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My Wife Is A Ghost Exorciser

Chapter 882 I Want To Go Home
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" Qingzhao!" Su Qian felt her heart leap into her throat when she saw that the thing which was chasing them pouncing on Su Qingzhao. 

Ma Jiu and Luo Shan were gone if something happened to her nephew, she will never forgive this Huo Lan! 

Su Qingzhao who was nudged by Huo Lan was stunned enough already but when he turned around and saw that the skeleton ghost was now standing right behind him, his eyes popped out of his sockets. 

" Su Qingzhao! What are you? Run!" When Qin Lu saw that Su Qingzhao was still sitting in the same spot instead of getting up and running, he screamed at Su Qingzhao at the top of his lungs. They all were so scared that their souls almost left their bodies, only Huo Lan who was standing behind the group stared at Su Qingzhao with a cruel smile playing on her lips, she seemed to be looking forward to Su Qingzhao's death. 

Su Qian who was standing in front of the group did not think anything as she took the talisman which was in her hand and sent it flying towards the ghost thing which was heading towards Su Qingzhao. She hoped that the master that Wang Yufan found was someone who knew what he was doing or else there was nothing that she would be able to do to save Su Qingzhao. 

The talisman which was sent flying in the direction of Su Qingzhao glowed with a bright light and the ghost thing let out a roar as it fell back. A mournful and eerie howl escaped its lips as it looked at Su Qingzhao and the talisman which was now lying in front of him. 

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Su Qingzhao looked at the half-burnt talisman and then turned to look at his aunt, his eyes fell on the shocked and disbelieving look on Huo Lan's face and he understood something before turning to look at his group as he shouted, " You all run with me!" 

He snatched the half-burned talisman and then turned around and ran in the direction of the temple of Jing while rummaging in his backpack, he looked at the talisman which he was clutching in his hand and then glanced at the handful of talismans which were given to him by his aunt and thought of something before he turned on his heels and caught his aunt's wrist. 

" Come with me," he told the rest while running with all his might, Su Qian and the rest chased after him without pausing even though Huo Lan did not wish to chase after Qin Lu and the rest, she still kept up with the group but compared to Su Qingzhao who was quite good with his sneaking skills, she was not able to catch up to the group. 

As the group turned to run to the left, Huo Lan slipped on the wet mud and ended up falling flat on her face. If she hadn't shown her intentions from the start maybe Su Qingzhao would have waited for her but because of her slip-up, Su Qingzhao no longer trusted her which was why even though he saw her fall as he turned around he did not stop and continued running. 

Huo Lan wanted to chase after the group which was why she jumped on her feet and then rushed after them but as she arrived in front of the mouth of the turn she realised that they were all gone. 

" Damn that man!" Huo Lan looked at the dark forest and then glanced at her surroundings, she was sure that Su Qingzhao might have realised that she was trying to kill him which was why he ran away without taking her with him. 

A frustrated cruse left her lips as she pushed the bangs of her hair from her face and then rolled her eyes before climbing up the green algae-covered path. 

Su Qingzhao and the rest who were hiding behind stepped out and looked at Huo Lan who was running with all might and heaved a sigh of relief. 

Su Qian on the other hand turned her attention to her nephew as she looked up and down at him while asking, " Are you okay Qingzhao? If you are not feeling well then you can tell me, Aunt will listen to you?" 

However no matter how much she spoke, Su Qingzhao did not answer, he was still clutching the talisman in his hands and looking at it.  Seeing him like this Su Qian was stumped as she turned to look at the rest of the group who were looking at her in surprise.

She blinked her eyes and then asked, " What are you looking at me like that for? " 

Yang Yiling was panting as she heaved a long breath and then turned to look at Su Qian before asking, " What was that? What were you doing? How did you do that?"  I think you should take a look at

"That's right, madam Wang. How did you do it?" Master Wang asked as he looked at Su Qian with a flushed face. He was still trembling after seeing what happened to his sister-in-law, but he knew that he needed to survive which was why he looked at Su Qian with a servile expression. 

" Aunt Su, please hand that talisman to me as well," Zou Shen was panicking when he thought of how that thing was almost on the verge of chomping Su Qingzhao's head but stopped when Su Qian threw the talisman which was in her hand. 

Now that talisman was their only way out! 

Su Qian turned to look at Su Qingzhao who was still not speaking and then said in an embarrassed voice, " I gave them all to Hao Hao." 

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Immediately, everyone turned to look at Su Qingzhao who was in a daze. Zou Shen waved his hand in front of Su Qingzhao who was clutching his backpack as if he was holding his baby and said, " Yo dude, hand me that bag. I need to take the talismans out." 

But even though he spoke a bunch of things, Su Qingzhao did not let go of his bag instead he clutched it tighter. It was as if he subconsciously knew that the backpack was important for his survival which was why he continued to hold on to the bag making Zou Shen pant as he couldn't take it away from Su Qingzhao.

Zou Shen turned to look at Qin Lu who was panting and then said, " He is not letting go." 

" How is he not letting go? He has to let go or else we all will die." Qin Lu cried as he turned to look at Su Qingzhao and then walked over to where the man was standing and then tried to take the bag from him but it was just as Zou Shen said, Su Qingzhao was not willing to let go.

" Brother Hao if you don't let go we all will become that thing's meal, listen to me and let go!" Qin Lu knew that he was being selfish but Su Qingzhao had a bunch of talismans while they were all empty-handed! If this man did not let go of the bag, won't they all die?

" Hao Hao? Listen to Auntie, breathe in and breathe out all right?" Su Qian spoke to Su Qingzhao gently causing the latter to snap out of his daze as he looked around the surroundings with a deathly pale face and then said in a low voice, " I a… I am fine." 

He turned to look behind them and when he saw that the thing was no longer chasing after them, he sighed in relief. Just now 'Luo Shan' almost killed him just the thought of being eaten piece by piece made Su Qingzhao's teeth chatter as his entire body trembled, " That…That Huo Lan, she is too much… I have always treated her well but she dared to harm me." 

His voice was supposed to be filled with rage but because he was shivering, his voice shook along with him. He turned to look at Su Qian and then said, " I want to go home aunt… I want to go home, I don't want to be here. My …My mother will be very upset if she was to find out that I was killed on this abandoned island." 

As he spoke he looked at his aunt and cried, " I... I was an idiot. I should have listened to you and went back home." 

Su Qian wiped his tears and then said, "It's alright, a kid only realises that he is in the wrong when he suffers." 

" This is suffering? It's more like torture!" Zou Shen muttered as he looked at the forest which was covered in darkness. He tugged at his hair and then cried as well, " My mother only has me, if I don't go back home, she will cry until she dies! Why did  I come to this rotten place?" 

As soon as Zou Shen and Su Qingzhao started to cry, Qin Lu also started to cry and said, " You guys, stop crying … or else I will also starry crying."