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Lord Shadow

Chapter 329: Heaven wrath (5)
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Meanwhile on the sky, Raymond and Katarina are still enduring the pain of being hit by thunderbolts.

Azief might have his Eternal Physique body and his Tribulation lightning trace to make him immune by normal tribulation lighting but it is not the same for Raymond and Katarina.

Raymond is using the Terraforce to envelop himself with the energy of the Earth, as it protect him from the sharp energy of thunder and its heat.

Katarina on the other hand is creating a thick armor of ice energy enveloping her body to counteract the burning properties of lightning.

But just because they could block some of the properties of the thunderbolts the impact of the thunderbolts striking them still rattles off their internal organs.

They felt pain coursing all over their energy channel, shaking their Disk and ache all over their body

Especially Raymond who is slowly giving way to the red thunderbolt to move forward as his body is slowly being filled with wound and blood is dripping from his fingernails and his burst out veins.

He is being pushed back by the red thunderbolt

But he still smiles and trying to push back the red thunderbolt.

Another thunderbolt is about to strike Raymond when a voice pierced through the thunderous rumbles and lightning striking

Light spread out from that figures as sound of buzzing spread out all over the sky, a new thundering sound drown the rumbling sound of the Heavens.

‘All thunder! OBEY ME! STOP!’

The voice shouted and it echoes like a proclamation from the High heavens itself as ten thousand thunderbolts that is about to fall upon Katarina and Raymond stopped in place.

It was like they were restrained by some invisible force that force them to stop moving

Raymond look toward the direction of that voice and then his smile get even wider.

‘Oreki! You’re here!’ he shouted

Oreki smiles as he walk through the air calmly, thunder beneath his feet and thunder behind him and in front of him.

They all give way like he was the Monarch of all Thunders. With one of his gaze a frozen thunderbolts dissipated into wisp of will that returns back to the Heavens

Then he look upwards and saw millions more of thunderbolts that is about to descend.

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‘OBEY!’ He shouted his voice reverberated and echoes endlessly through the vast expanse of the sky.

He laughed and then he pointed his finger and the endless thunder encircling and attacking Katarina and Raymond gathered on the tips of his finger.

The energy of the Heavens was on these thunderbolts and now it converges on one finger. If Azief have the Six Path Fingers then Oreki have the Nine Primordial Thunder Finger.

He looked coldly at his own finger as he felt the wrath of Heaven embedded deep in these thunderbolts

‘Absorb’ he said as all of the thunder is absorbed inside Oreki body and his body exploded with an aura comparable to a pinnacle Disk Formation stage.

The wind around him howled before breaking and space around him distorted before being ripped apart by powerful force that opens up rifts in space.

‘Hahaha. I too like to contend with the Heavens today. I like to see whether your thunder is better or mine’ he declares his challenge to the Heavens

And the thunder and lightning above him rumble seven more roaring like a crazed beast angered to the point of insanity.

Oreki only smiles.

Then he pointed his finger to the red thunderbolts as one large golden thunderbolt, glistening with some unfamiliar essence of unfamiliar lightning shoots out from his finger.

The moment he shoots it, his golden lightning strikes the red thunderbolt. The red thunderbolt is chipped away at its edges, making it one inch smaller.

Oreki smiles grow wider

‘It is not impossible’ he said to himself. He look at Raymond in the distance, separated by walls and walls of lightning and frozen thunderbolts that buzzed in the air

And Raymond nodded towards him. Azief look at Oreki and he sighed. There is also gratitude in his eyes.

Then Azief shouted to Oreki

‘I need just a little more time. Delay it as long as you can.’ Azief shouted and Oreki just nodded.

Smiling, Oreki fly upward and he began bombarding the red thunderbolt with his own thunderbolt, chipping away at the re thunderbolt massive frame.

‘Let us begin!!’ he shouted with a laugh like he was mad as thunders accompanied him into battle arming him from head to toe with thunder armor as he hurls thunderbolts the size of a hill that split of into thousands of powerful thunderbolts.

Oreki is bombarding the Heavens with his own thunder.

‘GATHER ALL OF THE THUNDER IN THE SKY AND COME TO ME!’ Oreki shouted and his roar reverberated and echoes through the world.

