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Reborn: Rise of the Greatest Summoner

Chapter 55 The Swordmaster Hideout
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As soon as the grey world gathering came to an end after 2 hours, on returning to the real world, Legolas called the 3 players together and laid his plan out before them.

"Ok, here's the plan".

Legolas sat beside his 3 player helpers as he laid the plan out for them. "The first part of our plan is finding out the base that the prince was taken to".

"After finding out the enemy base that he was taken to, we'll make up an infiltration plan on the spot to rescue the prince".

"Got it?"

"Yes, faction leader!" All 3 players replied loudly.

Even though they did not understand half of what he just said, just to fulfill all righteousness, they still replied loudly with zeal and conviction.

With that, Legolas finally stood up and led them out of the inn.

Though he spoke to them about the plan, he also did it just to go with the flow, he really didn't need their help to find out where Prince Christensen was taken to. Once they were ready, he called his beasts.


You have activated active ability: Beast Plane Summoning


"Awooo!" Akela announced his presence first as he led the others out.

Lucky and Predator soon arrived also through the rainbow bridge. Lucky was as haughty as usual, while Predator wagged its tongue in anticipation of battle.

Legolas ignored Lucky and gently patted Predator's head. "Good boy".

Lucky simply looked at the 2 and tsked in disdain.

"Predator, be a good boy and carry my 3 companions".

"As for Lucky, find a way to keep up with us".

The 3 players were stunned, they now had the opportunity to mount a beast. Though Predator was unwilling, it still lowered itself for the 3 players to mount.

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An excited Horny Assassin was already recording the proceedings.

Once the 3 players mounted Predator, Legolas mounted Akela and without even waiting for his pet beast, he kicked Akela and the Wind Wolf sprinted away.

Predator roared before following in pursuit.

To Legolas's disappointment though, Lucky after spending a few days in the beast plane already learned to harness her wind powers. By harnessing the power of the wind, she effortlessly kept up with the other 2 beasts.

After spending a long time in the Blue Sea prefecture, Legolas's destination this time was the Blue Scale Shelter where he met the prince some time ago.

To get information about Christensen, he decided to start from there.

2 hours later, due to Akela's speed, Legolas arrived at the Blue Scale Shelter.

Without waiting for Predator who was still lagging behind, Legolas simply left simple search missions for the 3 players before entering the shelter with his beast.

"Have you heard of Prince Christensen?"

"Oh, the Summoner Prince? I heard he was kidnapped by the psychopaths".

After asking around for some time, Legolas finally got what he wanted. One of the locals in the shelter was able to give him more information about the prince.

He followed the local's directions and soon arrived at a wine shop where after paying some money, he was able to get even more detailed information about the prince.

They didn't know the base of the Clown Society, but according to the information vendor, Prince Christensen was taken eastwards towards the Blue Sea and the Mikaryat mountains.

Instantly after he got this 2 vital information, Legolas got what he wanted.

Having played the full version 1 as a player in his previous life, and with the Clown Society being the main storyline enemy, he knew a lot about them.

Legolas remembered that there were 2 Clown Society bases located close to the Blue Sea. One was built under the sea itself, while the other was inside a cave deep inside the Mikaryat mountains.

After doing a small math of addition and subtraction, Legolas concluded that there was a 70% chance that the prince was taken to the 2nd base in the mountains.

Legolas communicated telepathically with his beast and in no time, Predator was before him with the 3 players following.

"We found our target, now is the time to infiltrate".

"Follow me".

"Yes, faction leader".

From the Blue Scale Shelter to the Mikaryat mountains was not far, Legolas and his faction members spent only 10 minutes before they arrived.

Once they arrived at the rough Mikaryat mountains, with Legolas's expert knowledge, they only needed another 7 minutes before they located the secret base of the Clown Society.

From here on, to avoid attracting attention, Legolas decided to send his beasts back to the beast plane until he needed their help.

Before sending them though, he did something that was already long due.


You have activated active ability: God of the Herd!


Legolas placed his hands on Akela's head and activated the ability. "From today, I bestow the ability to be the leader of my herd to you!"

Instantly, Akela experienced changes, both physical and mental.


Congratulations! You have bestowed your herd with a leader!

Akela has received the following bonuses as the leader of the herd


>+40 Strength, +50 Dexterity, +20 Vitality, +50 Intelligence, +20 Charm<

>You have gained +500 Health Points<

>You have unlocked passive ability: Leading Aura<

Calculating…, since Akela already has this passive ability, an ability merge has been attempted, please wait…

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>You have unlocked passive ability: Intermediate Leading Aura<

>Intermediate Leading Aura: +20% overall stat boost to 8 wolves in the pack<


Akela grew much stronger in such a short while.

Once the changes were over, Legolas turned to face Lucky with a serious look on his face. "I want Akela to have some wolves in the pack before I call you guys for help, and I admit defeat, I can't do this without you".

"Akela needs your luck aura to speed things up".

"Lucky, please help him secure some wolves".

"Finally, you're asking politely". Lucky raised her head arrogantly. "Fine, I'll help you, don't worry yourself".

Legolas smiled and patted her thankfully then he turned to face Predator. "Big boy, Akela needs you to subdue some wolves".

"Roar!" Predator roared enthusiastically.

Without wasting time, Legolas activated his Beast Plane Summoning ability again before sending all 3 beasts back to the beast plane.

With this done, he finally turned to face his 3 faction members. "Let's go in".

"Yes, faction leader".

Evading the psychopaths that were guarding the entrance to the cave proved hard, but with Legolas's expertise, they were able to overcome this little huddle.

Legolas simply applied some basic tricks to fool the guards before sneaking in with his 3 companions. The cave was a type that went downwards underground the deeper in you went.

After going deep enough, all 4 of them finally appeared before the underground hideout, they were now standing before a long corridor.

"The Swordmaster hideout!"

On seeing the corridor, Legolas's memory clicked as he finally remembered everything about this famous underground hideout.

The swordmaster hideout was a large underground bunker with several rooms for living and storage. It had one main passage to the surface and several ventilation shafts to keep the psychopaths occupying it living.

The hideout had reserves for food, smoke, and weapons, as well as a water system. It was a rare independent hideout of the Clown Society.

The most important info about the hideout was its leader, the Swordmaster.

The Swordmaster was a Grade D Pugilist!