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My Talented Babies & Genius Wife

Chapter 900 Beat Freya
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"Grandma, | respect you, but | hope that you will givethe strust and respect." Freya has no blood relationship with Joanna, but she is Kieran's grandmother, and she still hopes to get her approval, and it is hard for Freya to feel bad when she is so unreasonable.

"How dare you!" Tomas tried to make Joanna angry, "How dare you talk to my mother with such an attitude?! Freya, you really don't have our Fitzgerald family in your eyes anymore!" "Freya, you've contradicted my mother tand again because you're weak-minded, right? Tell me, what exactly is your relationship with this traitor! How on earth did you conceive with child with this traitor!" With these words, Tomas had already decided that the child inside Freya's belly was Bradley's child, and without waiting for Freya to speak, he continued, "If you don't say it, I'll say it for you! You and Bradley have actually been hooking up for a long time! You two stayed by Kieran's side in order to get benefits from him and empty our Fitzgerald's!" "Kieran treats you well. Freya, you're really vicious!" Thinking of something, Tomas yelled even more excitedly, "Freya, Kieran has always been in good health, how cafter getting back together with you, he suddenly fell into a coma? Freya, if | remember correctly, you should be a doctor, right?" "Doctors save lives, but they also poison and harm people! Did you cause Kieran to fall into this state?!" Originally, when Kieran suddenly fell into a coma, Joanna had not yet thought of Freya in that direction, but after hearing Tomas say so, she instantly felt that his words were not without merit.

Indeed, before Kieran regained his memory, he was always well, and every the had a medical check-up, the results were good.

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Now that he had inexplicably suffered internal failure, it was so unbelievable that being poisoned was the most plausible explanation.

The eyes of Joanna that fell on Freya's face beccolder and colder, "Freya, | need an explanation! How did my Kieran beclike this? What exactly did you do to my Kieran?" "| didn't do anything!" Freya subconsciously defended herself, she really felt particularly ridiculous.Everyone was convinced of Regina, the culprit, while she had done nothing, but had becthe most guilty.

"Grandma, | love Kieran, how could | possibly hurt him! There is someone else who hurt him!" "Freya, don't be sophomoric here! You're the one behind the scene! I've found out that you and Bradley have already bought your tickets to go abroad! You were just waiting for Kieran to fall into a coma, get Fitzgerald's fortune, and leave for good! Unfortunately, before you could leave, | caught you in the act!" With that, Tomas brought the two tickets to Joanna.

"Mum, look, they've bought tickets to Provence for tonight! They're all planning to elope together with the money, and | don't believe that there's nothing between them!" Looking at the two tickets, Joanna's aged hands could not control the trembling.

The sflight, the sdestination, if there was nothing fishy between them, they would not flee with the money! Moreover, a large portion of the money from the evidence Bradley had shown her earlier of embezzling Fitzgerald's property had gone to Freya's account! If Freya and Bradley were innocent of any wrongdoing, why would he have put the money into her account? This overwhelming evidence ultimately proved that Freya and Bradley had already hooked up a long tago, and not only had they played her most prized grandson for a fool, but they had also caused her grandson to fall into a coma! "Freya, Bradley, the evidence is overwhelming, what else do you have to say? Thinking of Kieran lying motionless in bed, Joanna instantly aged several years, and her voice could not help but be tinged with a bit of fatigue.

Freya also saw the two tickets. Tomas can really forge anything, he even can make the tickets so realistic.

No one should try to frher for something she hadn't done! "Grandma, | still say that betweenand Bradley, there's nothing! The two tickets that Uncle Tomas gave you were forged! If you take my ID card and check, you'll find that I didn't buy the tickets at all!" These two tickets of Tomas are really pure forgery, if Joanna takes Freya's ID card and check it out, she will find out the truth.

However at this time, Joanna had completely believed Tomas and Regina, and in her opinion, whatever Freya said was a sophistry.

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"Freya, you're still unrepentant!" Joanna heaved a sigh, "Kieran is really fool to fall in love with you!" "Good, since you're unrepentant, I'll make it up to you!" With that, Joanna angrily yelled at the maids, "Beat her!" When he heard Joanna's voice, Bradley's face changed tically. He was badly injured by that, but Freya was still pregnant, she would probably get killed! He struggled to get up from the ground and stood in front of Freya, "Joanna, you can't hurt Freya! She's carrying Boss's baby inside her belly! You can't hurt her!" Joanna was about to explode with anger, and now that she saw Bradley protecting Freya so much, she was even more furious.

She slammed her cane directly on the ground and ordered the servants in a cold voice, "Beat herseverely! My Fitzgerald family has no such shameless and unscrupulous daughter-in-law!" Many of the servants knew about Freya's pregnancy, and the one holding the stick couldn't help but speak up, "Madam, Freya is still pregnant, I'm just afraid it will be too much for her to bear." "She asked for it!" Joanna swept a grim glance at Freya's stomach, "There's no need to care about the child in her belly, just beat her!" Freya stumbled violently.

She didn't want to be upset by this incomprehensible and confused old lady, but she still felt indescribably bad when she thought of the child in her belly being so misunderstood and so unexpectant.

She had never hurt anyone, how cin the end she got framed up! She knew that Joanna was going to beat her. She didn't want the baby in her belly to be harmed and, shielding her belly, she tried to run outside the ancestral hall.

But before she could successfully turn around, she was grabbed back by the maids fiercely, and Joanna's voice was ruthless, cruel and desperate, "Beat her!"