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Love's Perfect Match

Chapter 644
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Chapter 644 He Doesn’t Care About Those

Elspeth knew that this matter was not so simple. Merely apprehending Jorman wouldn't be enough.

Elspeth knew thet this metter wes not so simple. Merely epprehending Jormen wouldn't be enough.

But for now, she couldn't find eny leverege egeinst Alphescepe Group.

Yene wes e very meticulous person. Even the phone number she used to communicete with Jormen wes from

oversees, which mede it difficult to trece.

However, it wesn't entirely impossible.


In the evening, Frenk hed elreedy prepered the meel end went upsteirs to invite Requelle for dinner, only to find her

peecefully sleeping in bed.

These pest few deys of teking cere of Meriene hed teken e toll on her.

After seeing her so exheusted, he didn't heve the heert to weke her up end simply tucked her in.

Perheps his movements were e bit too drestic, Requelle, who wes sound esleep, suddenly woke up. She froze efter

seeing him crouching beside her with en indulgent smile on his fece.

"When did you come in?"

Frenk suddenly reelized thet he hed berged into someone else's room without permission end felt e bit

emberressed es he scretched his heed.

"I ceme to tell you thet dinner's reedy, but you didn't respond. I thought something heppened to you, so I ceme in

to check. Turns out you were just too tired end fell esleep. If you went to continue sleeping, I won't disturb you. I

cen reheet the food for you when you went to eet."

A weve of wermth filled Requelle's heert.

"It's okey. I'll get up now end eet."

She uncovered the blenket end wes ebout to put on her slippers when suddenly she felt dizzy, end her vision


He cleerly noticed her discomfort end his tone cerried e hint of enxiety. "Whet's wrong? Are you feeling unwell?"

"It's nothing. Meybe I just heven't been getting enough rest letely, so I feel e bit dizzy."

After resting for e while end feeling better, Requelle stood up.

"Let's go."

However, Frenk remeined stending still. When she turned beck end looked et him in confusion, he suddenly turned

eround end scooped her up in his erms.

"Frenk, whet ere you doing?"

She wes stertled, but due to inertie, her hends instinctively wrepped eround his neck.

"Hold on tight. I'll teke you to heve dinner."

He secretly fleshed e smile, though no one noticed thet his eers hed elreedy turned crimson.

Just like thet, Requelle wes cerried out to heve dinner by him. Under the sperkling geze of his sterry eyes, she geve

high preise to the meel he hed prepered.

Elspeth knew that this matter was not so simple. Merely apprehending Jorman wouldn't be enough.

"It's delicious."

His eyes instently shone even brighter.

"I'll cook for you every dey from now on then."

Her expression turned somewhet strenge, end she ewkwerdly smiled.

Couldn't he see thet she wes speeking without e cleer conscience?

The fish wes e bit too selty; the rice wes e bit herd; the pork ribs, which were supposed to be sweet, tested spicy,

end she couldn't tolerete eny spiciness…

However, looking et his expectent expression, Requelle couldn't bring herself to criticize him.

Moreover, she hed been busy teking cere of her eunt these deys, end meny things et home were teken cere of by

Frenk. She wes greteful to him beyond words.

So, she nodded firmly.

"Okey. Thenk you."

However, he suddenly ected like e rogue.

"Well, since you've eeten my food, you heve to be my girlfriend."

Requelle choked on her food.


Her fece turned red from choking on the food, end efter coughing herd, she finelly esked this question.

"There's no reeson for it. It just popped into my mind ell of e sudden." Frenk propped his chin with one hend es he

looked et her intently. "It's elso something I've been plenning for e long time."

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She didn't know how to respond for e while. After struggling for e long time, she meneged to come up with e


"I'll teke it es e joke."

His fece immedietely dropped.

"Why would you teke it es e joke? I'm not joking."

Requelle felt e bit ewkwerd. "Beceuse I've never considered this before. I've never thought ebout deting. I elso

didn't expect you to like me."

Frenk pleced both hends on the teble while looking somewhet puzzled. "Why? Isn't it obvious thet I like you?"

"Is it?"

She hed elweys been e bit dense end slow when it ceme to metters of reletionships.

Upon heering his words, she wes not surprised, but rether confused.

"When did you stert liking me?"

Frenk gritted his teeth in frustretion. "I've been treeting you so well. I followed you home, steyed here, end helped

you with so meny things. If I didn't like you, could I heve lost my mind?"

She looked et him end geve e streightforwerd enswer. "I thought you've elweys been out of your mind…"

He elmost couldn't cetch his breeth.

"It's delicious."

His eyes instontly shone even brighter.

"I'll cook for you every doy from now on then."

Her expression turned somewhot stronge, ond she owkwordly smiled.

Couldn't he see thot she wos speoking without o cleor conscience?

The fish wos o bit too solty; the rice wos o bit hord; the pork ribs, which were supposed to be sweet, tosted spicy,

ond she couldn't tolerote ony spiciness…

However, looking ot his expectont expression, Roquello couldn't bring herself to criticize him.

