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My Wife Is A Ghost Exorciser

Chapter 447 A Hundred Million
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" Move hurry," Lu Peng pushed his sister aside and then rushed inside the house, he has been feeling icky throughout the journey and didn't have the slightest bit of any desire to talk to his sister about what happened tonight, if he did then he might really hurl everything that he has just eaten.

" Hey, what is the matter with you?" Lu Biyu shouted after her brother who ran inside the house but Lu Peng didn't say anything, he just rushed inside the bathroom and then the sound of water gushing inside could be heard.

Lu Biyu was speechless, her brother was one of those men who would bathe once every week but for some reason, today the first thing that he did was to come back home and then take a bath, really?

" What is going on with him?" Lu Biyu asked her second brother who shook his head and with a sympathetic glance at the closed door of the bathroom said, " It's better if you don't ask."

After he was done speaking, he stepped aside and then gave way to Song Yan as he said, " Please madam."

Song Yan nodded and then she too walked inside the house leaving the confused Lu Biyu behind with Lu Cheng, she stared at her brother who was carrying another woman on his back with a package in his hand in shock.

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Her brother has never been polite to anyone like this, who exactly was this woman?

Lu Biyu walked inside the house, she closed the door behind her and headed straight towards the couch where Song Yan was and once she took a look at Song Yan who was sitting on the couch flipping through the fashion magazine that she was holding just a moment ago, Lu Biyu couldn't believe her eyes.

No wonder people said that a person's clothes made a rather big change, she won't say that she was as pretty as Song Yan but she was at least a bit prettier than the average-looking women in the locality, however when she sat on the couch with her hands holding the fashion magazine, she looked like a NEET.

But when Song Yan sat on the same couch holding the same magazine, she looked like some elegant, rich madam.

It was totally unfair.

" Are you going to continue staring at me, or are you going to sit down so that we can talk," Song Yan closed the magazine in her hands and turned to look at the woman who was standing in the middle of the living room of the cramped house of the Lu brothers and blinked her eyes.

Her gaze flicked to the extreme Yang energy that was circulating around the woman and her eyes flashed, given how the woman was overflowing with Yang energy and her Yin energy was completely in balance, Song Yan could see that the woman has been with many men before.

A woman who was capable of dealing with so many men would not be simple either, if she was to choose someone then she might as well choose someone to act as Song Lan whom she could control instead of someone whom she wouldn't be able to rein on.

" Sit down," said Song Yan and her words were filled with so much authority that Lu Biyu instinctively sat down on the couch and it was only when she sat down did she realise what she has actually done.

Lu Biyu blinked her eyes and then tentatively looked at Song Yan before she asked, " W..Who are you?"

How can a woman sit in the house of a kidnapper and a thug so calmly was she not scared of being attacked and sold?

" Haven't you learned that before asking someone's name, you should tell yours first," stated Song Yan as she crossed her hands on her lap while she smiled at Lu Biyu. "It's basic courtesy, you should learn it as well. It will come in handy in future for you."

Lu Biyu flushed in shame, it was as if she was back in the time when she used to go to school. Back then her homeroom teacher was just as strict, she would always nag her from morning to noon, telling her what she should say and how she should talk.

It was so annoying!

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But… she raised her head and then looked at Song Yan who was looking back at her calmly and then heaved a breath as she said, " My name is Lu Biyu, Lu from black and Biyu from jasper."

" I am Song Yan," replied Song Yan. " You can think of me as the new boss of your brothers."

New boss? No wonder her brothers were being so polite.

" And if you like I can give you a job to do as well."

"What?" Lu Biyu snapped her head up as she looked at Song Yan in surprise, what did she say? She was going to give her work as well. " But..but I don't have any experience, I only… I only know how to be an escort."

Lu Biyu was never ashamed of who she was but at this moment she couldn't help but flush in shame if she knew that their life was going to be this hard then she would have paid a bit more attention to her studies.

But that was the thing, no one knew what was going to happen in the future. And now she has nothing but regret in her heart.

" I know," but to her surprise, the woman in front of her didn't show any disdain towards her instead she smiled and said warmly, " There is no need for you to be ashamed of what you are. We all need to do something to survive but I am not here to sympathise with you… I am here to give you a life-changing opportunity."

She paused and then smiled at the woman before saying, " If I say that you can earn a hundred million within a month, would you be willing to take on this job?"