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Master Of None

Chapter 237 - 237. Tantrum
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"I have a party behind me. We have so much now that we can afford to invest in a better future for everyone here. If anyone wants to go to the academy for the army I can get them in to the classes. If someone wants to be an alchemist I know a sneaky old man that can get them an apprenticeship. My party has a good relation with the forge and even the tamer's guild. Even the adventurer's guild is an open door to them! If we have so much to give why can't I give it?"

Lin was proud to hear the girl she raised say these things but she also knew the weight that these words carried. The crushing pressure that could suffocate a person if they were not careful. "I hear you, but are you the only one in this family? What will you do when the young ones have grown up? Will you force them to stay and still take your charity? No, You need to be an individual too. You have already done so much, with your party meeting the high priest he looked in to where you were born and raised. He has sent more funds to get the orphanage back up to speed." This was evident in the cleaner front yard and the new additions already being built on to the orphanage. There were new blankets on every bed and even the floors seemed more shiny.

"I just...what if you need me…" Remey had almost whispered this but Lin was sharp enough to catch it. She had learned the ins and outs of each child she had ever raised and  Remey was no different.

Lin placed her hand on Remey's head, "This is still home, and you have done a lot for us. Just don't try to do too much or else you will lose your new family members. You don't have to give up one family for the other, your family just got bigger." Thus was enough to calm Remey down, she had been getting more and more easily aggravated in the past days because she had missed the orphanage. Now that she was there she had thrown herself under as much stress as Lin had when she had just started there years ago. 

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With her piece said Lin headed off knowing that leaving Remey to think on this was the best course of action, she knew that she could not force Remey to do anything but she could give her the words she needed to understand. Remey herself headed towards their kitchen noticing that the pots and pans that had once been dented and broken were all replaced with perfect new ones. The utensils all looked in good condition and were not the old wood spoons or forks they used to have but metal ones. 

Feeling a bit out if Place Remey fell in to the familiar motions of making tea, she had done this so many times to keep the younger siblings warm and full of nutrients during the winter that her body could make any tea without her needing to think on it. The smell filled the kitchen and drifted in to the rest of the orphanage. The only other person who had managed to make the tea was Lin and since the younger boys had seen Lin in the bedrooms they had found their target. Remey was always the most distracted while making food or drinks so they would try and strike now!

The smaller boy out of the small group of three snuck up closer and closer hiding behind the entrance. The other two took a position on the opposite side of the door frame waiting for Remey to walk through, unfortunately for them they were too predictable. The nights on watch with the party combined with the days they spent looking for monsters in the plains had given Remey a sharp sense to where things may be hiding. 

She was easily snapped out of her daze and focused on the three, she knew the one boy would be back to take another shot, he would never learn. The problem was she couldn't do anything just yet since the quest would be failed if she got in to a fight. 

Remey inhaled the sweet and relaxing aroma of tea while she pushed the talk with Lin from her mind. The words that were spoken to her would be something she needed to think about alone, but she felt that there was a heavy truth to them.

"Hmm this kitchen seems so dirty, I really need to find three or four people to clean it top to bottom. I wonder who will volunteer." She had used one of her trump cards, when she was growing up she had always been the one to support Lin in arranging chores. This fear of being given a big job like scrubbing grease out of the kitchen or sweeping all the floors in the building were just two examples of the evil Remey had brought on the younger siblings.

The three boys looked at each other not sure if they could risk it, if they attacked Remey now then they could lose all their free time in the day. How would they go outside to hunt for bugs or play tag if they were too tired from scrubbing pots and pans, it just wasn't possible. 

The look they shared was enough to tell each other they were going to back off for now, there would be more chances. Remey was silently grinning knowing that she had scared them off for now. Maybe this not punching thing was not as hard as she expected, all she needed was another half hour or so to complete her daily quest.

"NOOO NO NO NO, I want to play with the it NOW!" There it was, the world's worst part about living with a bunch of younger children; tantrums. The young girl's voice pierced the air like a needle through cloth. Remey had watched her good mood fly off in that instant. 

Placing her cup down she left the kitchen only to find that there were two of her siblings fighting over a stuffed bear. "It's my turn! MINE!'' The taller girl was viciously trying to tear the bear from her sister's hands so that she could have it for herself while the younger girl was red faced and holding on to it for dear life. 

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Remey watched the two pull at it knowing that neither was planning to share the stuffed animal at any time. This same fight had happened more times than she could count. She had once gone to the trouble to get a second stuffed bear but it had been ignored in favor of the one currently being brutalized by the two girls. 

The second Remey was about to cut in and take the bear a heart stopping tearing sound was heard. "You killed him you killed beary bear!" The younger girl released it and fell in to the floor. Her tears flowed like a river, the other girl just held on to the newly torn bear stunned. The minutes passed and even the older girl was not silently crying since her favorite toy was not broken too. 

"You two know better! You need to treat your toys with respect when this happens. What will we do now?" Remey used her hard tone to show how serious she was, the two girls who were crying looked at her in desperation.

"IT"S-sss her Fault!" The younger girl sobbed out these words pointing at the older girl incriminating her. 

The other girl looked at Remey with a now equally red face. "No, ITS HER FAULT!" 

This annoying repeat scene happened every other day here between two or three of the orphans, it was just part of siblings growing up. "Give me the bear..Now" Remey held out a hand starling down the older girl. If she had not showed the harsh angry tone then the girl would have just run or thrown it and run. However when Remey showed this face and tone they knew not to fool around. The girl handed Remey the stuffed bear.

"You my friend will be staying with me for a vacation while these two learn some respect." Remey tucked the bear in to her cloak and left the two alone.

"She took him away." The older girl was stunned at the loss and lack of punishment. But to the younger girl this was the worst possible punishment, now she would not be able to play with the bear and it was even ripped open showing its stuffing. The two cried more but to Remey this was the tough love they needed. 

She made a mental effort not to ask Lisa to sew the bear back to its former glory when she returned, she would also give it a good wash so that its fur might look less dingy. This bear had been around longer than Remey had after all.