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My Servant Is An Elf Knight From Another World

Chapter 395
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Chapter 395: A Just Reward

Alas, it was a moment, a scene, too good to last... and eventually it drew to an end. It was like an idol performance, and the crowd treated it as such, thunderous applause rang loud and long throughout the vicinity.

I forgot they were even competing in the first place, and I was only reminded of it once the scoreboard transitioned in – and after a moment of suspense – with a triumphant jingle, the machine declared Amanda the rightful winner, beating Ash only by a narrow inch. ????????????re????d. ????????????

Needless to say, Amanda was pretty much soaring over the moon about it – whooping, prancing – failing miserably to contain her excitement, not that she was even bothering to try in the first place, juxtaposing the reserve, dignified manner Ash took the loss, expressing only a mildly disappointed sigh before joining the crowd in applause.

“I won! I won!” Amanda shouted as she strode her way over towards me. I’m not even sure how she found me unless she knew I’ve been standing here all along. “I actually won! Can you believe it?! I did it!”

She sounded like a kid ecstatic over the fact she can ride a bike all on her own now, it was actually quite endearing. Guess that makes me the proud father then, right?

Wait no, that’s dangerous. Let’s not touch that phrase anymore actually.

“Wow, indeed,” I said, blowing a breath in awe. “You’ve outmatched an Elf, I don’t think that’s ever been done in human history, that’s quite an achievement.”


“Who cares about that?” She said, smiling dumb and euphoric. “It’s the prize I’m after! You know what this means, right? Come on, tell me what I wanna hear. Say the words, let me hear you say them. I earned it~”

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Or I could just not say anything, and tease her about it... but I won’t. It’s like she said, she’s earned her keep.

I spread my arms out, willingly, submitting myself to her whims. “Deal’s a deal, I’m all yours. Do as you want with me, whatever the hell that may be. Anything you want, it’s yours.”

She got closer, way closer. “Anything, hmm?”

There was a glint to her gaze that for some reason triggered an innate primal fear within me.

“Within reason, I suppose,” I quickly added.

“No, no, no last-minute caveats now, I got you unconditionally, okay?” She said softly, her voice speaking in relish. “So anything means anything, alright?”

Now, she’s got me curious here. “And what does anything mean to you?”

“Don’t worry, it’s nothing devious,” She replied, acting shamelessly coy about it. “If you think I’m gonna bed you, then you think too little of me. I’m not just gonna give myself to you like that. Get off your high horse.”

Why am I being attacked here? I didn’t even say anything close to that, what?

“Tonight,” She muttered, gently placing her hand on my shoulder. “After work, come over to my place for dinner. Just you, don’t bring anyone else.”

I heard her request, and all I could muster was a scoff. “What, that’s it?”

“That’s it,” She nodded, stepping back. “Dinner with me. Tonight. I’ll pick you up after your shift.”

“Can’t be that simple.”

“Simple?” She exploded into a quick burst of laughter. “You? Simple? With you being booked every other day by every other girl in every other time? No, this is by far the most complex heist I’ve ever done stealing them from you, and hey – something finally went my way for once.”

How genuine, how cheerily she spoke her words, it twinged me a bit inside – she’s thought about me this much, cared for me for this much, and even though it couldn’t be helped, I felt sort of ashamed for not doing the same.

“Uh oh, is someone feeling a little guilty ignoring his girlfriend?” Amanda eyed my expression sideways, an amused half-smile on her face. “Having a harem is so troublesome, isn’t it?”

“Maybe I’m just wondering how on earth you can be so patient with me.”

“I told you already, didn’t I? I knew exactly what I was signing up for when I fell in love with you – and if you think for one second I’m unhappy with these conditions, then take a good look at me, do I look like I’m unhappy?”

No, she didn’t. Not with that gentleness reflecting in her hazel eyes, not with that fondness brimming in her lips wide and full. I saw the sweat glistening on her forehead, heard her expended effort leaving with her breath – everything about her was all out of love.

“I’ll cancel my stream for the evening,” She said, slowly taking my hand and stroking it in hers. “So tonight, just for tonight, you’ll be all mine, promise?”

I nodded, stroked her hand back. “Promise.”

And so our little detour at the arcade complex ended on a high note, leaving the premises as living legends to be passed on from part-timer to part-timer about the time a pair of girls took the place by storm seemingly out of nowhere and for seemingly no cause at all.

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Except there was... and that cause was I.

We parted ways with Amanda not long after... something about needing to buy some last-minute supplies, and since we were done with our sightseeing, we bid our farewells, and the rest of us made our way for the exit.

Along the way, Sammy called me over in private momentarily, and to my shock and delight, she actually kept true to her word. She got a video of the whole dance, a good angle of it too.

“If you’d like me to forward it to you,” She said, swiftly pocketing her phone. “There’s something you gotta do for me first.”

Should have known it was too good to be true, but since y’know... I’m only human prone to his carnal temptations, I bit the bullet and asked, “What is it?”

Anyway, five minutes later, Ash was innocently wondering why I was shelling out thirty bucks for another round of ice cream for Sammy. I just told her it was for an investment... which wasn’t technically a lie.

“By the way, Ash,” Sammy said through a spoonful. “You didn’t win, but if you did... I’m still curious what you would have wanted from my brother.”

I paused the video on my phone, veering my gaze towards the ice-cream parasite in a scowl. “No tact, have you?”

“It’s alright, Master,” Ash said, no longer looking and sounding as reserved and demure as she was before. “Since I’ve lost, I feel it no longer bears any significant weight... so if you must know, I confess... even now I’ve yet to actually think of a decent request to ask for. In the end, I believe I wouldn’t have brought myself to actually ask Master for anything.”

“What? Seriously?” She said, licking cream from her lips in disbelief. “Not much of a reward if you ask me.”

“To continue being at Master’s side is more than I could ever hope for,” Ash affirmed, turning to me with a smile. “To be here now is already reward enough.”

Just when I thought things couldn’t be sweet enough, Ash just had to go and crank that wholesome factor to an eleven. I’m still not sure exactly what I’ve done to deserve all this tender love and affection towards me, and I’m also not too certain if I even deserve it in the first place but hey... you’ll see me dead before you ever hear me complaining.

“Hm? Oh hey, it’s you!” Someone said, someone I couldn’t see. “I thought I recognized that face. Remember me?”

It sounded friendly enough that I didn’t pick up on it yet... it wasn’t until he emerged from the crowd in front of us, a hand in the air, waving at us, beckoning us, did I finally realize... and by then it was already too late.

Jay was here again.