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Lord Shadow

Chapter 367: Void (5)
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The Syndicate is a large organization. They are not like the World Government and the Republic but their influence reaches all over the world.

And the Syndicate is actually divided into two.

The Golden Syndicate is like a merchant association with their importance policy directed into gaining power and money.

They have many safe houses over the world, catered to villains and even people who are running away from their factions or regime.

It is not only villains and evil people that used their service. Refugees and victims of persecution also uses their service.

The Dark Syndicate on the other hand is many things. They could spy for you, arrange assassinations, and even infiltrate a regime and even offer military support in many people who have enough leverage to hire them.

These two division did not interfere with each other but the Syndicate is ruled by one mysterious person.

No one really know what he looks like or even if this person is even a he.

Only him could order the two to mutually support each other. Azief didn’t know whether that person ordered the attack on Pandemonium or it was an independent task by the Dark Syndicate but in Azief eyes it didn’t matter.

It matters that they attack Pandemonium. It matters that they dare do it.

Even the World Government and The Republic would think ten times before even trying to touch Pandemonium

It is fortunate that they are many great heroes in Pandemonium and contain the attack and some even repel it.

They will be rewarded by the Central government. It would not be exaggerated to say that Pandemonium is a gathering of many talents.

Azief then made his decision swiftly. He looks at Sasha and immediately gave his orders.

‘Tomorrow, you go and meet with the Treasurer and ask him how much the Treasury needs to repair all the damages all around Pandemonium and the labor force needed to complete it’

Sasha nodded. But Azief continue.

‘Then when you get the figure, double that figure and ask the Golden Syndicate to fork out that amount of gold and labor and provide it to us. They might not be the one attacking but if they think they would get away with it scot free then I am not Death Monarch!’ He declares and the thunder outside boomed in the distance, and lighting flashing like these forces of nature is affirming the words of Death Monarch

Hearing this statement from Death Monarch Sasha was shocked and her face turned colors.

Then she hesitantly asked

‘What if they refused?’ Azief hearing such a question instead of getting angry, he chuckles in delight

‘Then tell them I am coming. And warn them, that if I do rise from my throne, I will be merciless. At that time, tell them not to regret their refusal’

They are not many threat he said in those sentences. But the words that he will rise from his throne and “I am coming” are all great threats in the ears of many forces in the world

Sasha gulped in fear. Then Azief wave his finger and the report floats in front of Sasha and Sasha took the report back.

Then Azief gave Sasha another order

‘As for the Dark Syndicate, send Wang Jian. Hmmm’ Azief seems to be thinking a bit before he said something shocking that chills Sasha hearts.

‘Tell him to kill everyone. If he wanted to spare people, tell him to ask them to join him. But remember. If they joined him, they would become his responsibilities. If Wang Jian did not want to spare them, kill them all. If there is one thousand people in Dark Syndicate, then kill one thousand. If there is one hundred thousand, kill one hundred thousand. I have his back so tell him to be fearless. That is all’ he said as he gestures for Sasha to exit the throne room.

Sasha nodded and because she is staring at the ground Azief could not see her face. But if he did see her face then one could see that her face right now is pale and her hand is trembling.

Cold sweats are forming on her backs and her knees are becoming weak.

With Death Monarch sentences, all of those people in Dark Syndicate all would be dead.

She always knows that Death Monarch is a terrifying person. And she never intends to forget that fact as long as she is working for him.

But she never really experienced it so vividly like today

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With just a few sentences, maybe thousands of people would have their head rolling, their lives ended because of one wrong decision.

Deciding who lives and who dies seems like a simple matter for Death Monarch and that is what scares Sasha.

By now, Death Monarch influence reaches a terrifying level. He didn’t even need to personally act now. With one word, he could condemn an entire force to die without a grave.

It is probably the same feeling of fear that those people who is working under Death Monarch felt each time they stand on attention in this throne room.

It is the reason why his Keeper of the Palace fears him so much.

