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Museum of Deadly Beasts

Chapter 135: Don’t Worry, Let Me Handle It
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Chapter 135: Don’t Worry, Let Me Handle It

The man named Ding Hong was Green River City Beast Appraisal Association’s Rank 2 beast appraiser. Holding a significant position, he was only below Chief Xu Anqiao in rank and was renowned as the number one prodigy in Green River City, possessing wide knowledge and profound skills.

When Tan Lin agreed to his request, Ding Hong smirked on the inside.

They had come here today to demonstrate their standing to Maple City. It was common practice for them and back then, the useless Wang Ji would only suffer in silence. Now that Tan Lin had taken office, they couldn’t allow Maple City to rise above their current state.

The reason was simple. Green River City and Maple City were too close to each other. Green River City’s branch only managed to secure eight official positions for themselves because they used underhanded tricks to ‘rob’ the quota that was originally allocated to Maple City, leaving the latter with only two official positions.

If Maple City had four official positions, headquarters might consider revoking two positions from Green River City to balance out the number in this region. Green River City’s branch was obviously unnerved by this possibility and it gave them a reason to challenge Maple City’s branch.

It was as the saying went, ‘a mountain cannot accommodate two tigers’.

Ding Hong came prepared. He proposed, “Has Maple City’s appraisers read the ‘Gushan Beast Appraising Mantra’?”

The ‘Gushan Beast Appraising Mantra’ was an incredibly rare masterpiece. Profound as it was, regular beast appraisers rarely had the opportunity to study it. Even if they did, they might not be able to understand most of the skills abundantly provided in the book.

Guidance from erudite mentors was necessary and the individual himself had to possess a surprising level of understanding of the subject matter as well. A laborious effort was also required to grasp the use of certain techniques.

Gao Jiang’s expression immediately faltered at this.

He had obviously heard about the book but never read it before.

It was difficult for a Rank 1 beast appraiser like him to come across such a masterpiece.

Lin Jin remained unfazed. Like Gao Jiang, he had never read it too.

Only Tan Lin had studied it. But she was aware of how shallow her knowledge about the Gushan Beast Appraising Mantra was. She had yet to understand the entirety of the book.

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However, she couldn’t possibly back down now.

“The Gushan Beast Appraising Mantra is a masterpiece written Mr. Gushan a hundred and twenty years ago. This book is widely popular so of course, I’ve read it,” Tan Lin answered.

Ding Hong smirked inwardly. ‘And here I was fearing that you’ve never read it. Now that I know you have, how wonderful.’

He said in a serious tone, “I expected Maple City’s beast appraisers to be this knowledgeable. Though, I am ashamed to say that while I’ve studied this beast appraising masterpiece before, my weak understanding ability has only allowed me to learn it on a superficial level. It’s definitely below your level of understanding of the book. So today, I’m seeking guidance on some of the beast appraising techniques of this book. Please share with me what you know.”

Gao Jiang shifted uncomfortably in his seat. This was him displaying nervousness.

Lin Jin was steady as a mountain and he kept his lips sealed.

Tan Lin had no confidence but could only brace herself for what was to come.

Ding Hong began swaying his head as he narrated, “In part eleven of the Gushan Beast Appraising Mantra, there is a technique going by the name of ‘Judging Seasons By A Leaf’. As per its name, it is a beast appraising skill where we judge the big picture by relying on a small detail. It is also a method to help us beast appraisers improve ourselves. However, my dull wits prevent me from understanding this method thoroughly. Here is my question for the appraisers of Maple City. In the book, there is this saying, ‘Judge skin or fur by its quality. Judge scales by its patterns. Every beast possesses different blood. Within them hides the secrets of elements…’ I was wondering whether any of you can tell me what this saying is referring to and perhaps give me a detailed explanation?”

Ding Hong looked to Gao Jiang. The latter averted his gaze, refusing to look him in the eye.

Ding Hong smirked and then shifted his gaze to Lin Jin. Lin Jin never read the Gushan Beast Appraising Mantra before so he was currently searching through the Museum of Deadly Beasts, looking for this book. He, too, ignored Ding Hong.

This pleased Ding Hong and he turned to Tan Lin.

