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Realizer of Death : The Reaper

Chapter 140 140
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Tenku and Huang Yuxin only took about an hour to get to the Huang family's mansion by car. The girl brought her vehicle to the competition area and parked it not far from the entrance of Badaling National Forest Park.

Along the way, Huang Yuxin teaches Tenku how to pretend to be her fake boyfriend. First, they had to drop the formalities between them. Secondly, both have to be close and show affection in public.

Tenku and Huang Yuxin had to show skin contact when others were around them. At least they should be close to zero distance in front of Huang Yuxin's mother. The third and most important thing is that Tenku has to call Huang Yuxin affectionate.

"Xin'er?" Tenku tried to call Huang Yuxin.

Huang Yuxin nodded slightly in response to Tenku's call. The girl's face immediately turned red to her ears when she heard that. Her heart pounded wildly as she felt like they were a real couple.

Huang Yuxin parked her car in front of a classic-looking mansion. When Tenku got out of the car and saw the building, he was a little surprised because the heaven and earth aura in that place did not differ much from the Wang family.

"As expected of a martial arts family. All those families should have a Qi gathering array as their foundation." Tenku muttered and looked around the mansion with interest.

"Tenku! What are you doing standing there? Let's go in!" Huang Yuxin turned around after noticing that Tenku was not following behind her.

"Ah, yes." Tenku nodded and quickly caught up with the girl. When the two of them stepped into the gate of the mansion, they were greeted by a middle-aged man. The person jogged and stopped right in front of Huang Yuxin.

"Miss! You're back!? Are you okay!? I heard that a space collapse appeared in Badaling National Forest Park!" The middle-aged man said frantically.

"Please calm down, Uncle Cheng. You don't have to worry because I'm fine. A space collapse did appear there, but the Realizers and cultivators of the four major families already took care of it." Huang Yuxin smiled and tried to comfort him.

The middle-aged man is Huang Cheng, the servant in the mansion. Huang Cheng and his family have served the Huang family for generations. He was also the person who had taken care of Huang Yuxin since she was young, and she had considered him a part of the family.

"But your wound?" Huang Cheng looked worriedly at Huang Yuxin's two hands covered with bandages.

"Ah, it's not because of the monsters. I got these injuries in a match in a martial arts competition." Huang Yuxin explained.

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"Then what about the results of the competition, Miss!? did you obtain the Holy Water to treat madam's illness?" Huang Cheng asked hopefully. But then he noticed that Huang Yuxin's pretty face had clouded over after hearing his words.

"By the way, who is the boy next to you?" Huang Cheng quickly shifted the topic of their conversation. When he saw her expression, he realized that things were not going well for Huang Yuxin in the competition. But the question wasn't just for that reason. Huang Cheng is curious about the person she brought back to the Huang family's mansion.

"I forgot to introduce him to you. He is Tenku, my boyfriend…." Huang Yuxin replied, but her voice was barely audible at the end of the sentence. He held Tenku's hand shyly to further convince Huang Cheng of their relationship.

Huang Yuxin's face was as red as an apple, and she could only lower her head. This was the first time she had brought a man into the Huang family's mansion. What's more, introduces him as her boyfriend.

Huang Cheng was silent when he heard Huang Yuxin's answer. He looked at the two people in turn and then at their hands that were interlocked with each other.

"That boy is your boyfriend?" Huang Cheng asked to confirm Huang Yuxin's words. He was worried that his ears had misheard what the girl had said.

"Yes, he is my boyfriend." Huang Yuxin nodded slightly in response to Huang Cheng's question

Huang Cheng was startled after seeing the nod from Huang Yuxin. Then he looked at Tenku again and was sure the boy was Japanese. Huang Cheng didn't know how his lady suddenly came with Tenku and introduced him as her boyfriend.

"Nice to meet you, uncle. My name is Tenku. As you may have guessed, I am Japanese. Xin'er and I met at a martial arts competition. After that, we fell in love and decided to have a relationship." Tenku looked at Huang Cheng and bowed to him. He answered according to the sentence Huang Yuxin had prepared in the car on returning to the mansion.

Huang Yuxin blushed when she heard the way Tenku called her name. She subconsciously tightened her grip on his hand.

Huang Cheng couldn't help but shake his head when he saw that Huang Yuxin seemed to have completely fallen in love with the Japanese boy. That girl wouldn't let Tenku address her so affectionately if she didn't have special feelings for him. But he was still confused about how they suddenly formed a relationship when they had only known each other briefly.

(Did she fall in love at first sight with the Japanese boy? He shouldn't be an ordinary person. Otherwise, Miss wouldn't have such feelings for him)

Huang Cheng pondered but then shook his head and dispelled the thought. Whoever becomes Huang Yuxin's boyfriend, he doesn't care as long as that person can make her happy. Now Huang Cheng could see the happiness on the girl's face when he was with Tenku. It showed that the Japanese boy was suitable for Huang Yuxin.

"I am Huang Cheng. You can call me Uncle Cheng. I have taken care of Yuxin since she was a child, and I already think of her as my niece." Huang Cheng smiled and introduced himself.

"Alright, Uncle Cheng." Tenku smiled and answered curtly.

