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My Wife Is A Ghost Exorciser

Chapter 1045 Why keep them?
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Chapter 1045 Why keep them?

Song Yan turned to look at the crying woman and then said calmly, " Looks like you were lying and your wife knows that you lied which is why she crying knowing that she is doomed to be exorcised sooner or later." 

The fat ghost's brows immediately jumped, he loved his wife and he also found her social anxiety quite quirky and cute but at this moment he really wished he had tried more to treat his wife! With her crying like this, they all might end up getting exorcised by this master! 

The fat ghost was afraid and he turned deathly pale even the two young brats turned pale after hearing Song Yan's words. While the fat ghost turned to look at his wife trying to tell her that there was no need for her to cry and she should speak out, the older one among the two young men turned to look at Song Yan with a fighting spirit ignited in his eyes, " If you want to exorcise then exorcise me! I am the one who caused the most ruckus in this house and scared those buyers away! But don't think that you will be safe after exorcising me, it is never too late for a man to get his revenge. I will be back!" 

" You will be back even after forgetting your memories?" Song Yan asked with a raise of her brows causing the young man to shut up. 

" No! Don't exorcise my brother. Exorcise me! I was the one who scared the buyers the most! I even stole the neighbour's chickens and ducks, if you are going to exorcise someone, then exorcise me!" The younger one said while trembling. 

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" What are you doing? I can deal with this!" 

" You are the older one, so you should take care of mom and dad." 

" I am the older one which is why I don't need my younger sibling to protect me!" 

" Don't…Don't exorcise my sons, they are really good. They did not do anything. They only scared them a little, nothing else," the woman who was crying immediately begged for mercy when she saw that her sons were about to be exorcised. They were still young when they died and she wanted to spend some more years with them before moving on, if they were exorcised what would happen to her and her husband? 

She then paused and stuttered, " If the master exorcises us now with our regrets we might not get a good rebirth." 

Song Yan curled her lips as she turned to look at the woman and then tilted her head before saying, " Who says that I am going to send you to the reincarnation cycle? Your son just cursed at me now, saying that he will come to take revenge on me, then isn't it better for me to deal with him by scattering his soul?" 

This time the elder one was so scared that he stiffed and his face turned pale. He looked at Song Yan as if she was a ghost and he was a human, he could not believe that this woman would scatter his soul just because he said a few words in anger! 

But he still refused to apologize, he died when he was still young and still had some pride in his bones—— no, his soul. How could he lower his head after saying such heavy words? Cannot allow his head to be lowered! 

The woman who saw her son acting stubbornly was so scared that she did not know what to do, she was about to faint when her husband finally opened his mouth and said in a low voice, " Celestial master, please give our family a chance. We are really good. My stone gambling skills were the finest in the time when I was alive, if not then that man wouldn't have targeted me. My wife loves cooking and her dishes are the finest if you want we can give you a taste. As for my elder son, he is really good at mechanics and my younger son is really great at hacking and computer skills." 

As he spoke, Song Yan silently listened to him. She had to admit that this man was indeed skilled and so was his family.

Afraid that Song Yan would not believe him, the fat ghost asked her to follow him such that he could show her, his skills. Because he was a well-known stone gambler, he won many prizes including having a lot of images clicked together with the then influential people. 

One of them was with Old Master Fu. 

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Once she was done seeing the skills of the fat ghost, he immediately brought her to the cellar where the trophies won by his sons were kept. Naturally, after that, he asked his wife to cook something for Song Yan and Fu Yu Sheng to show that they were not bluffing. 

" Yundong, go and cook something for our guests," the fat ghost spoke to his wife. 

Gu Yundong looked at Song Yan fearfully before nodding her head in a hurry. She needed to show off her skills or else her children would end up losing their life with their chatty mouths. 

She quickly hurried to the kitchen, thankfully her sons were skilled and brought back ingredients from the neighbour's houses. Even though things were stolen, they did not steal a lot which was why no one noticed that things were missing from their house. 

Though they were ghosts and did not need to eat, their family still acted as if they were alive before leaving the cooked food for the needy. 

" What should we do with him?" While their mother went to the kitchen the two young men turned to look at Kong Shuai who fainted earlier after seeing them. 

Song Yan looked at Kong Shuai and pursed her lips, she couldn't leave this poor man on the ground, so she asked Fu Yu Sheng to bring Kong Shuai to the bedroom on the second floor with the two young men. 

" By the way, what's your name?" She asked the two brats.

" I am Liu Wei and he is Liu An," Liu Wei who was the older one among the two introduced himself. Now that they knew the celestial master was not going to harm them they were really solicitous.
