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My Wife Is A Ghost Exorciser

Chapter 474 Kiss Me
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He has never taken a close look at Song Yan like this before ---- did he? He might have taken a look at her on their wedding night but the memories of that night were totally vague in his head back then what happened, how it happened... he wasn't willing to remember it maybe it has to do with the fact that he had that doll within his body.

Fu Yu Sheng subconsciously let go of her wrist when he noticed the faint frown on Song Yan's face, afraid that he might have hurt her with his grip.

It just so happened that Song Yan was dressed in a pure white dress that enhanced her features, even more, usually she only wore black and that caused her features to look even more mature than they usually did but now that she was wearing a soft white dress and it made her look even more innocent, the dress reached up to her thighs with a floaty material skimming over her white skin and although she was in her thirties, Song Yan had a baby face making her look rather young, with all the curves on the right place she looked like some sort of seductress. Because of their position, Song Yan's hair was cascading onto Fu Yu Sheng's side and veiled a side of his face, Song Yan's hand was on his chest making him feel his skin grow hot.

With the moonlight shining on Song Yan from behind and her closeness, the stimulation this time was so bad that Fu Yu Sheng could feel his body being lit on a hot fire, he swallowed and then turned his head to the side as he licked his lips that have suddenly become dry and then he breathed in an out, he could control this. His patience was great and he was a man who would never let his desires control him but the thing was that even though he was a man who thought that he could control everything and had wonderful self-control, he felt it crumble bit by bit in front of this woman.

He then closed his eyes and then breathed heavily before he hoarsely said, " Go and sleep, don't go around provoking things that you do not wish to deal with." This woman! She wouldn't let him touch her but she was still provoking her like this.

Song Yan might not understand the reason behind Fu Yu Sheng's anger but the same could not be said about his current condition. She wasn't a child and she understood that Fu Yu Sheng was getting aroused, the way his breathing was turning heavy and how his heartbeat was getting increasingly abnormal and blatant.

She realised that she might have overstepped her boundaries, so she immediately retreated and then sat down next to Fu Yu Sheng who still had his back to her and then asked, " Are you still angry at me?"

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" What will you do if I was to say that I am still angry?" Fu Yu Sheng asked back his voice still hoarse as he kept his back to her, Song Yan scratched the back of her head and then replied, " What do you want me to do for you to forgive me ?" She asked but as Fu Yu Sheng turned to look at her with hopes glimmering in his eyes, Song Yan really regretted saying what she did just now, but when she saw the hopes in his eyes, she could bring herself to refuse him or take her words back.

" Do you really mean that?" He asked, his gaze fixated on her face as he looked at her, even though he was asking he looked like he would get even more angry if she was to refuse him now.

" As long as I can do it? Then I will do it." Song Yan didn't want him to take an inch for a mile lest she was to say that she will do it which was why she added that clause but as Fu Yu Sheng turned around and sat up straight in front of her, she suddenly felt she should not have agreed to even that because this man was looking like all his dreams were going to come true. "But I will still say that you ask for something that I can give you, don't go taking for more than that."

" Don't worry, you will definitely be able to do it and I won't ask for something that you cannot do," Fu Yu Sheng calmly told him as he placed his hands in between his lap and then licked his lips before saying, " I want you to kiss me."

Song Yan's eyes widened as she looked at him in surprise and then she blinked her eyes and then looked at him with an awkward expression as she said,  " Do you really want something like that? I mean other than elongating your life, I can help you in anything from gaining more wealth----"

" I have enough wealth for the rest of my two lives----"

" Then fortune---"

" I have enough fortune as well."

" So you really want me to kis...kiss you?" She asked wishing that Fu Yu Sheng would refuse but then the man nodded his head and then said, " I want you to kiss me."

" You really want me to kiss you?"

" I really want you to kiss me."

" You really really want me to kiss you?"

" I really really want you to kiss me."

He was going to be adamant about it, wasn't he?

" Fine," it was just a kiss, it wasn't as if she couldn't kiss him right? It's not like she was a maiden who couldn't do anything like kissing, her virtue was long gone anyway!

She shifted such that she was looking Fu Yu Sheng in the eyes and then swallowed hard as she tipped her chin up and then looked at him with a sort of hesitating and determined look on her face and said, " I am going to kiss you now."

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" You can kiss me now," Fu Yu Sheng replied as stared right back at her.

The two of them did not say anything for a few seconds before Fu Yu Sheng looked at her and tilted his head, " You are going to kiss me today right?"

" Of course...just..just close your eyes," Song Yan said, she didn't remember when was the last time she kissed him, the last time when she kissed him was like centuries ago, how was she supposed to kiss him, should she placed her lips or should she tilt her head.

"All right," Fu Yu Sheng closed his eyes and then waited for Song Yan to kiss him and as soon as Song Yan saw him close his eyes, she pouted her lips practising the action of kissing as she looked at him as she slowly leaned in close but then her nose tip touched Fu Yu Sheng's and then she paused while Fu Yu Sheng opened his eyes as he said, " You..." forgot how to kiss?

That was what he wanted to say but then Song Yan immediately stopped him from speaking by placing her hands on his mouth and then said in a flustered manner, " Why did you have to open your eyes, you startled me!"

He startled her? Fu Yu Sheng felt that she was wrong but he still sighed and then closed his eyes again. This time when Fu Yu Sheng closed his eyes, Song Yan knew that she needed to tilt her head slightly, so she moved her head slightly to the left and then placed her lips on his, she didn't know how it felt to be kissed or to kiss but as soon as his hot and thin lips pressed against hers, she felt something zap within her.

Song Yan was going to pull back and break the kiss but then she felt Fu Yu Sheng raise his hand and then place it at the back of her head just as he moved it so that he lowered her head and deepened the kiss. A second later she felt his slithering hot tongue slide inside her mouth and entwine with her as he did that, Song Yan has never kissed anyone in the past five hundred years, this kiss that she was sharing with Fu Yu Sheng was something that she has never experienced before.

Fu Yu Sheng lowered his head and then closed their lips even more tightly making it so that she started to have a hard time breathing as he put on his weight on her and pressed her against the bed, Song Yan started to feel a sort of danger gripping her, she could see that the situation was turning out of control as his body pressed upon hers and he started to kiss her non-stop without giving her any chance of taking a breath.

Song Yan was wearing a dress that reached her thighs so when Fu Yu Sheng pushed her down that dress was pushed dangerously up on her thighs and then alarm bells started to ring in her head.


I am not feeling well today breathing is getting hard for me so please forgive me for a short chapter