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My Wife Is A Ghost Exorciser

Chapter 950 Trace It Down
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Song Yan looked at the woman on the ground and then turned to look at the officer  whose neck was bitten off before saying, " Bring him to the hospital even though the wound looks worse, it's not life-threatening." As she spoke she took out a ghost energy-eliminating talisman and placed it on the spot where the officer was bitten. 

Soon the yellow talisman turned black as if it was burned and the officer rolling on the ground stopped writhing. Seeing this Wu Jin heaved a sigh of relief before turning to look at Song Yan and saying, " Thank you for coming sister-in-law. If you didn't arrive I don't know what would have happened." 

He did not have the slightest bit of idea that the woman whom they brought back with them was possessed by something evil. If Song Yan wasn't here then they would have surely lost their lives in this room as this woman was too strong. 

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" I did not come here to do charity work though," replied Song Yan as she turned to look at Wu Jin. " You will have to pay me for my services and I am not cheap to hire just so you know." 

"You don't have to worry sister in law, I have enough money and even if I don't, my big brother does. Did he not upset you? You can take this opportunity to squeeze him dry of his money," Wu Jin knew just how skilled Song Yan and he was well aware of how desperately he was in need of Song Yan's help thus he had no qualms in sending his older brother in front of Song Yan to be sacrificed. Anyway, he was not lying, his big brother indeed had a lot of money that he did not even have any idea about where to spend it. 

Song Yan looked at Wu Jin before showing him a thumbs up, " I like the way you deal with things, then I will throw in a few talismans as well." 

" I learned it all from you," the last time Song Yan dealt with Wu Genji's matter she scammed their family until his father was rolling on the ground. 

Though it pained them that they lost their daughter but his father was much clearer than his mother, he knew that they lost Wu Genji the very night she went inside the tomb thus he did not make a fuss while handing Song Yan the payment but …. It indeed made their family's heart bleed for a while. 

What a sarcastic charm, thought Song Yan as she turned to look at the struggling woman on the ground. Taking out an elimination talisman which drove away every evil possession charm, she threw it at the forehead of the woman. No sooner did the red talisman with a golden letter got stuck to the woman's head, she stopped struggling and fainted after a short pause. 

" Is she fine?" Seeing that the woman had fainted, Wu Jin turned to look at Song Yan who nodded in response. 

" She only fainted because she was affected by a very thick layer of malicious qi. Now that it's driven away, she will be fine," Song Yan explained as she turned around and walked to the chair which was toppled down when the woman attacked the police officer questioning her. She picked it up and sat down before turning to look at Wu Jin and saying, " You sit down as well, it will take a long time before she regains consciousness again." 

" Oh, okay," Wu Jin sat opposite Song Yan as the two of them waited for the woman to wake up. 

It was just as Song Yan said, the woman woke up after three hours and was severally disoriented. When she regained consciousness, she stayed in a daze for a long time before she started to cry—— her cries were mournful and heartbreaking causing Wu Jin to turn and look at Song Yan who shook her head and stated, " Give her some time, she will come around." 

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As she spoke she turned to look at the officers who stood next to Wu Jin and remarked, " Bring her some water and a box of tissues. She will need it pretty soon." 

The officers acknowledged what Song Yan said as they just experienced Song Yan's skills and did not wish to offend her but even so, they couldn't understand why she asked for a box of tissues it was only when they saw the woman crying that she was out of breath did they realise that Song Yan was correct the woman indeed needed the entire box of tissues as she continued to cry for an hour.

" Have you calmed down now?" Song Yan asked as she pushed the glass of water in front of the woman called Cao Chen. 

Cao Chen wiped her nose and then nodded before taking a sip of the lukewarm water, after she was done taking a sip she raised her hands and then stretched them in front of Wu Jin before saying, " Please arrest me, officer, it was I … who killed my family and…and ate them." 

Cao Chen did not have any idea what came over her but she suddenly started to crave human flesh a few weeks ago. The desire was so intense that she couldn't ignore it, every time she got near a human, her hands itched to kill and eat their flesh. 

At first, Cao Chen thought that she was going crazy which was why she went looking for a psychiatrist and hoped that she would get well but her situation if possible degraded even more. At first, she could still satisfy her cravings by eating slightly bloodied meat but then it got worse and worse from there, the more meat she ate the more she felt hungry. 

Day by day her temper worsened and one day she lost her temper on her household help and stabbed her to death. When she saw the woman lose her breath, Cao Chen was scared—— she was young and had a family if she was caught what would happen to her family? So she started thinking of cleaning up the evidence. As long as she was clean enough no one would notice anything amiss—— which was why she cooked the household help by chopping her body up.

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