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Never Judge

Chapter 664 - 664
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Cedric watched as the police staff whispered among themselves, clearly there was a question they were itching to ask. 

"I suggest you ask whatever you are whispering about." Cedric said with a laugh. "I mean, this may be your only chance. Capt. Lim might not allow you to tag along next time."

The policemen looked at their boss, who simply nodded, agreeing with Cedric's words. 

"Is it alright if we ask a personal question?" A police woman asked quite timidly.

"You want to ask Eric?" Katerina asked as she realized who the policemen and women were most interested in.

The police woman and her companions nodded, confirming Katerina's suspicions. 

"We are such big fans. When your movie aired here we all watched together." Another police woman said in an excited tone.

"Okay." Eric said with a nod. 

Cedric was surprised that Eric had allowed them to ask personal questions, he normally avoided such things from fans.

"Oh my gosh, thank you sir." A police woman said excitedly.

"I'll answer your questions, but I have a condition." Eric said with a smirk.

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"Anything." Someone said as she looked at Eric as if he was the most handsome man in the world.

Eric gave them a smile before setting his condition. 

"I will answer you as honestly as I can, but you can never speak of this to anyone else." Eric told them. "I trust that the police can keep my personal life private."

"Yes." They all said, nodding their heads.

"Alright, go ask your questions." Eric said with a nod. 

"We can ask as much as we want?" Someone asked.

"I'll limit it to ten questions, so decide amongst yourselves what you really want to know." Eric said with a chuckle. At first he was going to say only one, but he decided against it, hoping that having half the police station as his fans would give them some breathing room.

Those that were Eric's fans whispered among themselves as they tried to figure out which ten questions to ask. While those that were not fans chatted amongst themselves or played with their phones.

"Did they tag along because they knew Eric was here?" Cedric asked Capt. Lim as he handed the police captain some food.

"We didn't know Mr. Eric was with you." Capt. Lim said as he shook his head. "Most of them came for you."

"For me?" Cedric asked with a laug. "I'm no celebrity. People here don't know me Capt. Lim, you must be mistaken."

"Your friend is famous, Mr. Eric's fans wanted to meet his friend and they got the real deal as well." Capt. Lim said with a shrug. "Others are quite interested in business, and believe it or not, news of your so-called poverty training has reached us."

"That's quite interesting." Cedric said as he scratched his chin. 

Cedric watched at those that were Eric's fans finally broke off from their huddle as they came up with the ten questions they wanted to ask the celebrity.

"You are ready?" Eric asked as he crossed his arms on his chest and leaned back on his seat. At the moment he looked quite intimidating, making some of the women swoon.

"Yes." One of them said as she tried not to look too excited.

"Alright, begin." Eric said with a nod.

"Are you dating international model Angelina?" A police woman asked, catching Eric and the rest of his friends by surprise.

"No, but where did that rumor come from?" Eric asked with a laugh.

"Angelina's camp hinted that you guys were together." A policeman said as he carried an embarrassed look. "I think you are awesome in all your fight scenes, sir. And my wife is a huge fan, so I became a fan too."

Eric laughed and smiled at the man, it was quite normal for him to have male fans, he wasn't just some pretty boy actor anyway.

"I have never even spoken to her on a personal level, maybe a hi or hello during an event but that's all." Eric confessed to them. "Next question."

"Is it true that you come from a rich family and have no need for any of the money you get from acting?" The policeman asked for the group.

Eric laughed as he asked the question and nodded.

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"Yes, my family is quite rich, but that doesn't mean that I have no need to work." Eric admitted. "I don't need my acting income, because I have many investments in very good businesses. I don't like relying on my family for money."

"Wow, Mr. Eric is awesome." A police woman said excitedly as they heard Eric's answer. "No wonder you have such rich and powerful friends."

This time it was Cedric's turn to laugh, he had a feeling that the police fans would eventually get to the are you related to the Chans question. It was something that had been asked in the past, all Eric would say is that there are so many people with the surname Chan, he couldn't possibly be related to all of them.

"Do you  have more questions or is that it?" Eric teased, making his fans laugh.

"Are you related to . . ." A fan began to ask, her voice faded as she glanced at Nicole and Miguel who were simply smiling.

"Am I related to?" Eric asked with a raised eyebrow, pretending to be oblivious to how they glanced at his siblings.

"Are you related to Miguel and Nicole Chan?" The fam finally managed to say, making Nicole and Miguel laugh.

"See it's not that hard to ask." Nicole teased as she leaned against Ian's shoulder.

Cedric looked at Eric with a questioning look, this was something he always managed to avoid, so was he going to avoid it this time.

"You know, I learned something from my friend Cedric." Eric began to say as he looked at his fans with intense eyes. "I learned that secrets cannot remain hidden forever, and although I plan to tell the world this in the future I will tell you first. Can I trust you?" Eric asked.

His fans among Singapore's police force quickly nodded, promising to keep his secret for the meantime.

"Are you sure about this?" Ian asked Eric.

"Of course." Eric said with a smile as he glanced at his future brother-in-law.