to it, several articles had already begun to be distributed all over the continent.

[That is the full story of the Honorary Cardinal kidnapping case. Pope Basel, we need your prayers more than ever. -Reporter Kim Seong-gyeong, The Lindel Daily.

[Prayer meeting held in the square, Pope Basel in tears.-News from the Holy See]

[State leader Oscar will work hard to make the continent’s demons disappear.- The State Daily]

[Honorary Cardinal Lee Kiyoung’s golden time is estimated to be at most ten days. Blue’s Guild Master, Kim Hyunsung, gave a passionate pledge to save him.-Continental Newspaper]

[Here’s a review of Honorary Cardinal Lee Kiyoung’s past life. He is known to have been kidnapped after going down to help the federal people.- Celia Weekly Daily]

[The result was desired by the continent’s two enemies, the Demon Worshipper Ito Souta and the Demon Summoner Jin Qing. -The State Newspaper]

[Archbishop Jaina believes Benignore will help. Prayer meetings are scheduled to be held across the continent until the end of the operation.-The State Newspaper]

It was hot news.

In fact, although prayer meetings were held every day in the State, the quality before the invasion and after the invasion wasn’t the same.

I had no choice but to believe that the people of the State and the priests would pray from the bottom of their hearts. Naturally, Benignore would be affected.

Prayer meetings started all over the continent all at once. It would be strange not to have effects. It wasn’t possible to know exactly how much divinity would be needed until she was out of bankruptcy.

However, at least until my current project ended, the situation could be viewed as enough for her to recover. It wasn’t just that, even.

The fact that I could put a collar around Jung Hayan’s neck felt rather trivial.

Not only would Kim Hyunsung completely remove his doubts, but after work, I might hear his confession of being a regressor. I wasn’t sure, but he probably thought that what was happening was because of him.

‘If I had revealed that I was a regressor… this wouldn’t have happened…’

It was clear that he was feeling passionately worried.

I naturally became excited at the thought that I could do all the things that were left undone.

‘Leveling up the members is also a bonus…’

Follow on NovᴇlEnglish.nᴇt

It was possible to maintain a stable balance by clearing the enemy and removing the corps’ hardliners. It wasn’t unreasonable to bet life and death on the situation.

Although it was a slightly different reason than mine, the commanders in the 27th Corps were desperate, anyway, so they had no choice but to have synergy.

‘They surely like the Four Demon Generals…’

Some thought they should stick to me even if it meant risking their lives.

I remembered the commanders with an unknown determination on their faces last night, causing me to almost burst into laughter.

They were full of eagerness to become one of the Four Guardian Kings.

Except for the stupid Donovan guy, of course. In fact, it didn’t seem like he wasn’t greedy at all, but he seemed hostile towards the idea of playing along with a human.

‘So stupid…’

I felt like I was seeing the end of a boomer who couldn’t get on the flow of the times.

Considering that he had to face the end as one of the Four Demon Generals, his uncooperative attitude bothered me, but…

‘It’s easy to egg the stupid demon with only muscles in his skull.’

Considering Belial’s help, it wasn’t right to label it as work.

While I was looking at his profile with a smile, the door slowly opened, and someone familiar began to appear.

The role-decision game had begun.

Unlike how I normally presented myself, I used a serious voice. As it was the first step of an important project, it was natural to show a resolute attitude.

“Contestant number 1.”

-Yes. I’m contestant number 1, Limur.

The tentacle woman showed up, looking a little anxious.

I was worried that she would not be able to show off her skills since she looked too tense. However, she nodded when I tried to soothe her.

“You don’t have to be so nervous, Limur. As I said, it’s just a formal procedure.”


“It’s really just a formal procedure. You can be comfortable. Oh. Before that, I would appreciate it if you could fill out a questionnaire here.”


I already knew everything about her disposition, but I still had to go through the verification process.

When I saw Limur writing the correct answers on the well-made questionnaire, I got a smile on my lips.

“Let’s see. As expected, you applied to the Four Guardian Kings. And…”

-I don’t know if I can play it well, but I will do my best.

“Thinking about the impact of your first appearance, I think you can fully play other roles. However, this role needs a little more acting ability than other roles. Limur is too beautiful to assume this role….”

-Thank you for the praise, Lee Kiyoung. I’m so happy.

“If you applied for a different role, you would’ve been able to pass through it easily. Are you really okay with this?”

-Of course.

“Now, then, show me what you’ve got.”

Limur could be classified as Belial’s pick.

Just because the lord of lies and agitation trusted her didn’t mean I could already trust her.

