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Lord Shadow

Chapter 400: Waiting for someone (5)
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‘Other than the rendezvous with Sina that you already know about, I believe he is seeking for something or…. someone in Pandemonium’

Azief close his eyes for a moment, trying to connect the dots, trying to make sense of why Loki come to Pandemonium other than the obvious reason.

He sighed and then opens his eye back up and nodded.

He remembers something else. He met the Orvanians a few months before explaining to them where Sithulran is and they seem to have been satisfied with the explanation at the time

‘Anything else? What about the Orvanians in the World Government? Did they leave already or is the World Government still hosting them?’

‘They did leave but…’

‘But… what?’

‘The Order of Thinkers get to see them before they leave. And you have always been wary of them so I noted this information.’

‘Hmm? I thought that the World Government forbid them from meeting the Orvanians?

Sasha sighed and then said

‘Loki arrange the meeting at Belize’

Hearing this Azief laughed. Then he said, his mouth forms a sneer

‘He has been busy, I see. I guess he is not content of just lazing around in Pandemonium after all.’

‘Know why he is helping the Order of thinkers?’ He asks. Sasha shakes her head but she offers her thought

‘I don’t know why he is suddenly helping the Order of Thinkers but I know that the Order of Thinkers owes him one now’ Azief smirks hearing this

‘And Loki never forget a debt’ he then said. Then he added

‘He is setting up a scheme here’ he sighed and then he said

‘That is the thing with Loki. You could only know his true plans after it is revealed. The man with the tricks. But he always set it up all of the necessary and essential parts of his plans first. I don’t know what he is planning but I know that the Order of Thinkers must play a part in that scheme. Keep monitoring him even after I am gone. And if he targeted any of my friends, you know what to do. Just don’t kill him.’

Sasha nodded trying to hide the shock from being shown on her face. Everyone knows Loki and Death Monarch is more than just friends.

They are like brothers.

One could even argue he loved Loki more than Will. Death Monarch might not agree in many things that Loki did but he treated Loki like his younger brother and forgive him of almost anything

After knowing Death Monarch for years, Sasha knows that Death Monarch would never issue such an order unless he thinks it is necessary.

And she knows when to stop being nosy. Since her employer said that she knows better than to push the story.

Then he asked about something else to Sasha

‘And what happened to the thing we are talking about?’

‘Which one? We talked about a lot of stuff’ she asks

‘Expansion of the Shadow Guards. I thought you were branching out’

Sasha nodded and then she said.

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‘The recruitments are going well. I don’t like using kids but the Lost Boys is eager to and we assign them on only simple intelligence gathering. And we have some volunteer from the army so that is good. We also have put many of our agents in all the Six Powers.’

Azief hearing this was clearly pleased as there is a smile on his face.

‘You managed to put one of your people in the World Government and the Republic? That is quite hard to do’

Sasha just smiles and said

‘I planted them a long time ago, long before you gave the order’ Azief turns back and then look at Sasha like he finally understand something and then there is a cruel smile on his face for a moment

‘It seems you were being cautious of me at that time’

‘It was a long time ago. I could not really trust you at that time even with Sina assurance, I always fear you. And our relationship was not as close as it is today’

Azief chuckles.

‘True. If it were me, I too would put some precautions’ he laughed and the tense moment passes by like a lie as he continued asking

‘They are sleepers?’


‘The other four. How did you plant it?’

‘It is quite easy. They wanted people to enter their organization so it is like the easiest thing to do to infiltrate their organization.

Azief nodded.

‘You better inform me of them later. I don’t want to accidentally killed them later’ Sasha nodded. Knowing Death Monarch, that is not an impossibility.

‘And what about Void and those Three Demoness? Is there no news about them?’

Azief walk forward as another beast jumped out of nowhere.

This time Sasha executed a palm attack as the beast were thrown away some kilometers away before it turned into light orbs and then was absorbed into Sasha body.

Azief take his step forward like he didn’t even see the beast. They walk together in this dangerous forest.

One in a black outfit that seem to even cover the night and Sasha who wears a white attire that seems to compliment nicely and contrast the two people walking around this forest.

No one seems to be spying on them.

After all the League of Freedom when they find out that Death Monarch went to the Amazon Forest and is entering seclusion there, the League of Freedom sent an order to all of their people to cordon the entire forest.

Nothing is coming in and going that way

They fear that there are some people that is stupid enough to enter the forest and offend that calamity.

Because they fear they too will be swept up in such thing

Not only that, they even guarded the area around the forest fearing anyone would try to disturb Death Monarch seclusion.

Because Narleod the leader of these League knows that the fact that Death Monarch went into seclusion means he is close to break through.

And from what the people and the news and the other faction’s speculation, they know that once he breakthrough, he would leave.

To where?

No one knows. And they did not care as long as he leaves

But people are confident that from the behavior that he shows to the world, the moment he achieves breakthrough he would leave

Only some people that have reached some level of power comparable to Death Monarch understand the reason why he will leave.

Raymond may not walk the Perfection path but he knows of it.

When he broke through to Disk Formation the information about the Supremacy Stairway also entered his mind.

The reasons the information was streamed into his mind was because he too had the qualification to pursue the Path of Perfection.

