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My Fated Human Luna by TheNich29

Chapter 149
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My Fated Human Luna Chapter 152

5 New Scent

Autumn POV

I head to the cottage with Jade and Brooklyn to wait for Ruby. I know something is going on and it’s not

just her wanting to hang out. We are together all the time when she isn’t at the office. Once we’re

inside, I turn to Jade. “What is going on with Ruby? Did something happen?” The look on Jade’s face

when I ask tells me that it’s big. “She has to be the one to tell you guys. I already told our mother and

I’m sure she is going to want to kill me for telling her when she asked me to keep it a secret.” I won’t

push Jade because it’s not fair to ask her to break her word to Ruby, besides, I’m sure the secret is

why I’m here. A few minutes later, Ruby walks in and plops down on the couch next to me. She looks

around at the three of us before her eyes land on Jade. “I’m sorry Ruby, I was worried about what

would happen. I know that you didn’t want me to say anything but I thought maybe grandma could help

give you perspective.” She stands up and wraps Jade in a hug. “I’m not mad. I shouldn’t have asked

you to keep a secret like that.” Ruby sits back down and takes a deep breath.

“I found my mate two days ago.” Brooklyn and I squeal like pre-teen girls. “That’s amazing. Why the

hell are you keeping that a secret? You should be shouting it from the rooftops. Did he do something

that I have to kick his a** for?” The sadness in her eyes squeezes the heart in my chest. We may not

be blood, but she is like my sister. I would destroy anyone that hurts her or my family. “He is human

and has a human mate.” “Maybe she is like your grandmother’s first mate. The goddess must know

something he doesn’t.” “I don’t know, but I won’t interfere in their relationship to have him. I can’t

compromise who I am to have my mate. I can’t wonder for the rest of my life if he chose me for me.” I

pull her into a hug. There is nothing I can say right now to make her feel any better, but I can at least

make her laugh. She pulls back and I smile “I could turn her into a frog for you.” We all burst out

laughing. “As tempting as that is, I don’t think so.” “Seriously, tell us everything that happened.” She

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does and I hate that finding her mate wasn’t the best day of her life. We all dream of the day we find

our mates. It’s supposed to be the day we feel the most complete. “So what are you going to do,

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Ruby?” She smiles but it doesn’t reach her eyes. “I’m going to trust the goddess.”

“I hope that she is able to have her mate,” Summer says. I love my wolf and I pray that she is right for

Ruby’s sake. Summer is the reason I know the goddess has a sense of humor. The day I got my wolf

and she said her name was Summer we both laughed. She is full of energy and sarcasm which I love.

“I hope so too, Summer.” “Autumn, I was wondering if you would do me a favor” Ruby asks. “Of course,

you know I would do anything for you.” “Maverick’s mother has cancer and I was hoping you could try

and heal her.” “You know that I have no problem doing that but how exactly are we going to make that

happen without telling them what I am.” She smiles “I told him you were a holistic healer.” I laugh “I

guess that could be true. I’m not using medicine. Still you know that I can’t hide the glow from my

magic. I can’t expose our kind to humans even if it’s for a good cause.” “I have a plan for that part, just

trust me.” “Then I’m in. When do you want to make this happen?” “Well I thought that you could come

with me to the office tomorrow and meet Maverick first.”

“Absolutely, I would love to see where you work and meet one of the future Alphas of our pack” “I’m

going too” Brooklyn and Jade say in unison. Ruby rolls her eyes. “Fine, but I have a big meeting

tomorrow so you all can’t come until after it’s over.” “Road trip” Brooklyn yells and we all start laughing.

We spend the rest of the night just hanging out and watching movies. I start back to the cottage I still

share with my parents. I don’t keep secrets from my mother, so I plan on telling her about me helping

Maverick’s mother. When I walk in my parents are sitting on the couch in the living room. I head

upstairs knowing that my mother will be up to ask me about my day. I change and get ready for bed.

Mom comes in as she usually does. “So what’s going on with Ruby?” I chuckle and she plops down on

my bed.

