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Realizer of Death : The Reaper

Chapter 91 91
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"I didn't expect this person to be much more loyal than a member of a certain organization. He committed suicide by biting into the poison hidden in his mouth." Tenku muttered and confirmed that the person had died from poisoning. He checks the body and found a small hexagonal board with a geometric pattern. Tenku was sure it was a device for controlling the array as he had faintly sensed the Qi from it.

"How do I deactivate this array?" Tenku looked at the hexagonal board in confusion. He tried to channel Qi into it, and the area's barrier suddenly disappeared.

After that, Tenku checked the other nineteen people's bodies but didn't find anything of value. As usual, Tenku swallowed the corpses with the Devouring Scythe to erase any traces of the fight. He looked around to ensure no one saw him and quickly left.

Tenku returned using the same path when he came to that place, and it didn't take long to get to the building where the participants lived. But he was confused when he saw Wang Ruyue standing in front of the entrance with a worried face.

"What are you doing at this hour? Shouldn't you rest early for tomorrow's match?" Tenku said and walked over to her. Wang Ruyue was startled when she heard Tenku's voice because she didn't feel his presence.

"Tenku! Where are you going!? I looked for you in your room, but you weren't there!? I was worried because I couldn't find you anywhere." Wang Ruyue jogged towards Tenku and complained. She looked worried for him from her expression, making Tenku feel warm in his heart.

"I'm sorry for making you worry. But why are you looking for me? Did something happen?" Tenku said apologetically, and he felt guilty for making Wang Ruyue worry for him.

"Nothing happens. Grandpa asked me to check on you in your room. I knocked on the door and called for you many times, but there was no answer from inside. I thought you were asleep and didn't hear me, so I contacted you and kept calling to ensure you were in your room. But after waiting for a long time, I didn't get any reply and assumed that you weren't there.

I searched all over the building and even Huang Yuxin's room but couldn't find you. After that, I thought you were taking a walk outside, but before I could search the entire area of this place, you appeared, and my guess was correct. You're not in your room and walking out alone." Wang Ruyue explained.

"I see. I'm sorry that I have a little business outside. I also forgot to bring my smartphone. But what are you doing looking for me in Huang Yuxin's room? Did you think I would come to a lady's room at night?" Tenku didn't understand why Wang Ruyue suspected him of visiting Huang Yuxin's room at night.

"Ahaha... I don't know where else to look for you because you don't have many acquaintances in Beijing, and Yuxin is one of them." Wang Ruyue said embarrassedly.

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"Okay. We better get back inside and see your grandpa. I want to know why master asked you to check my room." Tenku was about to enter the building, but Wang Ruyue stopped him.

"You don't have to do that because I already reported it to grandpa, and he said he didn't have anything to say to you." Wang Ruyue showed the chat messages on her smartphone to Tenku.

"Then, we should return to our respective rooms and rest." Tenku wanted to take a step but was stopped again by Wang Ruyue.

"Wait a minute! Since we're outside, could you accompany me for a short walk around the area? I came here once when my parents were alive, but I had forgotten about it since it was years ago." Wang Ruyue said with a pitiful face. Tenku could faintly see the sadness on her face.

"Okay. I also want to know the area around here." Tenku agreed because he couldn't bear to look at Wang Ruyue's face, especially when he remembered his parents. He indirectly also shared the same sorrow with that girl.

"Thank you! In that case, I'll lead the way. I hope I still remember this place." Wang Ruyue replied excitedly, and her face became even brighter.

"Yes. Please show me the most beautiful places in Badaling National Forest Park." Tenku nodded and smiled.

"Leave it to me." Wang Ruyue patted his chest and started walking.

Tenku and Wang Ruyue walked shoulder to shoulder under the moonlight in Badaling National Forest park. Even so, Tenku still uses the flashlight from his space pocket to light their way. They saw lots of fireflies and heard crickets all around the place.

Along the way, Wang Ruyue talked about her life as a cultivator, a Realizer, and a student. Tenku calmly listened to her stories and occasionally asked questions. Without them noticing, the distance between them became closer than before.

After walking for a long time, they stopped at a gorge and sat down on a large rock while looking at the surrounding scenery. Tenku had a sense of deja vu when he saw his current situation. He remembered that he once sat with a girl on a rock in the middle of the forest at night.

"I told you about me. Isn't it unfair if you don't tell me about you?" Wang Ruyue looked at Tenku and smiled coquettishly. She was curious about Tenku's life experience because Wang Haotian didn't want to tell her about it.

