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Love Worth Fighting For

Chapter 68
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68 Weird feeling

After bathing and changing, Elena looked much better even though her eyes were still puffy.


“Yes, salads in Paris never fail,” answered Elena quickly with her mouth full of salad.

Jason chuckled. “You foodie, very good at making excuses.”

Elena smiled. “This time I’m not making this up, this salad is absolutely perfect. Enjoying good food near one of the best places in the world is the perfect combination.”

“Yes, you’re right, especially when accompanied by people who love us,” Jason said quietly without realizing it.

“Hmm... what are you talking about?” asked Elena quickly, she didn’t really hear Jason’s words because of the screams of several young girls nearby.

Jason shook his head. “No, I didn’t say anything.”

“Is that true?”


Jason, who didn’t want to continue discussing his feelings, then added a generous amount of bacon to Elena’s salad. “Eat a lot, you’re already too skinny.”

“Stop...you want to make my stomach explode?”

Jason laughed. “How come, you’ve only eaten vegetables since earlier. Never mind, hurry up and finish your food, then we’ll go for a walk to the Tower. I want to join those people, enjoy the night under the Eiffel Tower.”


“Don’t argue, Elena. Finish your food quickly or I’ll order more for you.”

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Elena’s eyes widened, looking like she wanted to protest again. But after seeing Jason ready to raise his hand again, Elena chose to give in to Jason’s will, finishing the food on his plate.

Watching Elena eat deliciously Jason chuckled, it was nice to see the Elena he knew again. After thirty minutes had passed, Jason then invited Elena to walk towards the Eiffel Tower which was not far from the restaurant where they ate.

“Let’s just sit here, okay?” Jason said quietly, he couldn’t bear to see Elena walking too far with the wound on her leg not yet dry. Even though it was just a scratch, Jason still felt concerned.

Elena nodded slowly. “Perfect, this place isn’t as crowded as in the front.”

Jason pursed his lips, after which he removed a black cloth to be used as a base from inside his jacket pocket. Although it looks small when folded, the cloth is actually quite large when stretched. Once the mat that Jason brought was neatly arranged on the grass, Elena slowly lowered herself and sat down carefully on the cloth. Luckily Elena was wearing a long skirt, so she could sit freely without having to be afraid if her legs were exposed.

“Tonight the sky is very clear,” said Elena slowly starting the conversation.

“Yeah, it seems the universe is cooperating with me.”

“Working with you? What does that mean?” Elena asked, confused.

Jason smiled a little, slowly he lay down using his hands as a pillow, looking up at the vast sky that was being so beautiful. “The sky is helping me to cheer you up.”

Elena’s expression immediately changed.

“Even though you don’t want to talk right now, I’m sure you will tell me what happened to you today,” Jason continued with a smile without taking his eyes off the sky.


“No Elena.” Jason immediately turned to Elena who had lowered her head. “You don’t need to apologize, you’re innocent.”

“I shouldn’t be bothering you anymore, Jason. I should be able to solve all my problems myself, I should...”

“Elena.” Jason grabbed Elena’s hand quickly. “Even if the whole world leaves you, I will still be by your side. I will still be the only person who will believe in you. So I beg you, don’t talk like that again.”


“Shouldn’t friends trust each other?”

Elena’s eyes were wet again after hearing Jason’s words, after taking a deep breath Elena finally told her what happened to her today at the office. Jason’s face immediately turned red when he heard what Elena said, he didn’t expect Elena to have become a victim of her own boss’s violence. If only he was in Luxembourg maybe Jason would soon be looking for the man named Christian Clarke whom Elena had just mentioned to make revenge with him.

“Now I realize, I don’t think I deserve to work in such a nice place, Jason,” Elena said quietly. “Looks like I have to bury my dreams.”

“You can get a job elsewhere, Elena. You’re a smart and intelligent girl, there are still many better companies out there than Clarke Enterprise ready to accept you, so don’t be discouraged, Elena.” Jason immediately encouraged Elena sincerely. “Don’t you want to build a proper house for your mom and dad, do you?”

The tears that Elena was holding back slowly rolled down her face. “But right now I don’t know what to do, Jason. Being rudely fired without being given a chance to speak makes me shattered, I don’t have any confidence anymore. Especially after being called a traitor...sob...I’m really not that kind of person, I’m not a person who... ”

“Elena hey, why are you thinking about what that crazy person said. All of us, your parents and everyone who knows you know who you are. So don’t think about the words of the person you just met, the Elena WiIson I know is a full-blown girl. confident, energetic, cheerful and always positive thinking, not Elena who is currently sitting in front of me...”