"From now on, please take good care of Yuxin. I entrust her to you. Love her with all your heart and never make her sad." Huang Cheng said seriously.

"Uncle Cheng!" Huang Yuxin panicked when she heard that.

Huang Cheng raised his hand to stop the girl's words. His eyes stared intently at Tenku, and he purposely unleashed his power to suppress the boy before him.

"I will protect Xin'er and will not make her sad." Tenku replied calmly.

Huang Cheng was slightly surprised when he saw that Tenku's face had not changed under his pressure. But then he suddenly laughed after seeing Tenku's eyes.

"Hahaha... Good! Good!" Huang Cheng patted his shoulder excitedly. He was happy when he heard Tenku's answer because he could feel the seriousness of his words.

Huang Yuxin blushed even more when she heard Tenku's words. She clenched her fists tightly in front of her chest to calm her heart, which was about to explode.

"You should be grateful, Miss. You got a good boyfriend." Huang Cheng smiled warmly at Huang Yuxin.

"Uncle Chen! Stop teasing me! By the way, is my father in the mansion? I want to meet him. After that, I want to visit my mother. How is she now?" Huang Yuxin tried to divert their conversation. She felt that she was almost at her limit. If Huang Cheng continued to tease her, it would make her even more embarrassed, and she would no longer dare to show her face to Tenku.

"Unfortunately, you can't meet your father now. He left the Huang family's mansion because he had important business outside. If it's about your mother... you can see her condition in person." Huang Cheng suddenly became sad when he talked about it.

Huang Yuxin's face turned pale when she heard his words. She grabbed Tenku's hand and ran in a certain direction in the mansion. Tenku didn't resist and let Huang Yuxin drag him down. He knew that the girl must be worried about her mother's condition.

On the other hand, Huang Cheng couldn't help but sigh when he saw Huang Yuxin's reaction and followed behind them slowly.

Along the way, Tenku met several disciples from the Huang family. They smiled and greeted Huang Yuxin, but the other party only gave a small nod in response because she was in a rush.

After a short walk, they arrived at a building that looked minimalistic and different from the surroundings. Huang Yuxin walked into the place while still holding Tenku's hand. Whether she realized it or not, Huang Yuxin seemed to have no intention of letting go of Tenku even though they had entered her mother's residence.

Huang Cheng was a little surprised when he found out about it. This was the first time he had seen Huang Yuxin act so boldly toward the opposite sex.

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"Mother! I am home! How is your condition right now!?" Huang Yuxin said and approached a middle-aged woman lying on the bed. The woman's face was as beautiful as Huang Yuxin's but looked more mature. But Tenku could tell that the woman's condition was weak when he saw her pale complexion.

The middle-aged woman is Huang Qingyi, the mother of Huang Yuxin. She is also the wife of the current patriarch of the Huang family.

"Xin'er? Are you back? I heard a double space collapse appear in Badaling National Forest Park. I'm worried about your situation. Are you okay?" Huang Qingyi tried to get up from her bed but was quickly stopped by Huang Yuxin.

Huang Qingyi did not ask about the Holy Water because she knew it would be difficult for her daughter to obtain it in the martial arts competition. So she didn't expect it. Most importantly, Huang Yuxin returned safely.

"Mother! Your condition is very weak! You can't move your body too much! You should get plenty of bed rest!" Huang Yuxin said worriedly, and tears rolled from her eyes.

"Why are you sad? I'm fine." Huang Qingyi smiled weakly and tried to comfort her daughter.

"How can you say you're fine when your face looks so pale!?" Huang Yuxin hugged Huang Qingyi and sobbed.

"Silly girl. You've grown up, but why are you still crying like a little girl? Who is the man who wants to be your boyfriend if you behave like this?" Huang Qingyi sighed but suddenly raised her eyebrows after noticing another person she didn't know in the room.

"Who is the boy you brought along, Xin'er? Is it possible that he is..." Huang Qingyi was curious about the Japanese boy her daughter brought with her. But before she could finish her words, Huang Yuxin let go of her embrace and interrupted her.

"His name is Tenku. He is my boyfriend." Huang Yuxin introduced Tenku while wiping the tears off her face. She was so embarrassed because Tenku had seen her cry in her mother's arms.

"Nice to meet you, aunt. My name is Tenku. Xin'er and I are currently in a romantic relationship." Tenku spoke politely and bowed to Huang Qingyi.

"Ooh... so you already have a boyfriend without your mother knowing? No wonder you refused when I wanted to introduce you to a man. You already have a sweetheart." Huang Qingyi looked at her daughter and then smiled broadly.

"Stop teasing me, mother! Otherwise, I will ignore you!" Huang Yuxin's face became hot, and she covered her face with both hands.

"Ahaha... all right. I won't tease you anymore." Huang Qingyi chuckled when she saw Huang Yuxin's cute reaction. But when the two women had a mother-daughter quarrel, Tenku's next voice suddenly caught their attention.

"By the way, I brought gifts for auntie and Xin'er." Tenku took two small bottles from his pocket and gave them to the two women.

Huang Yuxin took one of the small vials from Tenku's hand and opened the lid. She opened her eyes wide when she smelled the fragrance wafting from the liquid inside the bottle.

"This is…" Huang Yuxin looked at Tenku and said in a trembling voice.