"What for? My life experience is very uninteresting and will bore you." Tenku hesitated to tell Wang Ruyue about her past even though the other party had done so. He doesn't want many people to know about his past because he intends to keep it to himself.

"Wasn't I the one who asked you to tell me? Of course, I will not get tired of hearing it. Since you are my grandfather's disciple, I should get to know you better. That way, we can share happiness and sadness." Wang Ruyue gave her reasons.

"Hmm... I agree with your first sentence. But the latter is usually said to a lover." Tenku corrected Wang Ruyue's words because they sounded ambiguous to him.

"Huh? Did I say something strange?" Wang Ruyue tilted her head and recalled what she had said to Tenku. When she remembered her words, her face blushed as she realized her mistake.

"I did not mean it! Please don't misunderstand! Don't martial brothers and sisters share happiness and sorrow too!? It doesn't just apply to couples!" Wang Ruyue raised her voice and explained frantically.

"Is that so? I don't know about the relationship between martial brothers and sisters. Forgive me for my ignorance." Tenku lowered her head and said apologetically.

"Okay. We need not dwell on the matter any further. So can you tell me about your life experience? I want to hear about it and get to know you better because you are my grandfather's only disciple." Wang Ruyue tried to bring back the topic of their conversation.

"Then I will tell it. I was born in Ibaraki…" Tenku talked about his past.

He started from his hometown, about his parents who were killed by monsters, his sister who disappeared into the portal, and about Kouta and Misora, who took care of him for several years.

Tenku also talked about his reasons for becoming Wang Haotian's disciple and his goal to find his sister in another world.

Wang Ruyue fell silent after hearing Tenku's story. She finally understood the meaning of Tenku's words last night. They do have almost the same fate. But Wang Ruyue was luckier because she still had family in this world.

"I'm sorry for making you remember your past. I shouldn't have forced you to tell me." Wang Ruyue lowered her head and felt guilty.

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"You don't need to apologize. I still remember that incident but don't think about it anymore because it was something in the past. What I see now is the future. Besides, I won't tell you if I don't want to do it, even if you force me to. So I told you about my past of my own free will." Tenku smiled and subconsciously patted Wang Ruyue's head gently.

Wang Ruyue's body trembled slightly when Tenku touched her, and she remembered her parents in the past. Tenkuu finally realized what he had done, and he quickly pulled his hand away from her head.

"Ah, I apologize for my impolite behavior. I subconsciously patted your head because I thought of my sister when she was sad." Tenku said frantically and tried to explain.

"Ahaha... You don't need to worry about that. I don't hate it when you do that. In the past, my father patted my head to comfort me when I was sad." Wang Ruyue chuckled when she saw Tenku's reaction. She didn't mind if Tenku patted her head and instead felt comfortable.

"Thank you." Tenku sighed with relief. Fortunately, Wang Ruyue was not angry with him.

Wang Ruyue fell silent after hearing Tenku's words. She looked like she wanted to ask him something but hesitated. But it wasn't long before she finally opened her mouth.

"By the way, do you have a girlfriend?" Wang Ruyue squeezed the words out of her mouth after mustering up her courage. Tenku raised his eyebrows when he heard Wang Ruyue's question, but he quickly responded.

"I have no intention of having a romantic relationship with any girl. Didn't I tell you that I focused on getting stronger and looking for my sister in Arcadia? Because of that, I don't want to think about romantic matters that might distract me." Tenku answered honestly.

"Then, who is the person who often sends messages to you? I saw you several times busy with your smartphone, and you seemed very quick to reply." Wang Ruyue asked and smiled. Instead of being fascinated, Tenku shivered when he saw that.

"She is my upperclassman at school and my senior in the Realizer organization. She is Setsuka, and we have nothing more to do than be friends." Tenku smiled bitterly and explained.

"Is that so?" Wang Ruyue asked suspiciously. For some reason, she felt a threat after hearing the girl's name. But then Wang Ruyue felt relieved after remembering what Tenku said about his refusal to have a romantic relationship with any girl for now.

"Yeah, I didn't lie to you. By the way, the time is getting late. We should get back to that building soon." Tenku tried to divert the topic of their conversation and stood up from the rock.

"Alright. I believe in you. Let's go back. But before that…" Wang Ruyue said in a low voice. She stood on tiptoe and kissed Tenku on the cheek

"Thank you for accompanying me tonight." Wang Ruyue smiled so beautifully under the moonlight, and Tenku was mesmerized by it.