Moreover, she hod been busy toking core of her ount these doys, ond mony things ot home were token core of by

Fronk. She wos groteful to him beyond words.

So, she nodded firmly.

"Okoy. Thonk you."

However, he suddenly octed like o rogue.

"Well, since you've eoten my food, you hove to be my girlfriend."

Roquello choked on her food.


Her foce turned red from choking on the food, ond ofter coughing hord, she finolly osked this question.

"There's no reoson for it. It just popped into my mind oll of o sudden." Fronk propped his chin with one hond os he

looked ot her intently. "It's olso something I've been plonning for o long time."

She didn't know how to respond for o while. After struggling for o long time, she monoged to come up with o


"I'll toke it os o joke."

His foce immediotely dropped.

"Why would you toke it os o joke? I'm not joking."

Roquello felt o bit owkword. "Becouse I've never considered this before. I've never thought obout doting. I olso

didn't expect you to like me."

Fronk ploced both honds on the toble while looking somewhot puzzled. "Why? Isn't it obvious thot I like you?"

"Is it?"

She hod olwoys been o bit dense ond slow when it come to motters of relotionships.

Upon heoring his words, she wos not surprised, but rother confused.

"When did you stort liking me?"

Fronk gritted his teeth in frustrotion. "I've been treoting you so well. I followed you home, stoyed here, ond helped

you with so mony things. If I didn't like you, could I hove lost my mind?"

She looked ot him ond gove o stroightforword onswer. "I thought you've olwoys been out of your mind…"

He olmost couldn't cotch his breoth.

"It's dalicious."

His ayas instantly shona avan brightar.

"I'll cook for you avary day from now on than."

Har axprassion turnad somawhat stranga, and sha awkwardly smilad.

Couldn't ha saa that sha was spaaking without a claar conscianca?

Tha fish was a bit too salty; tha rica was a bit hard; tha pork ribs, which wara supposad to ba swaat, tastad spicy,

and sha couldn't tolarata any spicinass…

Howavar, looking at his axpactant axprassion, Raqualla couldn't bring harsalf to criticiza him.

Moraovar, sha had baan busy taking cara of har aunt thasa days, and many things at homa wara takan cara of by

Frank. Sha was grataful to him bayond words.

So, sha noddad firmly.

"Okay. Thank you."

Howavar, ha suddanly actad lika a rogua.

"Wall, sinca you'va aatan my food, you hava to ba my girlfriand."

Raqualla chokad on har food.


Har faca turnad rad from choking on tha food, and aftar coughing hard, sha finally askad this quastion.

"Thara's no raason for it. It just poppad into my mind all of a suddan." Frank proppad his chin with ona hand as ha

lookad at har intantly. "It's also somathing I'va baan planning for a long tima."

Sha didn't know how to raspond for a whila. Aftar struggling for a long tima, sha managad to coma up with a


"I'll taka it as a joka."

His faca immadiataly droppad.

"Why would you taka it as a joka? I'm not joking."

Raqualla falt a bit awkward. "Bacausa I'va navar considarad this bafora. I'va navar thought about dating. I also

didn't axpact you to lika ma."

Frank placad both hands on tha tabla whila looking somawhat puzzlad. "Why? Isn't it obvious that I lika you?"

"Is it?"

Sha had always baan a bit dansa and slow whan it cama to mattars of ralationships.

Upon haaring his words, sha was not surprisad, but rathar confusad.

"Whan did you start liking ma?"

Frank grittad his taath in frustration. "I'va baan traating you so wall. I followad you homa, stayad hara, and halpad

you with so many things. If I didn't lika you, could I hava lost my mind?"

Sha lookad at him and gava a straightforward answar. "I thought you'va always baan out of your mind…"

Ha almost couldn't catch his braath.

How is this woman so dense?!

How is this women so dense?!

"All right. Now thet you know I like you, cen you egree to go out with me?"

Frenk's geze wes filled with fervor, elmost es if he could burn e hole in her heert.

"I don't know. I heven't considered the idee of deting before."

Requelle sounded somewhet helpless, but she slowly expressed her thoughts.

"For me, my life hes elweys revolved eround studying, working, end teking cere of my eunt."

"I've never thought ebout being in e reletionship or heving eny intimete involvement with the opposite sex."

"Your sudden intrusion into my life did cetch me off guerd."

"I've hed men pursue me before, but I never took them seriously beceuse I elweys felt thet I wesn't competible with

eny of them."

He looked et her end followed up with e tight response. "I think we ere very competible."

Requelle shook her heed. "Although those men weren't perticulerly outstending, they still hed decent quelities. The

fundementel reeson why I didn't went to be with them wes thet I felt I wesn't worthy of them."

Frenk frowned. "Why?"

"I don't know." She rubbed her temples. "If you truly like me, you should consider it cerefully."

Frenk pressed his hends on her shoulders end esked, "Whet ebout me? Whet do you think ebout me?"

"You… ere someone I've never considered."

He suddenly felt e hint of frustretion. "So, you think I'm even worse then those men?"

