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My Celestial Ascension

Chapter 75 Enemies Met On A Narrow Path
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Yuan's smile turned into a determined expression as his gaze locked onto the three individuals. Anna, noticing the change in his demeanor, followed his line of sight and furrowed her brows in concern.

"Yuan, who are they?" she asked, her voice filled with caution.

Yuan's gaze remained fixed on the trio, his voice filled with disdain. "They are the son of the city lord, Jim, and his two cronies, Tony and Paul," he replied, his tone dripping with resentment.

Lily's tone turned bitter as she spoke, memories of past torment resurfacing. "They were the ones who bullied Yuan for years, simply because he hadn't awakened his mana. And just a week ago, they almost killed him. If I hadn't arrived in time..." Her voice trailed off, the thought too horrifying to complete.

Anna and Grace gasped in shock, their eyes wide with disbelief. "They did what?" they exclaimed in unison, their voices filled with both outrage and concern. They turned their gaze to Emma, seeking confirmation. Emma nodded solemnly, her expression mirroring the gravity of the situation.

Their collective anger flared, their eyes locked onto Jim, Tony, and Paul, radiating a murderous intent. Xi Meili, who had been clinging to Yuan's arm, felt her fury rise. Her voice dripped with anger as she declared, "How dare these lowly mortals bully my husband for years and try to take his life! I won't forgive them. I'll reduce them to ashes!" Her words resonated with the same fury burning within Anna, Grace, Lily, and Emma.

Lily, and Emma nodded in agreement, their voices filled with determination. "They will pay for what they have done to Yuan all these years," they said in unison, their resolve unyielding.

Grace's voice cut through the air, laced with ice-cold intent. "Indeed, they have bullied our darling for far too long, and nearly taking his life. It is only fair that we end theirs. But before that, I want to see them suffer for tormenting our darling," she declared, her words chillingly firm. Anna nodded in agreement, sharing the same sentiment.

Yuan couldn't help but smile at their unwavering support and fierce protectiveness. He was overwhelmed by their love and determination to stand by his side, even in the face of danger. Their words and the fire in their eyes reassured him that he was not alone in seeking justice.

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However, amidst the boiling rage, Yuan's voice emerged, tempered with a touch of warmth. "Thank you, everyone," he said sincerely. "Your love and care mean the world to me. Together, we will ensure that they face the consequences for their actions."

With their decision made, the group approached Jim, Tony, and Paul with an air of quiet menace. The atmosphere around them turned tense as they closed in, their eyes shining with a mixture of fury and determination.

As Yuan and his wives closed in on Jim, Tony, and Paul, a sense of anticipation filled the air. Unbeknownst to them, Tony and Paul sensed a presence approaching and turned to see the remarkable sight of five extraordinary beauties making their way towards them. 

The two men were stunned, their jaws dropping at the otherworldly facial features and unparalleled allure possessed by Yuan's wives.

Tony's eyes widened, unable to contain his excitement. He spoke with awe in his voice, "Oh my God! Look at them! They're so incredibly beautiful, like goddesses. I've never seen such magnificence in my entire life."

Eager to share their discovery, Tony turned to Jim, who was engrossed in a conversation with a shopkeeper. "Lord Jim, Lord Jim, look!" he exclaimed, his voice filled with excitement. "A group of unbelievably gorgeous women is approaching us!"

Jim raised an eyebrow, mildly intrigued by Tony's enthusiasm. "Really?" he replied, his curiosity piqued. "Show me."

Tony pointed in the direction of the approaching group, his excitement palpable. "They're right behind you, Lord Jim," he said, his voice filled with anticipation.

Paul, his gaze fixed on the women, couldn't help but let his desires surface. He licked his lips lecherously and added, "You'll be delighted by their beauty, Lord Jim. They're absolute stunners."

Intrigued, Jim turned around, his eyes meeting the sight that left him utterly mesmerized. The women who stood before him possessed a beauty that surpassed anything he had ever witnessed. 

They were like celestial beings who had descended from the heavens to grace the mortal world. Jim's breath caught in his throat as he struggled to comprehend the sheer magnificence before him. The transformation in their appearance was so profound that he failed to recognize them.

