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Memoirs of the Returnee-Novel

Chapter 301: What are Memories (4)
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Gedley clenched his teeth so hard that his gums bled. He shivered with a sense of betrayal as he listened to the tape delivered by Bell Moore’s subordinate on repeat, but soon he had to accept the inevitable.

There was no turning back. The team leaders would sacrifice him to survive, and Derek would turn a blind eye.

Despite Bell Moore assassinating his own people, there wasn't even a hint of an internal investigation team trying to track down the perpetrator.

Everything had been meticulously and systematically progressing. It hadn’t just suddenly happened.

“…Could it be?”

Suddenly, Gedley thought of Benedict.

The former team leader, Benedict, who had been killed by Shion Ascal.

He was decapitated for being a ‘rat’… and coincidentally, Bell Moore bechis successor.

Now, Bell Moore was after his own position.

Could all this really just be a coincidence?


Gedley sat down in his chair and closed his eyes.

In the darkness, a black curtain fluttered. Between its folds, he glimpsed sdamn bastard’s fiery red eyes.

The mastermind.

Bell Moore.

—Sir! Bell Moore, your junior often years, greets you!

From their first meeting, he pretended to be a carefree drinker emphasizing school ties, laughing like a fool to hide his true self. A man who spent every night in clubs, drowning in alcohol with women.

But all of it was an act to lower any guard. He had been steeped in greed and ambition from the start, always panting like a dog but looking upwards.

Indeed, Gedley had faced the worst and most dangerous enemy.

The most meticulous planner.

For Gedley, who realized his true nature too late, there was now no other option but to prolong his own life…


He smiled. A hollow laugh echoed through the empty director's office, where no one came.

Meanwhile, Jade received an update on the coffee bean supply issue.

“President Jade, there are complications with the coffee bean supply.”

Jade furrowed one eyebrow.

“The coffee beans?”


“Is it an issue with the distribution network itself?”

“No, actually. The network that Miss Zia has set up is excellent. She has connected with regions that have the right climate conditions for growing premium beans, and she has even selected secondary and tertiary options in case the primary regions suffer from droughts or floods. The network itself is almost global.”

An employee handed him a file.

“‘Blocker,' an organization, is disrupting the distribution network. Since the network passes through remote and foreign areas, conflicts are occurring in regions beyond administrative reach.”

“The reason?”

“lt seems like they're demanding a toll.”

Jade chuckled dryly.

“A toll.”


Cafe Balance was Jade’s ‘enterprise’. It was also the most successful business he had ever built.

Its current revenue far exceeded the station’s expectations, and it had grown to a size where it could go public whenever he wished.

“What should we do?”

“We do not negotiate with terrorists. Hire mercenaries to deal with them.”

While the supply of coffee beans were indeed Zia’s responsibility, their protection was Jade’s.

Especially since the quality of the coffee had improved significantly since Zia began supplying the beans.

“Yes, understood.”


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With a leisurely gesture, Jade returned to his tea-time. He sipped his coffee and unfolded the newspaper.

[“One-armed painter Eceline… embarks on a new challenge.”]

There was a story about Eceline. Jade smiled unwittingly, but his expression soon turned cold.


He was irked by the wording.

He called back his secretary who was about to leave.



He showed him the newspaper.

“Request a correction for this.”

“…What should they change it to?”

“That’s for those bastards to figure out. If they don’t change it, they better be prepared to face Libra as an enemy…”

On the day of the final interview for the knight qualification exam, over 200 successful second-round candidates gathered at the building of the Knight’s Association.

In the waiting room, which resembled a stadium, Soliette was chattering nervously beside me.

“The reason I want to beca knight isn’t just because it was a childhood dream…”

“Why are you nervous?” I nudged her shoulder with my elbow. She stumbled slightly and then took a deep breath.

“I received a call last night. They toldto think about returning hif I fail.”

“From Arkne?”

“Yes. Do you think the family suspects something?”

“That you’re Jelly?”

I asked teasingly.

“Ah. Well.”

Soliette sighed in relief.

“lt would be difficult for them to know. Such a strange… is me.”

It was not for nothing we had hidden her identity.

—Next. Candidate number 113, Shion Ascal.

Just then, my nwas called.

“Shion. Good luck.”

“Yeah. Okay.”

I stood in front of the interview room door.

Knock, knock - I didn't forget to knock.

I opened the door, greeted the interviewers with a bow, and then sat down.

However, I was slightly taken aback by the interviewers.

One of the three interviewers was Theia Esil.

She flipped through her file as she saw me.

“Mr. Shion Ascal.”


“You have passed all the exams with excellent grades. Your GPA as a freshman isn't bad either.”

“l've worked hard.”

Theia Esil raised her eyebrows at my response.

“The question I want to ask during the interview is simple. Why do you want to beca knight?”

“T0 fulfill my dream.”

The rest of the interview consisted of simple questions and answers.

The interview wasn’t difficult, but it was very ordinary—reasons for wanting to beca knight, what I would do as a knight, and so on… It was quite mundane.

“You seem unaffected.”


Suddenly, Theia Esil’s remark madetilt my head. She exchanged glances with another interviewer and then said,

“As if you didn’t even feel its presence…”

Another interviewer chuckled softly.

“Candidate Shion Ascal. There are various types of illusion magic layered here.

If you’re not careful, you can get lost and have strange experiences.”


I nodded calmly.

“l'm good at enduring and resisting.”