“Believe in your own abilities, Elena,” added Jason back with a hoarse voice, Jason was really trying hard not to hug Elena this time. He didn’t want to take the opportunity in his narrowness, even though inside him there was such a strong urge to ask him to hug Elena.

Elena wiped her tears slowly.

“Forget that person, you’ve only known him for a few weeks, right? There are still a lot of big CEOs waiting for you to become his secretary, so please don’t talk nonsense,” Jason said again, trying to restore Elena’s confidence, which had been shattered by a cruel Christian this morning.

“Thank you Jason...thank you for always being there for me. I didn’t know you weren’t by my side right now.”

Jason smiled. “Aren’t we friends? It’s only natural for a friend to be there when his best friend is in trouble.”

Slowly a smile appeared on Elena’s face, her confidence slowly growing back. Going with Jason to calm down was really the right decision, Elena doesn’t know what will happen to her if she stays in her room mourning and remembering Christian’s treatment of her.

Convinced that the Elena he knew had returned, Jason then asked Elena to take a photo with the Eiffel Tower as the background, which was looking so beautiful under the vast sky that was so beautiful.

If Elena’s feelings gradually improved, the opposite happened to Christian. Christian, who is currently in his car which stops right in front of Elena’s house, stares blankly at Elena’s dark room, a sense of regret that is so great that Christian is willing to sit in his car for hours without doing anything other than staring at the second floor in the Wilson family home.

Despite being afflicted with such great regret, Christian’s self-esteem is still too high to contact Elena and talk to her directly. Christian doesn’t have that much courage to admit his guilt to a nobody Elena, selfishness is still holding his neck so high right now.

Christian who was raised and educated in such a strict and disciplined manner by Luis, made him grow into a tough young man and is unshakable when it comes to decisions, because that was last night when he read countless emails containing complaints that cornered Elena’s anger. That’s why this morning Christian directly hurled Elena with harsh words that were very condescending.

“Fuck... what am I doing here?” Christian growls full of emotion when he realizes his stupid act of doing nothing for hours in front of Elena’s house.

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With a single step full of emotion, the car driven by Christian immediately sped off at high speed towards the highway. Even though he knows that he is currently on a different path from the road to his house, Christian still does not reduce the speed of his car. Instead, he picked up speed again, slashing through the deserted streets of Luxembourg to one of his favorite bars. The bar is a place where he is free to drink as much as he wants.

As one of the people who are often talked about, Christian tries to maintain his good image in public. Christian’s lifestyle, love stories and some personal things are not publicly disclosed, even his social media accounts are currently held by special staff who carry out their work very carefully. The photos posted on his official social media are all things related to work and other official events, not a single photo that shows the personal life of a Christian Clarke.

That’s why until now many girls are so curious about Christian, some business magazines even had time to give Christian the nickname ‘Ice Prince’. And until this moment Christian has never been angry if someone still calls him by that nickname.

After driving his sports car at an above average speed, Christian finally arrives in front of his favorite bar. Two guards who knew Christian well immediately bowed, saluting him as Christian approached them.

“Take my car.”

“Yes Mr Clarke.”

Christian does not respond, he chooses to continue his steps up the stairs made of real rock that was eroded hundreds of years ago to become stairs. The bar that Christian is currently visiting is a bar in the private area of ??one of the richest families in France and the man who is running the business is a good friend of Christian. They met while taking the same education in London a few years ago until now they have become good friends.

“Yo...look at this, who is coming,” shouted a beautiful young woman with blonde hair with a big belly at Christian who was approaching her.

Christian raises his left hand, returning the greeting from his best friend with an even expression.

“Tell me,” said Mouren quietly. “What has made the rich uncle of my baby so gloomy today?”

Christian smiles when he hears the words of Mouren, the bar owner who is currently pregnant with her two twins, the result of her romance with a famous English football star who just married her one month ago.

“I still haven’t managed to control my emotions well.”

Mouren raised one eyebrow. “Tell me, since when did the venerable young master Christian Clarke control his temper, hm?”

“Fuck you...”

Mouren laughed out loud, even though Christian’s words sounded so hurtful, Mouren wasn’t offended. Knowing Christian for more than eight years made the pregnant woman know how to deal with the ice prince who was hit by a storm.

“Come on in, I have the antidote for all your anger today,” Mouren said quietly as she wrapped her arms around Christian’s strong arm.

“Watch yourself bitch. I don’t want your jealous husband to be mad at me,” Christian pouts scornfully.

Mouren burst out laughing. “There’s no way, the only man Andreas isn’t jealous of in this world is you, Christ.”