It is the reason why the officials who all have greed and desires could contain those greed and desire and did not dare to overstep their bounds.

Because Death Monarch words is as good as the word of God. Nobody would ever dare disobey and nobody would ever dare reject.

They all know that their lord, their monarch is not interested in being an enlightened King or an Emperor ruling a vast land.

It is not because he can’t.

But because he couldn’t be bothered. And for such people who didn’t care about their bad reputation and even embraces it, nothing is more fearsome.

Each time Death Monarch seems to made a noise during any of the official’s proposal, they all could feel their heart shrink in fear of offending the Death Monarch.

Death Monarch words is the law of the land.

What he said will become the truth and his officials would move heaven and Earth to make sure it will become so.

Tonight he ordered the execution of about three thousand people without even batting an eye. Azief might not know the exact number of the people in Dark Syndicate but she knows.

Three thousand people would surely die under Wang Jian army relentless attack and pursuit. Sasha knows best about Wang Jian capability and his talent.

He is not only talented but he is also loyal.

And if that is not enough of a torture to the Syndicate, Death Monarch also orders that the Golden Syndicate to pay for the damages and provide labor for free.

Thinking about it, would they even dare refuse?

Sasha didn’t know it was this easy to get money

It is true that she was too shortsighted. Today she learned something new. If Death Monarch wanted money, he just had to grab it from other people.

What rules? What laws? He is the one that makes the rules and as such the laws are also made by him.

In Azief opinion however, he had already been gracious and merciful enough to the Syndicate. If not, he would not mind also destroying the Golden Syndicate.

After his magnificent feat of Defeating the Heavens who would dare to found problem with Death Monarch right now. There is also the World Distribution Event that would surely be hosted by Death Monarch.

Azief thought to held it in the neutral ground between the Three Great Power but now that he has once again increased in strength Azief changed his mind.

He could feel that the other energy is slowly being refines inside his body. All the four energy is ready to be transformed into a Disk.

Four more energies and he would be able to walk the Stairway of Supremacy.

Azief could feel that the moment he finished refining the four energies that he would have to go away. Probably far away than before.

This premonition grew stronger as days passed.

He could not delay it any longer even if he wanted to. As such, they are many things he needs to solve before he goes.

As he thinks about this, the face of Sofia, Katarina, Loki and many other popped up in his mind.

He need to settle all of it before he goes.

If not, he would be to uneasy to go away. He also need to make his decision.

Azief sighed and the n take a deep breath. Slowly his eyes grew calm and returned to normal and the whole sky of Pandemonium receded back and turns into a calm normal night.

The rain before seems like a lie like nothing ever happened.

‘Sasha, when you leave the Palace, activated the Sealing Formation in the Throne Room. I am attempting to breakthrough for this entire night so be prepared for any unforeseen consequence. Though it might not be necessary since I think I could keep it under control and prevent it from leaking out. But nonetheless, precaution is better’

Sasha hearing this nodded, not showing any expression on her face. Azief only nodded and then he gestures with his hand to Sash to goa way now

‘You can go now’ Azief ordered and he no longer pay any attention to her.

Sasha walk backward without showing his back to Death Monarch and as she arrived at the spot where the moonlight is shining, her body turns into motes of colorful motes of floating light as her body become translucent and then it disintegrated and turns into fireflies that turns to dust and Sasha disappeared.

Azief closes his eyes and sigh.

He leans back on his throne and thinks about the decisions he had to make. Sina was right to rebuke him.

This has been going on for too long.

His forehead creased and he seems to be rubbing his temple.

He really needs to choose.

Even as he was thinking of this matter his body did not even stop refining the energies in his body

Defeating the Heavens look easy to the people of the world but it is not as easy as Azief try to sell the world.

His energy did not deplete, yes, but he felt a drain on his Will.

They all witnessed Death Monarch power, but they did not witness Azief enduring the drain he felt in his Will.

Azief stretched out his hand and energy streamed into his body.

From the world, from the stars and moon, from every blade of grass to even the ocean seabed, energy gathered around him and he is absorbing all of that energy without exploding.

