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Master Of None

Chapter 345 - 345. Hidden Enemy
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The arrows pierced and tore through the purple cap mushrooms much faster than Walker was able to freeze them. Luckily there was water still in puddles around the ground due to the shade of the forest keeping the partly cloudy sunlight from drying them up. While he let another newly created frost whip fly out to land on two of the purple cap mushrooms bodies, Walker channeled his mana to draw in even more of the water elemental mana around. 

The water reacted and started to freeze on the ground. His mana was being used up much faster than he expected but he knew that he had enough to do what he was trying for. Thankfully the area was devoid of other plants due to the purple slimes moving through so his use of water magic would not harm the forest. 

"Come on and Freeze!" He gave this shout as a warning to Gil and Wade who were advancing behind him. The rest of the group was holding back in case the spore spread out due to the three boys missing a purple cap mushroom. 

Gil motioned for Wade to stop since he knew that Walker would not shout out unless it was a warning. He was proven right as the temperature decreased and Walker poured more of his mana in to the frost whips. 

The frost whips snaked out across the ground almost like tree roots. Walker had this idea while observing the forest and had used it in the spur of the moment. The frost whip spread and covered the purple cap mushrooms and caused layers of frost and ice to cover the entire ground. 

Walker was feeling the draw on his mana more heavily but this technique was working. It was not what he intended to do but since he underestimated the speed of two archers taking down the weak defense of the mushrooms he needed to give it his all. The ice on the ground and mushrooms covered them keeping the purple spores from spilling out and instead of freezing them in to the bodies of the purple cap mushrooms. 

"OK, come on up. I think I got them all." Walker was panting as he released the now frozen in place frost whips. They started to melt in to water as he let go of his control over the ice. 

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'The user has learned the skill frost ring from the snow spites system through user action. 

Frost ring- 5 mana cost

When the user is casting a magical skill of water element they are able to form a ring of frost around them. This skill can only be used when the user is already using another water elemental skill that causes water to form in to ice. Targets in the user's ring of frost will suffer debuffs of; -3agi, -2def, -1h per minute within the frost ring. The frost ring consumes less mana for the user during colder climate.' 

' nine purple cap mushrooms defeated

18 exp multiplied to 180 exp.' 

"What? So little experience points?" Gil saw the amount of experience and was looking at how much effort he had put in compared to the reward. 

"Well, they do have almost no defense. They can be killed with a falling branch. The only danger is the way they spread their spores. We pretty much just helped them grow if we didn't freeze them. Their bodies are useful though. A lot of different poison or potion uses." Wade was looking at the frozen purple cap mushrooms. He was compressed by the control of the water element. 

"It was definitely worth it. I think we can deal with them without having to fire arrows from a distance now." Walke was all smiles while looking at his first debuff skill. The magic he could use would have been great for the winter, but as long as he is in the cool shade of the forest and there are puddles he will have a great way to restrain opponents.

"Ugh, you learned another skill didn't you?" Remey was not surprised but instead wanted to hit Walker out of jealousy, but held herself back since she knew it would not make her feel any better. 

"Wait, is this really so common for him? How do you deal with it. I thought he just had water magic manipulation and made it freeze with those whips." Calen was trying to decipher the skills Walker could have learned. This was becoming an interesting game for her. 

"It could have been from the snow elf system. I have seen them use a frost whip and frost ring skills." Alma had met the snow elves when they visited from the north. They lived farther away past the desert but still remained close with their forest elf brethren. 

"The skill was from the snow sprite system, but it is pretty good to know snow elves can use the skills too. I would like to meet them one day." Walker kept this information for another time. Having another skill that a different elf people could you would make the bond with elves stronger. It could also earn him more respect overall from the elves. 

"I see, snow sprites are very rare around these parts. I believe they are even considered rare at the top of the mountains. You would need to go to the tundra to find them. The paintings I have seen of them are adorable." Calen had seen many of the paintings in the elven libraries as part of their 

"I am going to start to have the trees around her drop the decaying branches. While you all gather up those mushrooms. Don't touch any purple ice or water, those spores are still able to grow." Alma gave them the warning before she started whispering to the trees. Her voice was not speaking any recognizable words but sounded more like wind passing through trees. 

The trees nearby started to wilt and drop leaves and small twigs that showed decay, the skills Alma used may not be huge for combat but they were ideal for growing and protecting the forest. Walker could only imagine the effect she could have on the younger growth or even the growth of herbs in the forest. When she reached a high enough level she would not be surprised to hear that she could grow massive trees like Hilda's mastery skill. 

Midnight used her claws to break away some of the ice and drag one of the first purple cap mushrooms that Walker had frozen towards him. He was able to easily store it and found that it would be fine to store them away frozen. "Well, that was cool." 

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Wade watched as Walker placed the purple cap mushrooms in to his inventory. The spatial magic was not something he was used to but had seen before. "My master had a spatial skill that allowed him to only store arrows. It was a pair with his mastery skill infinite arrow rain. He could fire arrows directly from his arrow storage. I only saw him use it once but it got rid of an entire giant ant colony." 

"I hope I can get an arrow storage skill. Walker has to carry all my arrows and it is such a pain. Actually, pass me one of my paralyzing arrows please." Gil reached out a hand as he caught some movement in the corner of his eye while they worked to get the purple cap mushrooms cleaned up. 

Gil pulled back the arrow that Walker handed to him. It was one of the wither spike arrows full of the horned rabbit poison. He pulled it back and let the arrow fly through the green leaves a distance away. "Midnight got after what Gil shot please." Walker knew that Midnight could move and get the monster Gil saw more easily than the others. 

"Nice catch, those things are a pain. But we are pretty high in number. I doubt it would have attacked." 

"I just didn't want to risk it. I actually have seen one before so I knew about its color change ability. They make their way in to a lot of different places because of it." 

"True, that's why they are so good for rogue type systems though. Lot's of personal guards also use the materials for their jobs." 

Wade and Gil were having a full on debate of what he had shot with his arrow. The problem was the rest of the group was completely lost because they were not able to see what the two archers had seen. "Are you two planning gon letting us in on what you two saw?" Walker was a little miffed since they seemed to intentionally hide it even though Walker had just asked Midnight to go help since she would be excited to do so. 

