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My Wife Is A Ghost Exorciser

Chapter 348 You Married A Ghost Not Me.
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Dedicating todays chapter to Nerdy_Rh1, miervan, neotheo82.

" Don't you hate me?" Those words snatched the rug from under his feet right then and there causing Fu Yu Sheng to look up at Song Yan with a stunned expression. He looked at her, at first he thought that he has heard her wrong but when she repeated her question, he smiled at her and said, " I don't… why will I hate you?"

Song Yan lowered her head, her fingers brushing the edges of the cup that she was holding, when she was looking at Qi Genghis, she remembered something. A woman, whom she had long forgotten —— and hated, the one who flipped her entire world upside down. She has always hoped that the memory of that woman would stay buried but when she looked at Qi Genghis, she was reminded of that woman.

" I thought that you always stayed away because you were busy or that you were scared that something will happen to me or Chen Chen——"

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" That's right——"

" But that's not the truth, right?" She raised her head and looked at Fu Yu Sheng, her cold eyes blinking slightly as she stared at him with a chilly gaze of hers. " You stayed away from me because I scare you…. You are terrified of me aren't you, Fu Yu Sheng?"

" Of co..course not," he answered feeling a bit thrown off the loop. " I … I was never scared of you, if I was scared then I wouldn't have married you when you chased me and I wouldn't have consummated our marriage either … if I …if I was scared of you then how will we have such an adorable son——"

" You saw me," she interrupted him as she placed the mug on the table and raised her head to stare right into his eyes. Song Yan would have forgotten all about that woman if she hadn't seen the bracelet that Qi Genghis was wearing, she has long forgotten that woman after all when she saw her, she was just a child and a child's memory was fleeting but when she saw Qi Genghis dressed in all black with red lips and matching red shoes with that same bracelet, she was reminded of that one woman whom she has buried in the back of her head. " You saw me getting possessed."

" No," he refused, a bit too quickly as he stood up from his chair and looked anywhere but at her. " I don't know what you are talking about, I think the medicine is working, you should..you should go to sleep…Song Yan."

" You saw me that day," she continued,  ignoring Fu Yu Sheng's attempt of putting a hold on their conversation. " You saw me talk with someone that was invisible——"

"Song Yan… I think the fever is messing with your head——"

"You saw me pick the heavy boulder that was lying on the street——-"

"No, I didn't, didn't I say that your fever is messing with your head."

" You saw me pick that heavy stone and kill that child——"

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"SONG YAN!" Fu Yu Sheng shouted cutting Song Yan off at once, he heaved a deep breath and then swallowed hard as he crouched down on the floor and took her hands in his. " You did not kill that child, you didn't do anything wrong… and I am not scared of you….okay? You should go and sleep.."

" She is still here," she said interrupting Fu Yu Sheng as she looked him in the eye. " I felt her presence when I touched that bracelet that Qi Genghis was wearing, I thought she moved on but she is still here, roaming the streets of this world like a parasite, say, Fu Yu Sheng, what will happen if that woman comes looking for me again? Will you stay by my side, trying to save me… sending me to a psychiatrist and believing that everything that I am saying to you was nothing but my imagination?"

She took her hand away from his and said, " But now that you know ghosts exist, where will you send me? Or will you get scared like last time and run away because you could not stop me? Because you couldn't help me?"

Fu Yu Sheng's expression turned helpless as he looked around the room he stood up from the ground and didn't dare to look Song Yan in the eyes. " I wasn't scared of you——"

"You married me because you were afraid that I will hurt your family right or at least that's what that woman made you believe, she has stayed for me a long time … I am surprised that I forgot all about her." Song Yan stopped him from saying any excuses, she remembered everything now. With her sudden exhaustion and rise in her cultivation, she was able to pull the haze away from her head and remember what she has forgotten when she died. " You didn't marry me, you didn't consummate your marriage with me, it was all her right… the ghost woman that you married. That's why you have been running from me, only returning when you heard that I was no longer the same as before, right?"

" What are you saying?" He smiled even though his face was paler than the moon, turning his head to the right as he looked at Fu Chen. " I married you, we have a marriage certificate and the name on that very certificate is yours——-"

" Show me," Song Yan stood up from the bed as she looked at him with a gaze that was neither cold nor warm, it was empty. " Show me the marriage certificates…"

" What's there to look into them but if you want I will show you——"

" Both of them Yu Sheng," Song Yan stopped him and turned sideways to look at Fu Yu Sheng. " Show me both of them, show me the reality that I have forgotten and refused to accept, show me how that woman ruined your life and mine as well. Show me the evidence of our ill-fated relationship."