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Reborn for Revenge or A Second Chance At Vengeance

Chapter 81
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Chapter 81 The One In The Wrong Is Aurelia 84 Finished "You don't even know where your sister works. You should be revising your lessons instead. You're going back to school tomorrow, so cback quickly!" Phyllis hurried to the balcony, opened the window, and called out to Herbert who had run downstairs, Herbert waved at Phyllis. "Trust me, I've never been one for last-minute cramming. Aurelia has been bullied, yet you didn't even tell me. I'm worried about her. I need to see her. I'm about to start college, so stop worrying about me!" Phyllis knew her own son best. Herbert was a stubborn one. Once he made up his mind, there was no changing it.

She let out a sigh of resignation.

After Gina was hung up on, her face darkened..

"Curtis, it seems tothat Phyllis and the others are adamant on you not reconciling with Aurelia. Given the circumstances, I suggest you should approach Aurelia directly." If it weren't for the increasing realization of Aurelia's usefulness, she would never have humbled herself to speak to Phyllis.

Despite being a single mother, why is Phyllis faring better than me? The more she thought about it, the more she felt it was unfair.

"No, Mom. I can't lose Aurelia." Curtis forcefully ruffled his hair, a picture of utter dejection.

Since losing his job, he had noticeably lost weight in just a few short days, Gina watched with distress. "With your qualifications, you can find any type of woman you want. Aurelia is now a kept woman, sullied by others. Why would you want her? Regardless of how much you persuade her, she still won't cback." How did my son end up being tormented to this extent by Aurelia? She is simply unworthy of him! Curtis' eyes were bloodshot. "Mom, please stop talking about it!" After she was scolded, Gina's eyes flickered, and she did not dare to say anything more. Her son was indeed filial, but sometimes he had quite a temper.

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It seemed that he cared a lot about Aurelia.

Had she known it would cto this, she would have helped him persuade Aurelia to stay back then. instead of speaking so heartlessly.

"She wouldn't have been so heartless without a reason. She must have seenwith Melanie, and that's why she didn't believe the clarification on the internet. I should have realized this sooner." Curtis regretted more and more as he thought about it.

He truly regretted it to the extreme.

Chapter 81 The One In The Wrong Is Aurelia.

Why didn't I cherish Aurelia properly? We were about to get married.

Finished These past few days, he often found himself reminiscing about their high school days and the sweet moments they shared. Back then, they were carefree, and his heart was filled with nothing but Aurelia.

Back then, he had sworn that he would never let her down in this lifetime. He vowed to spend the rest of his life with her.

In the end, he forgot about it...

Inside Leedon Group. Gideon and Benjamin were working frantically.

One by one, phone calls cin. Each one was about collaborations that had been previously agreed upon but were now all cancelled.

The other party preferred to even forgo the deposit, opting instead to cancel the collaboration.

"Don't botherwith such trivial matters. What's the point ofpaying you high salaries? Get out, all of you!" Gideon lost all the decorum of a chairman.

Benjamin glanced at Gideon, who had already lost his composure. His eyes were bloodshot. "Dad, I fear our family business won't last much longer. I've cto realize that someone is deliberately sabotaging us." "Sabotaging us? Mr. Zeller doesn't have the guts. Matthew would never listen to him, especially when it involves messing with a company that's already established." Gideon shook his head. This was something he simply couldn't understand.

Where exactly did things go wrong? Why would anyone intentionally target me? The result of his years of hard work and dedication were on the verge of being destroyed.

"Indeed, Mr. Zeller probably doesn't have the capability to attack us, and Mr. Quigley certainly wouldn't listen to him. However, in Jacaster, there aren't many who have the power to effortlessly intimidate many companies into cancelling their cooperation with us," Benjamin said in a deep voice.

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few Gideon furrowed his brows tightly. "It seems we've been heading in the wrong direction these past days. What we should be doing now is not trying to salvage those partnerships but to find out who exactly is targeting us." Suddenly, Benjamin thought of someone. "Could it be Auri? She truly despises us." When he was alone, he would ponder on why Aurelia would harbor resentment toward them. He simply couldn't understand. Aurelia's childhood hin the countryside was not only remote but also impoverished. After returning to their home, her life had clearly improved compared to before. Could it be due to her dissatisfaction? "Her? She doesn't have that kind of capability," Gideon flatly denied.

"She couldn't do it on her own, but if she found a powerful benefactor, it would be possible. Perhaps we were wrong from the start. Her benefactor isn't Mr. Zeller but someone else who holds significant influence in Jacaster." Benjamin knew that Aurelia was gorgeous but didn't want to admit it initially. Undeniably, the latter was even more beautiful than Melanie.

Men of all ages have a fondness for young and beautiful girls, and Aurelia fits the bill exactly. Chapter 81 The One In The Wrong is Aurelia Finished Gideon calmed himself down. “If she really is the one causing trouble, I'll strangle her. Have someone investigate and find out exactly who her financial backer is!" Benjamin nodded. “Alright, I'll have someone look into it." Aaron, who happened to drop by to check on things, overheard the conversation right outside the door.

He felt an inexplicable discomfort in his heart, his brows furrowed as he said, "You know, we haven't been very kind to Auri all this while."

"Haven't we? Ever since we found out she was our daughter, we brought her back home, let her live in oum er live in house, and even gave her the opportunity to study abroad. It's her own greed, wanting more and disobeying. I rather not have such a daughter!" Gideon heard his eldest son's words and responded in anger.

In his eyes, the one at fault was Aurelia Benjamin also expressed sdisagreement. "Aaron, what's been going on with you these past couple of days? Why do you keep defending Aurelia? After she returned home, our attitudes toward her have been the same. Didn't you previously say that she was disobedient?"

"Before, we were all too concerned about Mel, to the point where we overlooked what she was actually! thinking The more I think about Mel and Curtis' situation these past few days, the more I feel something is off Aaron increasingly found it difficult to explain his feelings.

Benjamin couldn't bear to listen anymore. "Aaron, would you rather believe Aurelia than Mel? Also, Mel has grew up with us. If we are too kind to Auri, wouldn Mel feel heartbroken? If Aurelia was obedient enough, she should care for Mel just like us, instead of standing by indifferently and colluding with outsiders against our family.

Moreover, Mel needs her blood. Look at Aurelia now. She refuses to go to the hospital, so we can only think of other ways." Aaron was taken aback, momentarily at a loss for words.

In front of Gardner Group Building, Herbert, with an air of youthful innocence, was pacing back and forth, occasionally glancing toward the entrance.

It was close to lunchtwhen Aurelia crunning out of the building.