I tell her everything and she just listens. She brushes stray hair from my face and places her hand on

my cheek. “I’m proud of you for wanting to help but I want you to remember two things. You must not

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reveal yourself to humans that are not part of the pack or family. The second thing is if you do this and

it doesn’t work you can’t blame yourself.” I c**k my head and smirk at her. “I remember what dad said

to you the day you helped Stephen and my answer will be the same. I will try not to blame myself. I

understand that there is always a chance she won’t respond to my magic but I want to at least try for

Ruby and for Maverick.” She wraps me in a hug and I say a prayer to the goddess for strength and


Archer POV

I head from the dining room with Wesley. We head out of the pack house and get ready to shift for

patrol duty. “Archer”, I hear an annoying female voice from behind me. I turn to see Tanya walking in

my direction. “I guess your sister didn’t hit her hard enough” Wesley says and I chuckle. “What do you

want, Tanya? I don’t have time right now.” She places her hand on my chest as she starts to speak. “I

just wanted to let you know that I’m not mad at you for what your sister did to me in front of everyone

today.” I take her hand off me. “Tanya, I don’t know how many times I can say this to you. I will never

be with any woman but my fated mate and you are not her.” She pouts and I roll my eyes. “I am a

warrior’s daughter and you have no idea who the goddess has planned for you. She could be an

omega or even worse a pathetic rogue for all you know.” I growl that she would even use the word

pathetic about my future mate. She steps back and I’m done being diplomatic with this girl. “Then so be

it. I had hoped that you would take the lesson my sister gave you today and learn from it but I guess

not. I am not interested in you and I never will be.” I turn and when we are far enough away we both


Lazlo takes off and we reach the border in minutes. Axe walks by our side as we reach the guards we

are relieving. Despite that I am not Alpha, they still bare their necks at me. It was a hard decision, but

honestly I’m glad I decided against it. I’m glad to lead the warriors and help my sister rule the pack. The

guards leave and we begin checking the area. I catch the scent of something but I can’t quite make it

out. It’s definitely outside the territory but I don’t like anyone being this close to our pack. I start to walk

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toward the border and Axe growls low warning me. He is my best friend and he worries. Despite his

warning, he follows me into the trees just over the border. The scents are now a mix. It is definitely a

vampire, but something else is there. We step farther into the trees and the scent of lavender invades

my nose and Lazlo growls deep.

Three vampires drop from the trees. “I believe you are in the wrong place mutt” a male vampire says to

me. Lazlo growls. Axe comes to stand next to me. The begin to laugh and point in our direction. “You’re

outnumbered mutts.” I link my father not knowing how many others are out here. The vampire jumps at

us and Lazlo swipes his paw, knocking him against the tree. The two other vampires jump and Lazlo

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side steps, avoiding the hit. That’s when we notice that Wesley has shifted and has his fangs bared. He

is fighting one of the men and the other is running at me. This time Lazlo bites the vampire in half. We

catch movement on our right side and when we look a beautiful woman with red flowing hair is staring

in our direction. Four more vampires run from behind her and I can hear the sound of paws hitting the

ground in the distance. “Enough” she yells and the men stop dead. “Return to the coven now.” They

immediately follow her orders and her eyes lock with ours. “Mate” Lazlo says, so only I can hear him. I

can see she realizes it too. We shift and I head toward her but she disappears into the trees. “Archer

what the f**k are you doing,” I hear my father’s voice from behind me. I turn and he looks pissed.

Danica POV

I use my speed to catch up with the others. What the hell is happening? This can’t be right. My beloved

cannot be a wolf. We reach the coven and Milo looks pissed. “What the f**k was that Danica? We could

have killed both of those mutts if you hadn’t given orders to retreat.” I reach out and grab him by the

throat. “You don’t question me, Milo. I am the one in charge, remember that. Do I make myself clear?” I

start to squeeze his throat, not enough to cut off his air supply but enough to remind him how strong I

am. “Yes Danica” he rasps out and I drop him to the ground. I turn looking at all my men. “Maybe if you

had killed the wolves quicker I wouldn’t have had to save your a**es by retreating.” I have to focus my

mind here and not on the wolf I just left in the woods.

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I head toward the mansion. I can hear Milo coming behind me. Once I’m at the base of the stairs, he

grabs my arm turinng me to face him. “I’m sorry I questioned you Danica. I just” he trails off. “You just

what.” I don’t care what this a**hole thinks or what my father had planned, I will never be his. “You were

staring at that wolf like you knew him or wanted him.” “Let me make this clear Milo. I am nothing but

your leader. I don’t care what plans you made with my father before he died. I decide who I make my

beloved.” “Danica, I have loved you since we were teenagers. Please reconsider your decision. I will be

a good beloved and stand by your side to rule the coven.” I step toward him. “The only thing you would

love is power. I am the only leader of this coven. Make no mistake about that. You are a soldier and

that will not change.” I head to my wing and Milo knows better than to follow me. I peel of my clothes

and step under the spray of the shower. I promised my father that I would deal with the Scarlett Rose

pack after they killed my cousin, but what do I do now?

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