“lt seems so. This is a first.”

An unnamed interviewer smiled as he checked something on the document.

Meanwhile, Theia Esil glared at me.

Between her and me, a bad fate was gradually accumulating. Of course, compared to what would clater, this was just scratching the surface.

“Yes, I see. Even figured out the unique framework. But what about this?”

The interviewers exchanged smiles, and Theia Esil forced a slight smile on her lips.

“Please leave now. And don’t discuss the interview details with your friends.”

“Yes, thank you.”

I rose from the chair and bowed. As I exited the interview room, Soliette asked me,

“Shion, how did it go?”

“Of course, I passed.”

—Next. Candidate number 114, Soliette.

Suddenly, Soliette’s hair raised. I placed my hand reassuringly on her tense shoulder.

“lt’ll be easy for you.”



She swallowed nervously and walked into the interview room like a robot.

At the stime.

Johanna received data from Derek. More precisely, she ‘purchased’ it. The price was outrageously high, but she was flush with cash anyway.

Just the dividends from her shares in the Golden Casino were enough to buy two or three such data sets annually.


Johanna plugged a USB into her laptop. It buffered due to the large file size, but soon the data was displayed on the screen.

“…There’s a lot.”

There were many names. The participants in the test numbered in the thousands. Most were low-ranking knights from Libra.

The experiment they participated in was called [Magical Enhancement AL-Z2 Project].

The outline was simple.

Administer drugs to low-ranking knights to enhance their skills, turning them into significant forces.

The experiment was legal, having undergone clinical trials, and Johanna had remembered hearing about it before.

She scrolled with the mouse, searching for a particular name.

Though there were thousands, finding that person’s surnwas easy.

It was as if her eyes immediately found it, just like his face.

[Dale Ascal]

Dale Ascal.

Johanna opened the data on that person specifically.

Her reason for seeking information on Dale Ascal was singular: for a man with a limited tleft, the unknown aspects of his father could be a gift.

[Low-ranking knight of Libra]

[Voluntarily participated in the experiment]

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[Day 1 of drug administration: No visible changes]

Every day’s changes were observed and recorded in sentences, and reports in the form of a diary were compiled with physical data included.


Johanna sighed softly.

Indeed, the desire of low-ranking knights to becstronger is immense. Without a college education and unable to properly use magic, they are merely treated as simple guards.

[Day 2 of drug administration: Sincrease in physical abilities. No other issues observed. The subject’s gentle nature remains considerate of the researchers.]

“…Gentle, huh.”

Did Shion Ascal inherit his father’s temperament? Johanna couldn't help but smile unknowingly.

[Day 7 of drug administration: Upgrade in physical abilities. Muscle strength nearly doubled compared to Day 2. It appears that AL-Z2 has manifested in enhancing physical abilities for this knight. Interestingly, his temperament remains unchanged. This distinguishes him from other low-ranking knights who have becaggressive. We will continue to monitor the progress weekly.]

The experiment itself seemed successful. No abnormalities were noted in the logs from Day 20, Day 30, or Day 40.

Johanna was somewhat relieved.


[Day 60 of drug administration: Magical mutations have occurred. Strange magical waves are being emitted from the subject’s body. The impact is uncertain, but it has been kept confidential for now. Researchers are advised to wear protective gear when encountering the subject.]


The tone of the text had turned stark. The designation had changed from ‘knight’ to ‘subject.’

Johanna’s complexion turned cold.

Her heart beat slowly.

[Day 90 of drug administration: It is confirmed that the magic emitted by the subject affects others. To understand this in detail, the subject has been asked to restrict outings.]

The magic emitted by the subject definitely affects others.

Request to restrict outings.

The sentences grew increasingly strange.

Johanna’s breathing quickened.

[Day 100 of drug administration: A dog was provided as part of the procedure.

Although the subject is living with his son, faster effects are expected from animals than humans.]

Faster effects.

Johanna’s fingertips trembled. She stiffened like stone. It seemed she shouldn’t move the mouse any further.

She had to stop here.

It seemed her instincts were telling her.

If she read more… it would be irreversible.

[Day 120 of drug administration: The companion dog suddenly developed cancer. It is now clear. The magic emitted by the subject has a distinctly negative impact.]

Johanna closed her eyes for a moment. It felt as though she couldn’t breathe.

The companion dog had developed cancer and died due to the magic released externally.

If that happened to the dog, what effect might it have had on the son living with him?

[Day 150 of drug administration: Examination results show a small tumor in the son’s brain. This fact will be kept confidential. Immediate disposal of the subject is necessary.]

Johanna’s mouth fell open without her realizing it. Her eyes glazed over as they fixed on the monitor screen.

The word ‘disposal’ cut through her like a blade, yet she dared not speak a word.

[Day 180 of drug administration: Disposal process initiated]

All of this was the doing of Libra.

From Sherlock to Derek, a deed of Libra.

The legacy Johanna herself was to inherit.

[Day 180 of drug administration: Disposal process initiated]

She quietly stared at the screen. She stared blankly at the dry, drudging characters.

[Day 180 of drug administration: Disposal process initiated]

After Day 180, there were no more logs concerning Dale Ascal.

Nor was there any information about his son.

Eventually, Johanna clutched her face, which had becas barren as a desert.

Dale Ascal.

He was the father of Shion Ascal, who had been murdered by Libra, the organization Shion Ascal loyally served to the death…