Jean on the other hand does not pursue the Path of Perfection because he is embarking on a different Path and Perfection is the antithesis of the path he is trying to walk through.

Oreki and Hikigaya also knows and Katarina also knows about it since she too is walking the same path.

The moment Death Monarch breakthrough to Divine Comprehension, he would leave. And the League of Freedom is not the only one that is waiting for that moment.

The Crime Alliance is also waiting for that to happen.

That is how the White Owl news dubbed the new criminal organization that have been united under Void.

They still laying low, still hiding and did not do anything big for fear that Death Monarch would use them to send a message.

When the whole world learns that Death Monarch is undergoing seclusion in the Amazon, they all stopped flying over there and even went around it for fearing to disturb him.

Some do it because of respect and awe of the man but most of them do it because they could not wait for Death Monarch to breakthrough and leave Earth.

Sasha jump through a bush and then having her footing answer Azief question

‘Void is laying low. For a madman, he is pretty smart. But I am sure he is preparing. That is a fact. I have send a few of my people there to monitor him but he is not an easy man to find’

Azief nodded, not paying that much attention to news about voice as he nodded. There is an odd expression on his face and Sasha notices it but she did not pursue it.

And then he asks

‘The other one?’

‘Three of them all disappeared from public eye. No one have seen them since Loki return to Pandemonium’

‘Hmm’ Azief thoughts. They then arrived around a clearing and they both look up. Hovering on the center of the forest is a large ship that blotted the entire Amazon forest.

It is a Battlestar Eden. It is one of the earliest prototype of Battlestar developed in Pandemonium.

Its small size enables it to move very fast and its FTL power could be charged using space matter.

It is a proud combination of magic and New Age science.

‘I guess this is where we part’

Sasha nodded.

‘I just need to make sure when you are leaving, so I could prepare. I will look over the Three Army. I don’t worry about Wang Jian, but the other two…. they are people soliciting them with the Seven Warlords of Greece extending an olive branch to Athena and the Norwegian Royal Family seems to send some of their best negotiator to talk with Freya. And they are all handsome.’

‘What that’s got to do with anything?

‘There is rumors that Freya likes handsome men’

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Azief chuckles. He didn’t think he would hear gossip in the middle of the Amazon forest

Azief only smiles listening to this as he said.

‘If they leave…. let them leave. They have served me well and they have paid their penance. However, if they do stay, check them out of the list. I do not distrust the people that kneel to me and serve under me…. except you’

Sasha only chuckles. She understands why and she didn’t blame him. It is only reasonable to not trust her that much

Out of all Death Monarch friends and even his subordinates, there is no one that holds more information about him, his plans and his everything other than Sasha.

Death Monarch trusted her giving her access to most of the secretive thing in the world and gave her a much power to execute his will.

That is why even the Central Government of Pandemonium is afraid of Sasha. It is not because her cultivation it is because the will behind her.

Because the action she took represented the will of Death Monarch. She is the only one in the entire Pandemonium that could act as she pleased without any checks or balance.

Because her checks and balance is Death Monarch. As long as she did not displease Death Monarch, then she could practically do anything in Pandemonium.

‘That hurts a little’ she said chuckling and Azief only smiles.

How unthinkable that after all these years, the enemy that once sought to kill him and the enemy he himself sought to destroy, now become the one beside him offering him help and one of the most capable woman he had ever the pleasure of knowing.

‘You take care of yourself well when I am gone. It will be hard searching for your replacement if you died when I am not here’

‘I am not like you. When I found the odds are against me, I ran. That is how I survive’ she said shamelessly. He laughed listening to this.

‘You will return right?’ she said as her eyes turns sharp.

Azief bitterly smiles.

‘We’ll see’ Sasha shakes her head and said

‘I would prepare for that too’ she said as her voice turns solemn.

‘That is good to know’

‘It is what I should do. We have been beside each other for years. Whatever hatred I had for you, it is long gone. And well, Sina has always been nice to me. So, don’t worry. If anything happens to you, I’ll will make sure they are safe’

Azief nodded and there is a since smile on his face. She stands there under the hovering Battlestar and she asked.

‘You’re going back to her?’ Azief nodded

‘I have only a week left. I should spend it with the people I love. Because the moment I leave this place, I know that my days would not be as relaxed as it is today.

Sasha nodded.

She was about to summon the teleportation formation from the ship when Azief suddenly turned around and said something that is out of character of him

‘Investigate Void. Everything from where he is from and who he is. Juts put the report together. And if I come back, I hope that report is ready’

Sasha nodded and then Azief disappeared from Sasha eyes as he soars to the clouds and the leaves around her were all scattered away because of the sudden gust of wind coming from the sudden updraft.

She looks at the tiny dot that is disappearing in the clouds and she frowned.

‘What is so special about Void?’

She asks herself as the teleportation formation from the ship suck her into the Battlestar and with one push of the thruster they rip space and disappeared from the Amazon forest and the area once again calmed down.


So, here it is. Still writing that chapter. Huuu. Hope I coudl finish it. Huhuhuhu. Anyway, hope you enjoy it. An ddon’t fogret to vote and rate the chapter. Leave some comments and reviews…Enjoy