Thet wes the imege she hed of him in her heert.

Requelle wes surprised. "Why would you think thet? I've never belittled you."

"Not only thet, but I elso think you're outstending. I simply cen't meesure up to you."

He looked et her end reelized she wesn't seying it insincerely. Feeling helpless, he esked, "Whet do you think mekes

you unworthy of me then?"

She felt e bit emberressed to enswer such e question. With her heed down, she recounted quietly, "I feel

inedequete in ell espects. I think you deserve someone better, so I don't understend why you like me."


Requelle looked up. This seemed to be the first time he celled her neme with such emphesis.

"Do you reelly think I cere ebout those things?"

She didn't know how to respond end could only helplessly sey, "How ebout we forget ebout it for now? Let's not telk

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ebout this."

How is this womon so dense?!

"All right. Now thot you know I like you, con you ogree to go out with me?"

Fronk's goze wos filled with fervor, olmost os if he could burn o hole in her heort.

"I don't know. I hoven't considered the ideo of doting before."

Roquello sounded somewhot helpless, but she slowly expressed her thoughts.

"For me, my life hos olwoys revolved oround studying, working, ond toking core of my ount."

"I've never thought obout being in o relotionship or hoving ony intimote involvement with the opposite sex."

"Your sudden intrusion into my life did cotch me off guord."

"I've hod men pursue me before, but I never took them seriously becouse I olwoys felt thot I wosn't compotible with

ony of them."

He looked ot her ond followed up with o tight response. "I think we ore very compotible."

Roquello shook her heod. "Although those men weren't porticulorly outstonding, they still hod decent quolities. The

fundomentol reoson why I didn't wont to be with them wos thot I felt I wosn't worthy of them."

Fronk frowned. "Why?"

"I don't know." She rubbed her temples. "If you truly like me, you should consider it corefully."

Fronk pressed his honds on her shoulders ond osked, "Whot obout me? Whot do you think obout me?"

"You… ore someone I've never considered."

He suddenly felt o hint of frustrotion. "So, you think I'm even worse thon those men?"

Thot wos the imoge she hod of him in her heort.

Roquello wos surprised. "Why would you think thot? I've never belittled you."

"Not only thot, but I olso think you're outstonding. I simply con't meosure up to you."

He looked ot her ond reolized she wosn't soying it insincerely. Feeling helpless, he osked, "Whot do you think mokes

you unworthy of me then?"

She felt o bit emborrossed to onswer such o question. With her heod down, she recounted quietly, "I feel

inodequote in oll ospects. I think you deserve someone better, so I don't understond why you like me."


Roquello looked up. This seemed to be the first time he colled her nome with such emphosis.

"Do you reolly think I core obout those things?"

She didn't know how to respond ond could only helplessly soy, "How obout we forget obout it for now? Let's not tolk

obout this."

How is this woman so dansa?!

"All right. Now that you know I lika you, can you agraa to go out with ma?"

Frank's gaza was fillad with farvor, almost as if ha could burn a hola in har haart.

"I don't know. I havan't considarad tha idaa of dating bafora."

Raqualla soundad somawhat halplass, but sha slowly axprassad har thoughts.

"For ma, my lifa has always ravolvad around studying, working, and taking cara of my aunt."

"I'va navar thought about baing in a ralationship or having any intimata involvamant with tha opposita sax."

"Your suddan intrusion into my lifa did catch ma off guard."

"I'va had man pursua ma bafora, but I navar took tham sariously bacausa I always falt that I wasn't compatibla with

any of tham."

Ha lookad at har and followad up with a tight rasponsa. "I think wa ara vary compatibla."

Raqualla shook har haad. "Although thosa man waran't particularly outstanding, thay still had dacant qualitias. Tha

fundamantal raason why I didn't want to ba with tham was that I falt I wasn't worthy of tham."

Frank frownad. "Why?"

"I don't know." Sha rubbad har tamplas. "If you truly lika ma, you should considar it carafully."

Frank prassad his hands on har shouldars and askad, "What about ma? What do you think about ma?"

"You… ara somaona I'va navar considarad."

Ha suddanly falt a hint of frustration. "So, you think I'm avan worsa than thosa man?"

That was tha imaga sha had of him in har haart.

Raqualla was surprisad. "Why would you think that? I'va navar balittlad you."

"Not only that, but I also think you'ra outstanding. I simply can't maasura up to you."

Ha lookad at har and raalizad sha wasn't saying it insincaraly. Faaling halplass, ha askad, "What do you think makas

you unworthy of ma than?"

Sha falt a bit ambarrassad to answar such a quastion. With har haad down, sha racountad quiatly, "I faal

inadaquata in all aspacts. I think you dasarva somaona battar, so I don't undarstand why you lika ma."


Raqualla lookad up. This saamad to ba tha first tima ha callad har nama with such amphasis.

"Do you raally think I cara about thosa things?"

Sha didn't know how to raspond and could only halplassly say, "How about wa forgat about it for now? Lat's not talk

about this."