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Master Of None

Chapter 285 - 285. Fans
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Walker was going to keep on in this train of thought to properly think on why the world had dictated the decisions of the system upgrades. He had read some of the reasoning in the notifications but that also left the question of why other aspects of their personality had been ignored. Gil could have easily gained something that mixed farming and archery but instead it focused on his balanced magical attack and regular attack. 

Putting the will of the world aside Walker had become distracted by the musicians making their way inside. There were some who seemed very familiar since he had been on stage with them when they performed. The dark circles under their eyes from working so hard still showed they needed rest. 

Deciding that it was best to head their way he went up to the healing light crystal to start some small talk while they got ready. "Helloo, I know I helped you guys before but my name is Walker. Sorry for the lack of introduction before." He said this to a female musician holding a cello. 

"Oh trust me we all know who Alice's boyfriend is. We would have tried to speak to the hero too but sadly the lack of mana is always a burden." When she teased him with the word boyfriend a switch flipped inside turning Walker red all over. 

"I-Umm- no...we…" He struggled for the words completely thrown off by these words. 

"Fine fine future Alice's boyfriend then." The cello player giggled more as a few other musicians came over to join in the conversation. 

"So you are the hero that everyone always talks about?" One man with a harp looked at him up and down. 

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"Well actually just about everyone in my party is a hero title holder, well I technically still am but it's a little different. But that's a complicated mess." Walker was going to say he was a true hero title holder but realized it would open a can of worms that would take ages to explain. 

" But you are the hero that we hear the rumors about the most. You have been to the ancient ruins and pretty much destroyed every undead to bring back ancient wisdom to strengthen our kingdom.." 

"And you went and found out about that hoard of horned rabbits that could have eaten all the food and caused everyone to perish…"

"Wait he also saved the party I healed from a jade locust, that was apparently where they got their titles." 

"Really they got their titles saving a whole party!? That's amazing!" 

Walker watched as everyone that was talking to him kept the conversation flowing even though he had not spoken a word. He was feeling a little left out. 

When he saw an opening he decided to try and get some attention off of him. "Anything me and my party do is small compared to the great work that you and the other healers put in. Watching the work you all do really touches my heart." He was sincere in this, every single healer he saw here at work was pushing themselves to the maximum to help those injured. 

"What about that girl Su with you? She is probably the best healer there is. You don't even need to say anything and she is already there." The harp player spoke up again. 

"What if I told you a secret?" The musicians leaned in eager to hear what he had to say. "My friend Su isn't really a healer at all. She is a guardian. She is best with a shield and can save anyone from harm. Her mother was often ill and she picked a lot of things up from healers while she grew up. She has a passion for helping people." Walker nodded as he said this happy that the attention was off of him. 

"Really not a healer?"

"That's impossible she knows so much that she can look like a healer?"

"Her dedication is amazing. She must be a saint guardian, right?" 

"Huh? What is a saint guardian?" Walker was curious to what this system or title would be.

"You have never heard of the saint guardians?" One of the musicians spoke up confused how someone who had helped them so many times had not heard of them. "They are the guardians of the church. They go out to the places on the border to rescue people or they will go places where the army can't send it's healers. Right now they went off to the plains to protect small villages from the hoards." 

Walker was amazed that he had not heard of them ever. "Yes the saint guardian have more of a title given by us but i have heard that one actually has the saint guardian system. She is the leader of the saint guardians. they can use light magic as shields and the captain can even make a shield that heals people as she takes damage for others." 

This information sounded amazing, if he could meet this woman with the saint guardian system he would have a chance to learn a shielding skill that could also heal people. "I really hope that I can meet them one day then. They sound like a very interesting group of people." The musicians nodded and said their own opinions. 

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"Alright alright, time to get to work. I hope that everyone has slept well." The high priest walked up behind the group which had become quite loud talking about the saint guardians. "You all know that we are about to start the performance, right?" He looked like he had just interrupted a group of naughty children playing games instead of doing their chores. 

Instantly the group dispersed to their respective seats or positions for the performance. "Sorry about that, since I didn't have a chance to meet them last time I wanted to get to know who I would be helping out." Walker looked a little embarrassed but in actuality he was happy to have spoken with all of them. 

There was a slight pull on the edge of his cloak making him turn. "Alice you're back!" He became much more embarrassed having reacted so strongly but was only met with Alice's warm smile. "Erm are you ready to get this show on the roads?" Walker scratched his head trying to play it off that he had been ready the entire time. 

"Oh we are ready, I will be right here with my healing pulse skill." The high priest answered and was ready to get things in the roll. With a tap of his walking staff the room went nearly silent. The healers gave a glance at him and started to work faster. It was like someone had sent a jolt of energy through everyone. The high priest had signaled the start of the concert and this would mean everyone needed to heal the injured as much as possible. "Walker if you could start us off." 

Walker needed no pushing and raised his hand to let the calming waves skill send white light throughout the entire cathedral. As the healers looked to move more efficiently and the healing powers increased Walker caught a glimpse of Su and Midnight. 

Su was moving faster meeting any healer in need. She was holding bandages and taking dirty ones but then the next moment she was right next to a healer that needed an extra hand to hold a tool or bowl. It was no wonder that the healers and musicians all believed that Su was actually the wielder of a healing type system and not a guardian type system. 

Midnight was a much different case. The calming waves had seemed to excite the children instead of calm them. Midnight was doing her best to keep them from running about and getting in the healer's way. She managed to hold their attention by opening her sore wings and flapping them slightly. The wind was not as impressive as the skill Walker showed off but the sight of a dragon opening its wings stunned them. 

Midnight's actions were perfectly in time with the start of the music which took a hold of the children's attention and kept them in one spot. Knowing that when the lights started to dance and become small white hopping rabbits, that Alice had started to sing. Rainbow grass started to sprout from the floor and touch every healer letting them use their skills faster along with the rabbits that jumped in to the bodies of the injured. 

Looking over to where the little girl was Walker worried that she would be in the way. However he was proven wrong to worry when he saw that she was waiting a safe distance from her parents' cots. There was a healer changing the bandages and adding new ones while singing healing magic. The little girl was watching Walker use his skill smiling widely. She knew that her new friend was doing his best to help her parents. 

