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Rebirth of the Godly Prodigal-Novel2

Chapter 959 - Money Makes One the Lord
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Chapter 959: Money Makes One the Lord

Translator: Atlas Studios Editor: Atlas Studios

“Ten billion, ten billion!” The mysterious man circled the room excitedly. His face was flushed with excitement and his hands trembled. “Let me calm down first, let me calm down first! I need to think about how to spend this money!” He quickly instructed. “Quick, call the other seven members over. We’ll discuss this properly today! Also, ask them not to touch the sixteen space carriers. Let us discuss first before deciding what to do with them. Quick, go!”

With this money, the construction speed of the New Earth would be increased tremendously.

After all, having money meant having tools, skills, talent, and technology! Especially since the money was in the commonly used currency in the Galaxy, it was even better.

Soon, the eight members of New Earth gathered.

The eight members of the New Earth Federation were divided according to the geographical locations on Earth. Merika, Canada, South America, and Australie made up four members. The EU, Russia, South Africa, three members, and Heavenly State, which governed Asia. Eight people exactly.

These eight people held the most power in New Earth. Of course, similar to some island countries, hmm...

“I heard there is good news?” Merika’s President Mr. McGregor anxiously asked as he walked into the room, “Is it about Young Master Dali?”

The others looked eager as well.

To them, news from Hong Dali was almost always good news. It was like money falling from the sky. It was beyond doubt.

“There is indeed good news from Dali.” The mysterious man waited for everyone to sit comfortably before speaking. “I’ll cut the crap. Currently, we have a thousand things waiting to be done here. What do we need the most in order to rebuild Earth? We need money, manpower, tools, we need many many things.”

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Speaking up to this point, everyone took a deep breath.

Seemed that this piece of good news was as expected, money! Hong Dali had sent money to New Earth!

“Young Master Dali sent us money?” McGregor asked anxiously, “How much? One hundred million? Two hundred million? I heard on the spacecraft previously that it’s hard to earn Galaxy Dollars.”

The others nodded in unison. “That’s right. For our New Earth, having 100 million Galaxy Dollars worth of resources could increase the construction speed of the entire New Earth by a hundred years! We will be able to quickly return to the level of science and technology of the Earth before.” “I think it’s more than that. If we can buy some higher-level technology, we can even catch up with the technological strength of other planets with a medium-range civilization in the Universe.”

One hundred million Galaxy Dollars was not a small amount. After all, how much did Hong Dali spent when he purchased this planet?

But it was clear that these people were in for a big shock.

“Hehe, it’s more than that.” The mysterious man laughed loudly then said in a low voice, “Dali has given us a total of 5 billion! Five billion Galaxy Dollars!”

Five billion!

Everyone was dumbfounded when they heard that! Five billion Galaxy Dollars. What kind of concept was that? It was sufficient for New Earth to catch up to the technological level of higher civilizations of the Galaxy!

They might not be able to build a space carrier measuring hundreds or thousands of kilometers in length, but at least some civilian technology and ordinary military technology would have epoch-making progress!

“It’s so much, thank God, thank you, Dali!” McGregor exclaimed.

“Which is why I want to discuss with everyone on how to use this money.” The mysterious man smiled. “Currently, my plan is divided into a few major parts. Resources, tools, technology, high-end researchers, etc. Which means to say, other than ordinary labor, we should buy everything at one go.”

“Haha, with money, future developments will be easy!” McGregor laughed. “I knew that as long as Young Master Dali is around, Earth will definitely not lose out! Young Master Dali brought us here during the previous battle against the Zerg. Now, he’s sending us money—respected Chairman, I think we should erect a statue for Young Master Dali at the best place on New Earth! Just like our Merika’s Statue of Liberty. I have even thought of the name. It shall be called Statue of Dali!”

Statue of Dali, what a distinguished name...

Everyone laughed except the mysterious man who shook his head. “That is possible. But it can wait. Rebuilding is the most important thing now.”

Everyone nodded and agreed in unison.

Hence, they began analyzing the things that needed to be purchased.

The principle was to only buy useful things. After much discussion, solely various scarce resources alone would require them to bring in ten Fifth-level Stellar Space Carriers, which was equivalent to 820 million Galaxy Dollars. Technology, some commonly used practical military-use technology would cost 460 million Galaxy Dollars. The tools were slightly cheaper. After all, such things were not worth much. In view of the quantity of tools required, that would cost 300 million. Manpower would cost even less, just 200 million.