His body seems to be swallowing it to strengthen his body and to refine the energies inside his body into Disk.

His eyes seem to shine with bluish glow.

His Disk is nourished as the All Source Disk purified the energy and turning it into the other types of energy that could support Disk such as the Celestial Disk, Ancient Rune Disk, Ancient Demonic Disk.

They are the types of energy not found of Earth but because of the All Source Disk they could still be nourished.

On the other hand, Aether Disk, Nether Disk and Primordial Disk did not encounter these kind of problem.

It is because of the fact that they are present everywhere even in the emptiness and darkness of space.

It is the essence of creation and destruction itself so it is always ever-present.

Azief body is swallowing these energies crazily but at the same time he was also thinking of his decisions. No one have ever train in such leisure before.

Azief closes his eyes. He takes a deep breath and feel the energy around him

He was about to refine another Disk when suddenly he opens back his eyes. His eyes narrowed and there is a cruel smile on his face

‘Who is doing these kind of tricks in front of me?’ He could feel the disturbance of space.

Azief had a premonition. He looked outside and then Azief could see the sky formation of the Pandemonium palace seems to shake for a second.

Shaking did not mean destroyed. Usually no one would pay attention for such a slight small shaking.

But Azief have an almost supernatural sense when dealing with energies.

He could feel that whatever that makes the formations to shake for a second there did not do it to break the formation.

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‘It is a person’ Azief thought to himself.

Whoever this person is, he or she is doing it to infiltrate his Palace. Azief chuckles at the boldness.

And Azief did not have to spend time looking or the objective. The moment he saw the shaking of the formation a cracked space rip opens inside his throne room.

Azief get up and is ready to attack when suddenly a kid jumped out from the rip of space and roll on the red carpet of the throne room in pain.

This kid lost his arm, had a deep gash on his back and blood is dripping down from the many cuts on his body.

Azief was shocked. Not because it was a kid. It was because it is a kid that he knows.


Close the rip! Loki shouted with a childish voice.

Azief waves his hand as he could see someone silhouette is seen on the other side that was about to jump into the rip.

With the wave of his hand nine energies seal the rip of space and stabilizes the area of rip and was strengthened.

The space around the throne was stabilized. Azief take a step and he is in front of Loki. Loki seems to be coughing blood.

Azief put his palm on Loki chest and instantly one could see that Loki felt a little at ease. But it is clear there is an energy that is canceling out Azief energies.

And Loki face turns pale once again

Azief felt this energy counteracting against his energy and he frown in astonishment. There is a force in this world that could neutralize his energies?

It is the reason why he could not immediately heal Loki.

Azief did not even had the time to think about it when Loki said

‘Don’t let Sina knows. I don’t want her to see me like this’ there is a pleading tone in his voice. Azief nodded

‘I understand. You don’t want her to see your true form. A nine-year-old kid.’

Loki smiles bitterly.

‘Well, it would only work if I travel to the very beginning’ Loki said with a helpless smile as he coughed another ball of blood into the red carpet

Azief shakes his head.

Then Loki coughed blood back up.it is clear what Azief is doing is not helping Loki in the least.

Azief remove his hand and said

‘There are others healer. I will ask them to come’ Azief was about to go. Loki breathes heavily and he knew he didn’t have much time.

he fears something would happen when he is unconscious. His eyes are blurry and his hand is trembling. A kid of nine-year-old is having a deep enough gash that it would make anyone heart felt pity.

As Azief is about to get up Loki grab the ends of Azief robe.

‘Be careful’ he said weakly as his eyes is getting heavier by the second

Azief is puzzled

‘Be careful of what?’

‘Ugh.. ‘Loki felt that he is about to lose his consciousness as he almost doubles over in pain. But before he loses his consciousness he manages to say

‘Void’ And then he falls down onto Azief arm


This is the end of the mass release. Anyway, the epilogue of this chapter will be posted tomorrow. Hope you all like it and please vote and leave some comments