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Lord Shadow

Chapter 341: That arrow (3)
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But….these people are celebrating victory far too early. Katarina was the first one that notices as her eyes beams with pride.

‘I know he would succeed’ she said. Then Hikigaya and Oreki also look back with Raymond feeling shocked.

They all look at the ocean

Because one could hear a sound that seems to be knocking over something. The Heavens has already retreated as it has used too much power so this time it could not suppress this Will.

‘BANG” Like a person knocking a bronze door with a hammer, the sound sounded in Heaven and Earth, shaking the firmaments.

The sound sounded so loud that everyone could hear it regardless where they are in the world. It is like a declaration.

All around the world, the crime families head suddenly felt a bad premonition. Their cheer died down and their smiles faltered.

‘This…this …how is this fucking possible? Did he survive the Heavenly Extermination Thunder?’ Raymond said.

Raymond was shocked because even as he look and uses his terra force to scan the bottom of the ocean he could not found Azief life force.

Then the sound of a heartbeat resounded across oceans and mountains so that the whole world could hear it




Stronger and stronger it sounded. It is the sound of a pumping heart.


Then a large explosion exploded in the seabed as a figure launched himself off from the ocean as a large pulsating water tornado were formed before dissipating into gas..

Katarina cheers in victory and Hikigaya and Oreki only smiles.

Death Monarch has survived and now his body is transforming as blue aura seems to emanate out from him that is absorbing the energy of the Heavens and refining it.

It was at this moment suddenly the space around Azief distorted. The whole world looks at this and felt something is clenching at their heart.

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The roller coaster ride they are on since they look at the battle is unbearable for some.

‘Is this not yet over?’ Some people said.

The space distorted as a rip in space appeared above, below, right and left of the direction of Azief.

Then coming out of the rip in space is black robe men with the symbol of a scimitar on their back

Raymond instantly recognized these symbols and those black robe men

‘People from Kasap!’

Kasap is an organization based in Turkey that specializes in assassination. Who would have though they would appear right after Azief is about to transform.

But Azief is not flustered even a bit

In his heart even though he is vulnerable right now, that doesn’t mean he would die under the hands of some two bit killer.

But coming for the lives of Death Monarch is not some two bit killer.

A hundred men come out from that rips in space and what was shocking to the world was that all of these one hundred assassins is that they are all in Disk Formation.

Even Oreki and Hikigaya gasped at this power. No wonder the World Government did their best not to antagonize the assassin organization.

Who would have thought that they have such formidable force hidden?

Azief scoffed.

He might be afraid before but even as vulnerable he is, he could still run away. And when he finished his transformation which is only in a few seconds, they will all be crushed by him

But before he even had a chance to make a move, there is a buzzing sound that sounded. At first the sound was weak and only few people could hear it but then the sound covered the whole world.

Azief instantly recognize the sound. Because he sued to hear it in the grounds of his palace

It is the sound of an arrow being loosened.

A few hundred miles away is Sofia. She is not like Katarina or the other and her speed is slow compared to the other

Even though her arrow is fast with the pressure of the Heaven and Earth it cost her valuable time to reach Azief in the South Atlantic Ocean.

But when she almost arrived she saw from the distance that Azief is about to be attack from all sides.

Without hesitation she brought out her Houyi Arrow. She only had nine arrows of Houyi in her possession.

Each of them is capable of bringing down the sun and stars, destroying them into motes of energy.

When she use the Bow the arrows is formed from the energy of the world so she has always been able to use AOE attack with rains of energy arrows.

But she never used the Houyi Arrow. It is a physical arrow and it is very powerful and has a price for using it.

So, she has always been storing it and never reveals it to the world. But now it is urgent. She could see that Azief is vulnerable right now.

Of course she couldn’t possibly have thought that Azief is not unprepared like before. Azief had already expected another ambush.

After all he had many enemies that would be happy if he is dead.

And what better chance then right now when he is vulnerable?

But Sofia didn’t know this. She panicked. Because she is reminded of a very painful memory in her past.

She refuses to see the same scene like she saw three years ago.

So without hesitation she brought the arrow out and a powerful divine energy filled her body the moment she touched the arrow

She put the arrow on her bowstrings and she gripped the bow tight and then taking a deep breath and her strike aim true, she loosed the arrow to the enemy.

The moment she loosed the arrow a buzzing sound sounded across the entire world that grew in volume.

However the moment she lose that arrow, a blue light gathered on the bow and Sofia hand that was holding the bow which is field with flesh and blood in an instant began to wither.

Even her vitality and longevity is taken by the bow. Then that withering spreads to her entire body.

She ages almost instantly like her life force was all expended in that one shot of an arrow.

Her longevity left her with only ten years and her potentials is almost being sucked away by that arrow.

The light that gathered in the arrow chase the loose arrow and it merge with the arrow. The arrow turns pure blue.

And then it reached its maximum speed. It broke through all the pulsating water tornados that haven’t yet calmed down and any space turbulence around the sea.

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Then that buzzing sound turns into a furious and defiant roar.

It is a roar of a Celestial.

Azief was the first that recognize this energy.

Because Azief once become Azul and he also possess Celestial meridians he is sensitive with the aura of Celestials.

The whole world was shaken by this roar. Even the three of the most powerful people in the world, Katarina, Oreki and Hikigaya is shaken by this roar.

Hearing the roar it was like their minds and energy is about to be sucked away by this roar and they could feel their blood flowing backwards, forcing their energy to go crazy.

On the other hand the assassins in the sky all heard the roar and they bleed from their orifices. But that is not all.

Some were injured almost immediately , some had their energy move in reverse as they coughed up blood and some instantly died falling down from the sky like a broken kite.

The roar turns into a howl like a howl of a World Devouring Wolf, injuring many more in the process.

From the very first moment it charged forward the entire world tremble violently. The killing intent around the arrow caused the people locked by it pressure to turn pale.

The world changed greatly as it was like the whole world once again being pressured by the monstrous pressure of the Heavens

This arrow that comes out from Sofia bowstring is like a ray of death that shot out like crazy yet at the same time it is orderly.

Sofia could barely maintain her flying as her entire body is trembling with pain and she showed sign of collapsing because of overexertion.

Her energy is all in the wrong places and nothing she is doing could offset the backlash of one arrow.

Blood flowed out from her eyes, ears and nose and pain wrecked her body. However she stared ahead with a smile.

In her eyes, she could only see Azief, hundreds of miles away from her. It was like right now only she and him exist.

‘I’m falling crazily in love with him’ she realizes it at that moment. Because even with all of the pain in her body, for one moment her eyes locked with him, everything went away.

She felt seeing him in pain felt more painful than this.

She whispers something to the wind. Azief who was hundreds of miles away from her did not care about the assassin encircling him right now.

His eyes….penetrated the space turbulence, reflecting the light away and all in between as he read Sofia lips.

‘No! No, no, no!’ he shouted.


The assassins and Sofia finally arrived. Anyway hope you like the chapter and if you like it please vote for the story and leave some comments