Tan Lin knew that Ding Hong’s question was too profound and too biased. This was a high-level skill that many beast appraisers have never read before much less being able to explain.

Hence, she couldn’t blame Gao Jiang and Lin Jin for being incapable of answering it.

As chief, it was time for her to step up.

Otherwise, Maple City’s Beast Appraisal Association would suffer a humiliating defeat.

Although Tan Lin never researched the Gushan Beast Appraising Mantra on a deeper level; she merely knew bits of information from the book. If she tried harder to make it sound reasonable, she should be able to answer his question.

And so, the answer was provided, albeit in a rather strained tone.

And Ding Hong recognized that strenuous effort coming from Tan Lin.

He planned to unleash his trump card just to see how Maple City’s beast appraisers would handle it.

And so, he nodded. “Chief Tan is indeed knowledgeable. Ding Hong is impressed. But theories are still nothing compared to practice. Several days ago, a friend of mine sent me a piece of scale, asking if I could tell which creature it belongs to. I’m not ashamed to say that I’ve been troubled by his request. Although I came up with an evaluation report after racking my brain, I feel that it’s far from presentable yet. Chief Tan, Appraiser Lin, Appraiser Gao, if you guys can also take a look at this scale and write out an evaluation report, Ding Hong would be greatly impressed.”

As Ding Hong spoke, the newcomers, Zhang Ze and Mo Huan arrived at the main hall’s entrance. However, some of the Green River City’s beast appraisers stopped them and made sure that they were watching their seniors being humiliated.

Ding Hong was ready to deal the decisive blow.

Would they take the challenge, or would they back down like cowards?

If they backed down, it would essentially be surrendering without a fight. When word gets out, Maple City’s Beast Appraisal Association would become the laughing stock of the beast appraiser’s community. But if they did decide to take on the challenge, how were they supposed to complete this task?

The only person who knew a bit of the Gushan Beast Appraising Mantra was Tan Lin and she didn’t have absolute confidence in the task. While she could bluff her way through theory, using this method to appraise the piece of scale and even write out an evaluation report was completely different.

She couldn’t do it.

She could try to force her way through but it would be full of flaws. And that would only give rise to more problems.

Tan Lin was currently frozen stiff. She couldn’t take the challenge nor forfeit it.

As for Gao Jiang, he already had his head lowered down like a petrified ostrich. He was this close to burying his head under his pants.

Tan Lin was gritting her teeth with her fingers were red from clenching her fists too tightly. Despite knowing it wouldn’t end well, she knew she had to take the challenge. If they didn’t have to courage to even appraise the scale, that would be utterly humiliating.

Moreover, she at least had enough skill to put out a decent evaluation report.

She only hoped for it to be a little more perfect so the other party couldn’t pick out flaws or inconsistencies.

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With this thought in mind, Tan Lin decided to get up.

Yet, just as she was about to get ready, someone pressed down firmly on her shoulder, forcing her to return to her seat.

Tan Lin was stunned.

She turned to see that Lin Jin was already standing up.

It was Lin Jin who pressed her back into her seat.

“Chief, there’s no need for you to personally take on a minor task like this. I’ll go,” Lin Jin said casually.

Tan Lin got anxious.

She whispered, “Lin Jin, this isn’t the time to fool around. You…”

“Don’t worry!” Lin Jin’s forceful gaze and renewed aura simply startled Tan Lin.

Then, he went over to Ding Hong and held up his hands in salutation. “Appraiser Ding, please let me have a look at that scale.”

Ding Hong assumed Tan Lin would be taking the stage instead but who could have guessed that Lin Jin would end up offering himself as a sacrifice?

But this was even better.

‘Even Tan Lin can’t do it. Did you think you’re all that just because you passed the Rank 2 examination, Lin Jin?

‘I can’t wait to destroy you completely once you’re done with the evaluation report.’

Ding Hong smiled and took out the scale piece.

It was the size of an adult’s palm. The scale piece was resilient as a slice of metal and felt fairly hefty.

“Appraiser Lin, evaluate it well. I’m looking forward to studying your evaluation report.” Ding Hong handed the piece of scale to Lin Jin with a great look of ‘anticipation’.

When Lin Jin received the scale, it only took an instant for the Museum of Deadly Beast to give him the results he was waiting for.