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My Wife Is A Ghost Exorciser

Chapter 1062 Its a dud
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Chapter 1062 Its a dud

Dong Xuelian crossed her arms and then watched Feng Ruoxuan climb up the stairs slowly. Though she did not know Feng Ruoxuan personally she had heard about Feng Ruoxuan fame. Even though Feng Ruoxuan was a woman she was quite famous in the world of stone gambling. She knew that even if Feng Ruoxuan picked up a small pebble from the stone section, she was bound to earn money. 

With Feng Ruoxuan's fame, it was impossible for her to lose out! 

Sure enough, when Feng Ruoxuan started to place the stones in front of the master cutter, more and more bids started to happen as everyone in the stone gambling den had heard about Feng Ruoxuan. 

The master cutter also did not disappoint, he used his skills and experience to cut the stones one by one and the second the stones were cut they showed up green in all of them. 

" It's glass jade!" 

" Oh my god is that ice green jade?" 

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" I saw it, I saw it! The third stone is a golden flare jade!" 

Feng Ruoxuan stood at the top of the stage happily, she knew that not only would her fame get even better after this bidding was over but she would also make extra money for herself. And this time Fu Rong and her sister-in-law would not be able to back away from handing her the formula! 

One by one the bidder started to place their bets, from the A-grade glass jade to the B-grade golden flare jade everything was sold for more than twenty million yuan. 

" She earned double of what she spent!" Fu Rong exclaimed, she really had to hand it to Feng Ruoxuan. Even though she was evil and annoying, her luck when it came to stone gambling was much better than the rest. 

Though Fu Rong was quite upset she could not do anything she could only watch helplessly as Feng Ruoxuan joined hands with influential people and then exchanged her number with them. Now that Feng Ruoxuan had shown her power in front of these influential people she would only get even more arrogant! 

If Feng Ruoxuan was not enough to anger, Fu Rong saw her ex-friends climb up the stage one by one. To her shock and surprise, she found that her ex-friends also earned two million for finding C-grade glass jade! 

" Sister Ruoxuan, thank you so much. It's all thanks to you that we were able to make this profit for no reason at all," said a girl while eyeing Fu Rong. She did not lower her voice at all and everyone could hear what she said, the old men who came to the stone bidding turned to look at Feng Ruoxuan with a new glint in their eyes. 

" It's not a big thing, since you all came with me to the capital, I have to be sincere towards you," Feng Ruoxuan smiled politely. " After all, if not for me you would not have been troubled." 

" Humph who is the one who troubled us? But it's certainly not you," said another girl as she sucked up to Feng Ruoxuan like a lackey. " It's because of a certain someone who could not afford to make a bet but still dared to run her mouth." 

Though these girls did not dare to go against Fu Rong in the past now they felt like they had a backer with someone like Feng Ruoxuan standing beside them. They only used fifty thousand yuan to buy the stone and yet they made a profit of one million and fifty thousand yuan! 

How could someone as talented as Feng Ruoxuan could be compared to Fu Rong?

" You…" Fu Rong was so angry that she wanted to fight with the two girls who just spoke ill of her but she was stopped by Song Yan. In the end, in a fit of anger, Fu Rong climbed up the stage and handed her stones to the master cutter. She was sure that she would be able to earn six million yuan back! 

But to her unfortunate surprise, she found that none of the three stones had any green in them! 

When the girls standing downstairs saw this they immediately burst out laughing they wanted to see how long Fu Rong would be able to stop herself from crying out loud! 

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However, Fu Rong did not cry this time she turned to look at Song Yan who was standing calmly on the side and rushed to her side. 

"Sister-in-law!" As long as Song Yan was calm it meant that they still had the chance to turn the situation around! 

" Why are you crying? We still have a chance," Song Yan pushed Fu Rong away with a frown. " Wait for me here." 

After Fu Rong was done cutting her stone, it was her turn to cut the stone. 

She did not hand the stones that Master Liu instead she first picked up the stone that Dong Xuelian had thrown at her. She wanted the woman to see what she had lost given that she laughed the loudest when Fu Rong's stones turned out to be a dud. 

" You can cut it open first, master" she told the master cutter who looked at the big rock which was twice the size of a child's fist and turned to look at Song Yan. Seeing that she was determined to cut it open, he sighed and turned his machine on. 

However, even after cutting for two minutes, no one saw any signs of green jade inside the stone. Seeing this Feng Ruoxuan could not help but kindly advise Song Yan, "Sister-in-law there is no need for you to waste your time with this kind of stone. I have gambled ever since I was twelve years old with my father and I know that this stone does not hold anything, why don't you give it up?" 

Even the master cutter thought so but unless Song Yan asked him to stop, he could not stop the cutting machine!