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Lord Shadow

Chapter 376: The thoughts that they have (1)
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The door slowly is being pushed.

Azief comes out of the room as the door closed. He stands outside the room and looks at the closed door with a complicated expression, his eyes seem to be shining with nine different lights.

His black robe and his entire existence seems to absorb darkness wherever it stands and a majestic aura unconsciously emitted from him.

He shakes his head and then he sighed.

‘Loki, Loki…still so many secrets. You have your path and I have mine. Since we couldn’t persuade each other…then this is the only thing I could do’ Azief said to himself

He had many things to handle since last night.

There is also Will matters

He seems to disappears overnight but Azief is not that worried about him

Actually in this world there is not many people could beat him and even less people that could catch him with his speed.

The only reason he loses against Sithulran is because Sithulran weird physiology and her abilities.

Other than that Azief could count in one hand the few people that Will would have trouble escaping or defeating.

But everyone in the world knows that Will the Purple Speedster is his sworn brother. Unless they are all tired of living they would not intentionally find trouble with Azief sworn brother.

Though he would have appreciated a thank you note after all that.

Follow on NovᴇlEnglish.nᴇt

Azief got the report in the morning and then check the underground lab. Azief could also sense something new. There is a Time Dilation distortion in the room where Will disappeared.

Azief could only attribute that towards Will getting stronger.

As Azief walk the corridor, he cast a long shadow that fills the corridor. Then suddenly there is a change to his shadow as it elongated.

And become bigger and bigger like it would envelop the entire wing of the corridor before it slowly reaches into a limit and then contacted back

His shadow seems to be distorted and then something emerged up from his long shadow.

It is a woman clothed in grey emerging from the darkness of his shadows. This woman is wearing a silver suit that is tightly stick to her body.

It was like the suit is made of moonlight.

Azief was not surprised at all even after sensing the woman behind him. He did not even look back as he keeps continue walking.

This woman is none other than Sasha the head of the Shadow Guard

‘How was it?’ Azief ask without looking backward. He keeps walking through the corridor and Sasha started following Death Monarch from behind

The height difference between the two and the clothes they both wore oddly seems complimenting.

Death Monarch is a man with tall statue almost reaching seven feet and Sasha is around five feet seven.

Death Monarch wear an all-black outfit with his outer black robe that flutters like the dark clouds when the sky is in a bad mood and Sasha wears a white tight attire with an outer white robe that is as beautiful as the moonlight on a calm night

To those who look at them they envy the relationship of these two that trust each other. Many officials of Pandemonium wanted to at least have a fraction of the kind of trust that the Death Monarch had on Sasha the Nightingale.

But the truth is quite different from the assumption of the crowd.

The only reason Azief trusted Sasha is because he knows she would never be able to hurt him and she has no reason to.

And Sasha did her job well because she knows she is expendable. But after years of being around each other, the feelings they had against each other also changed.

It is the same for both Azief and Sasha.

They were not friends but they are also not just merely subordinate and employer either.

It is something in between. Sasha like her life in Pandemonium and her position in it, and Azief find her to be a capable helper and she never had disappointed him before.

‘He is lying’ she answers. Azief hearing Sasha answer snorted

‘Isn’t that obvious? Loki is always lying. He would not be called the Trickster if he is someone who always speak the truth would he?’ Sasha heard Azief annoyance in his tone but she continued.

Sasha then said

‘I got the report’

‘And? What did you find out?’ Azief ask as he walk through the corridors of his palace and Sasha follow him from behind.

As they passed through the corridor the Keeper of the Palace that sees them quickly bows and exited the area in a hurry.

Death Monarch and his most trusted subordinate is talking to each other about something.

Other than Sasha there is rarely any officials that dares enter the Centre Palace unless they were summoned or it is the general meeting

No keeper of the palace would dare to eavesdrop on them especially if they are talking about matter that would affect the security of Pandemonium.

If they heard it, they might even be implicated if something goes wrong. It is better to never heard such thing in the first place.

Life in the Palace is pretty luxurious but it could also be considered dangerous. After all they are living around a tiger that could eat them when they are hungry

In this Palace they are young boys, the broken, the weak and the useless.

Follow on Novᴇl-Onlinᴇ.cᴏm

They could not survive the outside world or they are too young to venture outside.

Most young kids that have their parent still alive would be sent to the Ministry of labor and the parent would usually ask for a job in the Palace.

They would be contracted but they are also warned that if they got caught in any Palace intrigue or die under the wrathful wrath of Death Monarch the Central Government will not be responsible for that.

No wonder the Keeper of the Palace is always fearful of Death Monarch

It is the reasons why the younger Keeper of the Palace only do their job quietly and only waited for their rewards at the end of the month.

When they reached a high enough level and wanted to go out they could tell the Ministry of Labor and they would process their resignation.

For the young Keeper of the Palace, they maintained the three wise steps in living inside a Palace.

They hear nothing, see nothing and know nothing. The Keeper of the Palace that saw Azief and Sasha quickly scurried away

Meanwhile, as they walked Sasha reported what she had found out after activating her own agent in the criminal underground

‘From the grapevine, my agent hears that the Broker organized a meet among the criminal families and the many factions in the world’ Sasha reported

‘A meet? This is an interesting news. Where?’ Azief of course connected this to Loki previous remark about the criminal underworld electing someone to be their representative.

Sasha shakes her head and reply

‘No one knows really. Only the participants know and of course the Broker. League of Freedom did not participate. They must have taken your warning seriously’ Sasha remarked.

Azief only smiles hearing this.

‘They just don’t want to lose a sure thing that is why they don’t go. You are sure they got an invitation?’

Sasha nodded.

‘I do not know what that man in the bandage is thinking about but he surely isn’t targeting me. That eyes he shows me….is an eye full of vengeance. But he is not me that he hates. Hmm’ He sighed

He is thinking about something else. Another thing that Loki hides for him.


First aprt of the chapter. An dit will reveal Azief thoughts on Loki and his plans and schemes among other things. Will not say too much. Hope youe njoy teh chapter and if you do enjoy it please cosndier voting for the stroy and subscribe to the stroy to support me as an author