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Never Judge

Chapter 649 - 649
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Meanwhile, two cars ahead of Cedric and Adrianna, Miguel gave his wife a confused look as she started laughing at her phone.

"What's gotten into you?" Miguel asked, as his wife continued to laugh.

"It seems Adrianna and Cedric decided to pick Yoyo up from school." Veronica told her husband as she handed Miguel her phone. "Only they would dare send an image like this with the caption."

Miguel looked at the particular social media post Veronica was referring to. It was from a very popular gossip account that posted rumors coming from various sources, most of which had photo or video evidence.

"Ha, Cedric knows I'm in no rush." Miguel said with a laugh as he shook his head. "I don't have any operations today. We have dinner at their place tonight."

"Still, it's really interesting and intriguing that we didn't just cut the line." Veronica said with a smile as she took her phone back from her husband. "Plus people are now wondering why we are even lined up to fetch someone from school."

"I'm sure the rumors are all over the place now." Miguel said with a smile as he watched the line move forward as one child got in the car at the head of the line. "There is a Chan in this school and people can't figure out who's." Miguel said with a grin.

"Ram told you about the rumors?" Veronica asked Miguel. She knew her husband got most of his rumors from Ram, since everything about the five princes had to go through him first.

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"Actually, no." Miguel said with a cheeky grin. "The school administrator called, apparently parents have been asking him if some bigshot had decided to send his child to school."

"There are no Chans with children Dominic's age though." Veronica said as she looked out the window.

"No, there are none, that's why they are so confused." Miguel said with a laugh. "I'm pretty sure they will say that Dominic is my child from some doctor or nurse that I slept with long ago."

"He does have some features that resemble you." Veronica told her husband as she thought of their adopted son. 

"He is my son no matter what." Miguel said, Veronica could hear how serious and sincere he was with his words. He refused to let people question if Dominic was really theirs.

"I'm glad Cedric decided to check that school out." Veronica said with a smile as she placed a hand on her husband's. "If he hadn't we would never have found Dominic. He is the greatest thing to happen to us." 

"Getting married and falling in love isn't?" Miguel asked with a raised eyebrow as he moved his face closer to his wife's. "Because to me, having you in my life is the greatest gift I could have ever asked for."

Veronica blushed as she turned away, pushing Miguel away from her, making the doctor laugh at her reaction. Despite having been married for years she still got flustered by the small romantic things he would do such as this one.

"V, does it bother you?" Miguel asked with a worried look on his face.

"Does what bother me, Miguel?" Veronica asked as she turned back around to face her husband. She frowned as soon as she spotted the look on his face. She couldn't help but feel worried about his question.

"The fact that we had to adopt." Miguel stated in all seriousness. 

"Miguel, I love Dominic." Veronica told Miguel in a stern tone, making sure that he wouldn't doubt or question her words. "To me he is like my biological son. We chose Dominic, he was chosen and he has a family that loves and adores him. Maybe someday we will have biological children, but for now, I am happy, and I will always be happy with Dominic." 

"You are such an amazing woman, V." Miguel said as he lowered his head and kissed his wife passionately. 

Miguel felt the car move and broke off their kiss. They had been next in line, meaning as soon as their car stopped again, a little boy would be walking in on their passionate make out session. 

The couple was shocked to see that Dominic's teachers and the school administrators and most of the high ranking people had come out to see their son off.

"This is too much." Veronica said with a frown. "Was it like this when you were a child?" She asked her husband. Both the Abads and the Chans were already quite rich and powerful back then, but she never remembered her husband being escorted by teachers when going out of school. 

"No, this is a first, even for me." Miguel said as the door to their car swung open. 

Dominic smiled as soon as he saw Veronica and Miguel in the car. 

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Miguel watched as his wife pulled the child into her arms and hugged him tightly. Outside, teachers and school administrators looked like they were expecting something else to happen. Miguel wondered if they knew that Cedric had come to fetch his son as well.

To his surprise, the school administrator walked towards their car. In his desire to give his wife and son some privacy, Miguel stepped out of his car and met the man halfway.

"Is something wrong?" Miguel asked, his tone was warm and kind, this man was his teacher when he was studying so he owed his success to the person in front of him as well. 

"Yes, I just wanted to inform you that everyone was nice to Dominic today, I'm just worried about what they might be saying behind his back." The school administrator informed Miguel.

Miguel frowned as he thought of children making rumors about others, they were way too young for this kind of malicious drama.

"Is it the rumors?" Miguel asked.

"No." The school administrator said, shaking his head. "Dominic is older than his classmates and he seems to lack a bit in his education. He is smart, he just needs to catch up."

Miguel nodded, he was glad that the school administrator was more concerned about his son's well being rather than the fake news coming from the other parents.

"I'll have some tutors help him out, thank you." Miguel said as he turned and left.

Right before he entered his car his phone began to ring. Miguel took it out and was surprised to see that Cedric was calling him.

"Yea?" Miguel asked as he answered the phone.

"Miguel, I think I just saw Lucius Ting in the parking lot, he was taking photos of someone." Cedric said on the phone.

Miguel quickly turned, looking for the man that claimed to be his cousin.