Yuan and his mother, his elder sister Lily, and his lover Emma had undergone a remarkable change, not just in their physical appearance but also in their aura. 

Their radiant presence and ethereal charm captivated Jim, leaving him utterly spellbound. He couldn't tear his eyes away from their alluring figures, their graceful movements, and the air of confidence that surrounded them.

As Jim looked at Yuan's wives with an excited expression, his mind raced with thoughts of their incomparable beauty. 

He couldn't help but express his awe, muttering to himself, "They truly are breathtaking. I've never seen such exquisite women in my life. Not even the princess of the noble household can compare to their beauty. They would be perfect as my wives."

With a lustful smile on his face, Jim approached the group, ready to introduce himself. But before he could utter a word, Yuan stepped forward, blocking his path, and fixed him with a cold, mocking stare.

Fury coursed through Jim's veins as he demanded, "Who are you to interfere and block my way?"

Yuan, his voice dripping with contempt, responded, "Jim, you bastard. It's fortunate that you're here. It saves me the trouble of searching for you."

Unable to contain his anger, one of Jim's accomplices, Paul, stepped forward, his voice filled with indignation. "How dare a commoner like you be so insolent to Lord Jim? Have you no manners?" he spat.

Tony, another ally of Jim, echoed Paul's sentiment and approached Yuan, his tone equally filled with anger. "You better watch your tongue, you insolent fool!" he threatened.

Yuan chuckled, amused by their reactions. "It hasn't even been a week, and already you've forgotten my face. How intriguing. Don't you remember this face, Yuan?" he taunted, a hint of mischief in his voice.

The mention of Yuan's name from Yuan himself left Jim, Paul, and Tony shocked and disbelieving. Their thoughts raced, their voices filled with disbelief as they questioned how Yuan could be alive. They remembered killing the manaless brat just days ago, so how was he standing before them, transformed and seemingly more powerful?

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Their voices trembled as they exclaimed his name and demanded an explanation for his resurrection. "Yuan? How is this possible? You should be dead!" they exclaimed, their disbelief evident in their tone.

The mention of the name "Yuan" from Yuan himself struck a chord of shock and disbelief in Jim, Paul, and Tony. Their minds raced, trying to make sense of the situation. They thought to themselves, "Isn't Yuan the manaless brat we killed just a few days ago? How is he alive? And how has he transformed so drastically?"

Their voices trembled as they exclaimed his name and demanded an explanation for his resurrection. "Yuan? How is this possible? You should be dead!" they exclaimed, their disbelief evident in their tone.

Yuan's gaze hardened, his eyes filled with a mixture of vengeance and triumph. He looked at each of them with a smug satisfaction, relishing in their confusion. "Oh, I died alright," he replied, his voice filled with an icy determination. "But what you see before you is a new Yuan, born from the ashes of the old."

The realization of Yuan's survival and transformation began to sink in, leaving Jim, Paul, and Tony feeling a mixture of fear and unease. 

They were now face-to-face with the very person they thought they had eliminated, and the consequences of their actions were about to come crashing down upon them.

Lily's cold expression intensified as she glared at Jim, Tony, and Paul, her anger palpable in her voice. "It was fortunate that I arrived in time to save my little brother's life that day. Otherwise, he would be dead because of you three brats."

Xi Meili, consumed by fury, unleashed her cultivation pressure upon Jim, Tony, and Paul. The weight of an unknown force bore down on them, making it increasingly difficult to breathe. 

They immediately dropped to their knees, a sense of fear gripping their hearts as they gazed upon the magnificent and icy beauty of Xi Meili.

With a mixture of black and crimson red flames swirling in her hand, Xi Meili spoke in a cold and murderous tone. "Since you dared to take my hubby's life, it's time for you to pay." With a swift motion, she tossed the wisp of flame towards Paul.

"Aghhhhhhh!" A bloodcurdling scream tore through the air as the flame consumed Paul's body at a terrifying rate. Within seconds, all that remained of him were ashes. 

Shock and fear engulfed Jim and Tony as they witnessed the demise of their comrade before their very eyes.