The other miscellaneous things would cost 600 million.

Everything added up to less than 2.5 billion Galaxy Dollars. As for the balance, although everyone really wanted to keep some, looking at the mysterious man’s expression, they were too embarrassed to ask.

In the end, there was a total of about 7.5 billion back-up funds left—Of course, he did not report the five billion completely. After all, this was between the countries and he could not possibly show all his cards at once. Hence, he kept half of the benefit for his own country, which also served as Hong Dali’s savings.

“Aiya, with all these resources, everything will be simpler. Haha.” When they finished their discussion, McGregor looked at the mysterious man differently—he knew in his heart that although the mysterious man said there were five billion, he had probably received at least ten billion. Money made one the lord. He decisively got ready to suck up to the mysterious man. No matter what, he was very kind.

It was etiquette to trust one another.

Hence, everyone happily left. The meeting ended.

“This kid, Dali,” When everyone left, the mysterious man chuckled. “I didn’t dote on him for nothing. I knew he’s reliable!”

The Bureau Chief pouted secretly in a corner—did you dote on him as much as I did? action


Silver-blue super-planet, Shenluo City, St. Homburg Grand Hotel.

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“Xiaoyi,” Hong Dali wore the Black and White-level Double Aristocrat trench coat as he laid on Li Nianwei’s legs. He drank his beverage as he asked, “Are there any news from New Earth? What did they say?”

“We have received news from them.” Ling Xiaoyi smiled. “The Bureau Chief has given me the latest list. My brother is preparing to come over. They’re just waiting for the spacecraft to arrive.”

“Haha, that’s good, that’s good.” Hong Dali laughed and said, “It’s best if they can quickly rebuild. I won’t have to worry so much. Hehe. Did Grandpa Mysterious give any new instructions?”

“Not yet.” Ling Xiaoyi answered. “He only asked Young Master to be careful of your own safety. Oh yes,” Ling Xiaoyi could no longer hold it in and began laughing. “The Bureau Chief also said, they intend to erect a statue of you, named Statue of Dali. He even said the statue will be erected at the best place for the citizens to worship. These words will be engraved on the statue, ‘Living in our hearts forever.’”

When she said that, everyone burst out laughing.

“Do they have to change Dali Creates Miracles when they come to worship?” Hong Dali was in a good mood. Although the Bureau Chief had said it jokingly, but it meant the situation there was quite good.

“Perhaps.” When Ling Xiaoyi thought of the scene, tens of thousands, hundreds of thousands of people crouching below the status and chanting “Dali Creates Miracles” in unison, she could not stop laughing.

That scene must be very comical. Especially since the atmosphere would be very solemn...

“Aye, what are you all chatting about?” As everyone was amused, Tang Muxin was all dressed up as she came through the door. “The spacecraft is ready. Let’s set off now to Faerie Star. I heard it’s a good place!”

Faerie Star. Finally, it was time to go to this legendary planet.

Hong Dali was finally going to meet the real Sister Green Phoenix and little Acka.

“En, haha. Let’s set off now!” Hearing that, Hong Dali stood up immediately. “Everyone, get ready. We’re boarding now! Don’t forget your things. Snacks, beer, drinks, etc. Oh right, bring along the folding villa I prepared previously. We can’t possibly stay in the cave while we’re there, right?”

En, a prodigal indeed. No matter where he went, there was no way he would suffer...

“Everything is ready.” Tang Muxin clung onto Hong Dali’s arm and ran. “Let’s go, let’s go. Sister Qianxue is waiting. She’s going with us.”

“Aye?!” Hong Dali was stunned. “She’s going too?!”

To be honest, now that his identity was revealed, he was not sure how to manage his relationship with Jiang Qianxue...

She was previously his experimental partner. Looking at things now, it seemed she was intending to become his real partner! This was a big problem—what should he do? Should he do it, or should he not do it? It was a very serious problem...

Of course, that could be settled later on. The important thing now was, as he exited from St. Homburg Grand Hotel and boarded the spacecraft, the first thing he saw was Jiang Qianxue, smiling and looking at him as she sat on the sofa...