However, that didn’t mean she couldn’t get an important role. As I said earlier, it was most important to get the job done successfully.

‘If I don’t have a choice, I’m going to put her in a role with less weight rather than one of the Four Demon Generals. What can I do?’

There must be a controversy over preferential treatment, but she was still Belial’s recommendation. Like the idol debut program aired on a certain station, there was no choice but to be forced to some degree.

Honestly, I didn’t have great expectations.

However, I had to be dumbfounded by the atmosphere that suddenly changed. Her ability to focus could be compared to Kim Ye-ri and Ahn Ki-mo, who were becoming professional actors.

Whenever a real actor started acting, the air itself was said to change. I had to think that that was the case, based on her eyes.

‘She surely draws attention. Great actress. Very good. Very, very good. Whew. Where was this kind of treasure hiding all along?’

It felt like I was being sucked into her eyes. What emanated from her body wasn’t magic power but a strange aura.

-F-For me… to be collapsing like this. For me to be collapsing like this!!!

‘Good breathing, good vocalization.’

-Don’t think of this as the end, insect humans! Our 27th Corps will be back again. Someday, we will come back to this continent and make all of you savage humans struggle in pain and torment. You will become beings that can neither die nor live, and you will be struggling in the fire forever! Don’t forget my words, worthless humans. We will come back for revenge.

‘Whoa, look at her gaze. Why are you so frightening?’

-We will come back!

‘Her voice makes me waver.’

-Limur of the 27th Corps will never give up until we step on and kill all of you!!! I will tear you up and every single member of your family!!! I will torture you without letting you die swiftly!

She looked like a hedgehog with thorns erecting with her tentacles.

Blood flowed out of her eyes, and her whole body trembled with anger. With her lips bitten, blood oozed out of her mouth. It looked familiar for some reason. She looked like…

‘Jung Hayan.’

It felt as if I was watching Jung Hayan suffering from maximum anger.

Having bumped into her before certainly helped.

I wasn’t sure, but it felt like she was benchmarking Jung Hayan’s look. I thought that the appearance of Limur would be unreasonable as it was a role that had to convey fear to the expedition.

However, she had completely overturned my prediction.

Follow on Novᴇl-Onlinᴇ.cᴏm

Not only did I stand up unknowingly, but my hands moved by themselves to applaud her.

“I-it was perfect. Wow… Even though you didn’t emit a murderous aura and used magic power, you gave off such a powerful effect. Honestly, I thought it would be a little difficult with your appearance, but it was so perfect that I can’t say anything…”

-Is that… true?

“Yes. Why would I lie? Now I think I know why Belial trusts Limur so much. Hahaha. Based on what I’ve seen, you’re definitely a treasure of the 27th Corps.”

-T-That’s embarrassing, Lee Kiyoung. In fact, I only got a little hint from the crazy woman I saw then.

“That’s not important. The important thing is Limur’s acting ability. I don’t think I need to say anything about it. I don’t think you need to wait.”


“Hahaha. It might be a little early, but this role seems to be a role made for you. In fact, I have to conduct interviews with other people, but it seems that I don’t need to anymore… Yes. I’ll be casting you. Let’s get on the same boat.”

-Oh! Thank you!

Watching her scream in an unusual way, I couldn’t help but feel elated as well.

The project, which was starting to have a little bit of groundwork, made me harbor a heartwarming thought, but it was only for a moment.



The leading actors’ acting skills weren’t bad, but they couldn’t shine without supporting roles.

I wanted to bring Ahn Ki-mo, Kim Ye-ri, and even Park Deokgu, too, out of pure frustration and desperation.

“Contestant number 34.”


“Contestant number 49.”

‘You’re terrible.’

In the end, the situation forced me to consider even reducing the weight of the remaining Four Guardian Kings.

In the meantime, Donovan, one of the Four Guardian Kings nominees, slowly entered the room.

Of course, his unpleasant face was remarkable. The guy who was reputed to be heavy couldn’t welcome something like a childish prank.

‘Let’s see…’

“Contestant number 56. Ah… Donovan. Come on in. Donovan. It is an infinite honor and for you to be participating in this way again today.”

-Stop. You better stop teasing me before I tear your dirty mouth apart, you worthless human.


-I don’t intend to fit into your childish joke. I just came in because Belial told me to conduct a personal interview with you. I have no intention of doing idiotic things like interviews or auditions, and I have no intention of acting as you wish.

‘This… son of a bitch.’

I had expected it, but he proved to be more uncooperative than I thought. My fists were clenched, but I had to pretend that I was in a good mood and smile for now.