Soundwave ripples as fast as light as it travels the world

Thunder erupted out from all of people who practices thunder based Laws in the world as all of their thunder formed bolts of thunder that shot toward Oreki from all across the world.

It formed a ball of thunder a thousand feet wide. Oreki look at gigantic ball of thunder that seems to engulf the clouds and devour the wind, buzzing sound could be heard rippling in the sky.

‘Heh’ he smirked and without the slightest hesitation Oreki threw that condensed ball of thunder into the red thunderbolts.


The most powerful explosion since the battle began erupted in the sky that it cracked all the barriers of the world in the sky.

The World Seal is shaking that one could see for moment its protective dome that envelopes the world

Blinding light filled the sky and all the clouds in a thousand kilometers all dissipated because of the heat, turning into water and fall down into the world as rain of arcs of thunders.

Thunderous rumbles echoed like the world is about to end and the Heaven is about to collapse down.

Oreki sneered as he charged forward as the sky is still full of fire and smoke. He fly through it as he turns into a bolt of destructive lightning, devouring all of the heat around him.

His energy right now even threatens to surpass the red thunderbolts as popping sound echoed from inside his body.

And then he punched the red thunderbolt with his fist as an explosion took a piece of the red thunderbolt scattering it away

Oreki loosened his hand and retreated away as many of the thunderbolts in the vicinity before has dissipated from the explosion.

The stale air of the sky now could be smell. Oreki frowned.

‘It is not enough’ he said to himself. The red thunderbolt is still coming down and the thunderbolt surrounding it is healing it back.

It was then another sound broke the sky.

Countless golden chains erupted out from the ocean bed and more golden chains also descended from empty void of space.

Its target: the red thunderbolt.

This golden metal is translucent when it first appears but when it binds the red thunderbolts it suddenly becomes real.

Then a voice sounded from all direction, it seems like it was close but it also sounds like it comes from faraway lands.

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It echoes and echoes endlessly like a chanting, making people with low levels dizzy and trapped in their minds

‘What is reality? What is truth? What is true and what is false? I command the world to obey! Become real!’

Then the smoke in the sky give way and reveal Hikigaya the Illusion Archmage standing on a large terrifying beast, commanding the golden chains ,made from Laws of Reality

Azief look toward Hikigaya and Hikigaya shouted and said

‘This is for last time’ Azief only smirk hearing Hikigaya words. He knows what Hikigaya is talking about. Their last battle might seem like a loss for Hikigaya in the eyes of the world but for Hikigaya personally it was a win. He found his path.

To deceive the Heavens.

And today he comes to pay back his debt. In the sky all the great characters in the world has shown itself to aid Death Monarch.

This is such a powerful lineup that if all these people decided to unite together there is probably no other forces that could rival them in the world

Death Monarch Azief. Ice Queen Katarina. Raymond the Earthshaker. Thunder Monarch Oreki. Illusion Archmage Hikigaya.

This is the people standing at the apex of the world. Out of the seven people that will become sovereign in the future five of them are here.

And all of them is right now aiding Death Monarch. Probably this is the dividing line between the future Loki knows and the future that is about to be written now.

The Seven Sovereign in the future is the strongest force not only in this galaxy but also in others.

But if they were one thing they are not it is that they were never truly united.

And the event of the War of Sovereign was the straw that broke the camel back as the Sovereign from then on was divided and fought for their own matters

Today, four of them gather to aid Death Monarch. Never in Loki timeline have had such things happened except during the Final Battle

Azief look at this scene and unconsciously he smiles. He didn’t know why but he smiles. He saw Katarina sweeping her Red Queen bringing ice and snow into the sky.

He saw Raymond bashing the thunderbolts and absorbs the lightning using his mace which is quite funny considering the mace would complain.

He looks as Oreki gather the thunders and suppress the lightning and Hikigaya chained the red thunderbolt from descending.


Now it is time to open your phone and play that Avengers Assemble theme. Some readers speculated someone would take advantage of Azief weakness. But it is not someone but something. I’ve been setting this up since the first time Azief usurp the Will of Heaven

Anyway, hope you enjoy the chapter and please vote and leave some comments. And do not forget to rate the chapter too