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Lord Shadow

Chapter 366: Void (4)
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Sasha did not bother with formality and walk closer to the throne and then in front of the steps of the throne she kneels once again

She then slowly bowing her head down so that her eyes only stare the ground as she held out her hand and present the report.

Azief wave one of his finger and that report fly up to him.

Inside the report is an octagon information node. Azief did not say anything anymore. He opens the documents and then touch the information node.

Information streamed inside his mind and then almost a second later he sighed

Then he seems to be muttering to himself. Sasha could hear what Death Monarch is saying

‘How bold’ he said in a faint voice. Then Azief look at Sasha and order her

‘Raise your head up. You have done a good job’ Azief said as he complimented Sasha.

Sasha obliged and she raises her head up and even though she was just complimented she still did not dare to stare at Death Monarch eyes.

Sasha is not like Loki or Sina. She would not mistake the relationship between her and Death Monarch.

But she also didn’t envy the others relationship with Death Monarch.

After all she knew all about being close to Death Monarch isn’t necessarily good for one survival and life.

Being Death Monarch friend is not an easy thing.

Out of all the people in the world that called themselves the friends of the Death Monarch, all of them are incredible people and a figure of awe, fear and respect.

Some of them probably would become incredible even without being friend with Death Monarch but it is also true that being Death Monarch friend come with a pressure to at least be able to stand side by side and shoulder to shoulder with him.

Not to mention the fact that each and every one of Death Monarch friend will always become a target to force Death Monarch.

This situation is making those people pressured to increase their fighting prowess or their influence in the world so that they could protect themselves from forces that will try to use them to manipulate Death Monarch

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The friends of Death Monarch have no other choice other than to force themselves to become strong and extraordinary.

For example, Loki. Loki is called the Trickster and had a hand in many things all around the world.

Some of his involvement is also hidden very deeply and he is a genius and cunning schemer. He is also a high level target in the World Government

The relationship between the Three Great powers has eased so nobody from the World Government or the Republic is still hunting the Trickster but that doesn’t mean that they are not wary of the Trickster.

Then there is Wang Jian.

White Tiger Wang Jian is a genius in leading formation armies and adept in using soldier to create battle formation and battle tactics.

He himself is also very hard to defeat and could fought high level Seed Formation levelers.

Sina while is not a powerful person in terms of strength, she has deep connections and her influence is overwhelming with many great heroes in her debts.

Her ability to create pills and increase a person strength is well acknowledged.

Then there is of course Sofia. Everyone knows when Katarina is presumed dead she was dubbed the strongest woman in the world.

Even now, it is still a point of contention especially after seeing that arrow she release in the South Atlantic Ocean.

Each and every person that is friend with Death Monarch are all powerful and extraordinary people but who knows how much they had to watch over their backs because of their association with Death Monarch.

Only this kind of people would not shame the title of such a legendary character like Dearth Monarch.

Azief sitting on his throne did not know what Sasha is thinking. His mind is till thinking about the information he just got.

It took him a moment of time for him to digest the information he reads. He just couldn’t believe how those people are so bold that they even dare attack Pandemonium.

His dominion. The dominion of Death Monarch. If he did not retaliate, then it would be letting down his own reputation.

He did not even let the Will of the World go, how could he let this slight be forgotten that easily?

They must pay double for what they had done to his dominion.

There is a smile forming on his mouth. Sasha peeked a little and when she saw the curved smile of Death Monarch, she gulped and shivered for a second.

Then Azief ask Sasha

‘You’re sure its them?’ Azief ask .

‘There is no doubt. They probably believe that Your Excellency will not survive the punishment of the Will of the World and as such blinded by greed’

‘Hmph’ Azief snorted and the outside suddenly the already clam skies produces a strike of lightning as it flashed by the Center Palace.

‘So, all that talk about sincerity of forming a non-aggression pact is a lie? How could I trust their sincerity if they act like this?’

Azief when he uses the information node he had the entirety of the report conveyed to him and he finally knew the culprit of the attack against his dominion.

It is one other than the Syndicate. Azief closes his eyes and sigh, and then he said with a coldness that could cut through bones.

‘Just because I tolerated them …do they think I have reservation of destroying them.’ He then laughed a bit but Sasha did not find it funny at all.

Instead she could feel her stomach is turning with unease

The more Death Monarch laughs the more Sasha felt something bad is going to happen

and then he continues

‘It is because they know their limit and did not interfere in Pandemonium that I give the grace and bestow them peace. I saw them as necessary for some people thus I did not move against them’

Azief said.

Sasha notices something different about Azief. In actuality, Sasha position in the government while not the highest, she is probably the most influential official in Pandemonium.


Because simply other than her there were never any officials that meet with Death Monarch and talk with him as frequents as her.

It is because of their frequent conversation that Sasha notices something different about Azief. When he talks there seems to be a majesty aura around him.

Follow on Novᴇl-Onlinᴇ.cᴏm

There is a naturalness about him sitting there on the throne. He is more calm, colder and more composed.

There is no longer the sharpness he used to exude but the gaze of Death Monarch is enough to send a chill down one’s spine

Any action seemed to flow like water but hold the power to move mountains and part rivers. And he grows bigger and bigger.

This is the pillar that hold the entire Pandemonium, land of the brave and the powerful

He is sitting there on the throne like it was the most natural thing for him

She did not feel like this before when she is around Death Monarch.

She always felt fear or apprehension but never this kind of feeling.

The feeling like Death Monarch has been used to ruling. It was like he is a true ruler that ooze with charisma and majesty like a noble personage.

Azief spent his life as an Emperor for seventy years in one of Azul sabers.

Just because he is no longer an Emperor, that did not mean his demeanor and actions and the majesty he had when he was Emperor would just fade away.

Sasha put the feeling away and then explains as delicately as possible to Death Monarch

‘It is the Dark Syndicate that orchestrated the attack. The Golden Syndicate had no relations with the matter if Your Excellency wanted to pursue the matter’ Sasha added

Azief snorted in disdain

‘So what?’

‘It is wise Your Excellency not to fight the Golden Syndicate as they would probably retaliate back’ Sasha means well but instead her word made Azief even angrier.

He slammed his hand on the handle and the outside weather exploded into a chaotic mess as red thunder covered the skies and the wind roars like a feral beast that was unleashed from its captivity.

If that is not enough storms of red lightning gathered on the dark red clouds that is forming all around Pandemonium.

The people of Pandemonium when seeing this scene could not help but feel fearful and they all look at the Centre Palace with trepidation

The one sitting in that throne is angry and the whole Pandemonium seems to be the first to feel the brunt of that person wrath.

Sasha inside the throne seeing such phenomena happened just because Death Monarch is angry gulped in fear and bowed her head even lower.


Part three of the mass release