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Lord Shadow

Chapter 318: Six paths of reincarnation (3)
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The punch gave off endless desolation and extermination energy and exploded with the power to destroy the world.

The force of that punch causes earthquake in the sea and all over the world mini quake disturbed the world.

The sea of South Atlantic Ocean exploded as walls and walls of water rush off to all directions. The waves swept the entirety of Saint Helena Island bringing it down into the sea.

It then continued until it reached the shores of Namibia, Congo, Angola, Nigeria and Liberia to say some of the nations and kingdom affected by this water waves.

The island of Ascension also drowns as half of the island slide down into the sea.

The explosion widened until it formed a storm that swept across the surrounding area.

The thunderous rumble of the explosion made it seem like the whole world is going to collapse, and space itself was ripped open.

Huge spatial cracks appeared and covered the surrounding. If this storm is to grow then countless creatures would be dead

Azief is still calm and then he pointed his index finger and energy converges on his index finger, his hand shining golden light.

It is the Heaven Sundering Finger. The entire energy of the world converges around Azief as he absorbed it all to power his finger.

All the veins and channels of energy inside Azief body are stimulated.

This time unlike before his energy is not drained easily. He has solidified his foundation and with him absorbing the World Energy his Disk will not be drained in just using one finger.

He then calmly pointed his finger at the forming storms


The moment he pointed his finger a roaring sounded from the sky.

The Heavens roar and the clouds turn blood red, making the entire South Atlantic Ocean look red.

A ferocious aura full of killing intent and defiance reveals it presence like it is raging at the Will of the World and challenging it into a battle

A heaven sundering aura comes out from Azief finger.

And the Will of the World howls in pain, as the might of that finger is sundering it, bringing it down messing with the Laws that governs the world.

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The might of the finger created something sharp-like energy that slashes everything around him be it ethereal things or solid thing.

It causes the Laws around them to lose their control over the concept they manage.

The energy around them all seems to be in chaos, in imbalance and messing up the natural order.

Azief until today still did not understand Azul words

‘Even in chaos there is some order! Sunder the Heavens so a new heaven could sprout! Sow them and then reap them’

That is the words Azul shouted at him.

But while he remembers the words, he doesn’t understand it. But while he did not understand it completely, he understands it slightly.

And that is enough.

As that finger shot out that heaven sundering aura, the sharp like energy slices the Laws that created that storm into nothingness.

He might not understand the Order part of the chaos.

But he understands Chaos.

He might not understand the words Sunder the Heavens so a new heaven could sprout. But he understands how to Sunder the Heavens.

Just as fast as the storm forms, it was erased like it never existed at all.

Not only that, the waves that is about to come again to the coast of the many nations also falls down without resistance like the Laws that forces them to rise up and move according to the concept of force and reaction were rendered useless.

The sea is suddenly calm. But the sky is still red, thunder is still booming and red lightning still covered the Heavens

The battle is not yet over.

Azief is inside the sea looking at Sithulran that is helpless. She is stuck deep in the seabed, breathing hard. Azief eyes look at her like she was an ant.

Then he said, his voice is cold an d his face is expressionless

‘Is this all you got? What a disappointment. I thought you would prove to be a challenge. Is this the only thing you could do? If it’s not for the fact that you could not die, you are not even worthy to accept my fist’ Azief said sneering.

But while Sithulran is at dead end she is not afraid at all. Instead she laughed

They were talking underwater but yet they could hear each other because they manipulate the elements to talk to each other.

‘Even if you kill me I would return back. And then I will kill you. And unlike me you couldn’t return back to life. I will come back stronger’ she said laughing with madness

One could not understand her obsession of course. She wanted to know the things she forgotten.

She saw something. But she couldn’t remember what. She couldn’t even remember who she really is. It drives her crazy

When she heard that the World Orb is here, she thought she could use it to bring back her memory.

But a man by the name of Rafah told him that the Orvanians is hunting her and is using the World Orb as bait for her.

But she still goes because that is her best shot of gaining back her memory. But like that man told her it was an ambush.

It is good thing that she prepares herself before going there and she did not fall into their trap.

But none of the heroes of this world that she fought gives any pressure of danger like when she is facing this human that is looking at her with a pitiful expression.

Azief hearing Sithulran declaration to kill him was not rattled in the least. Instead he smiles devilishly

‘You really think you are truly safe just because you couldn’t die? I will prove to you that there are worse thing than dying.’

Then he pointed his palm upward and the entire world shook. This shaking did not only constrained itself to the island.

The entire world felt it.

Somewhere in the Republic a man who is trimming a tree in his study felt a feeling of foreboding.

He waved his hand and he appears outside of his office with an aura of Time swirling around him.

All around him things reverses in growth. The grass that is about to die reversed back to when they are lush and full of life.

The dead soil reverted back to when it is fertile.

This man is Jean, one of the Chancellors of the Senate of the Republic

He looks at the sky and he could feel something is about to descend on Earth. Something that is full of Time entanglement.

Then he began talking to himself

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‘What is this force? Karma? Does Karma affect Time or Time affect karma? Does Karma gives Time meaning or does Time give Karma meaning? Or is it one of the same? If there is an effect then there must be a cause. But each cause is determined by Time. Since Karma is a cause and effect than Time…is it a neutral force?’

This person asked himself as his eyes is trained at the sky and he is having enlightenment about his Grand Path

Meanwhile in space as Azief pointed his palm upward a destructive force rips apart the space around the Sun.

A large shockwave spread out in the starry skies outside of Earth as Time and Space compressed itself like it is being suppressed.

The seals of the world that is powered by the Will of the World cracks like a glass being struck by a hammer before it shattered almost immediately.

The protection afterward dissipated layer by layer. The force is unstoppable like a heated sword going through butter.

Thunderous rumbles echoed all over the world, shaking the skies and scaring the entire world populace.

Even Hikigaya who is in the World Government is looking at the sky and gained some enlightenment.

He looks at the sky and said

‘Which is real? The cause and effect? If one reverses it, if everything is a dream, then what is cause and what is effect? Where is Karma…if everything is just a dream? If everything that is real is turn into unreal and reality is subverted into illusion, then where does Karma exist?’

All around the world some people are having an enlightenment of their Path while some feel the pressure that is descending down is akin of Heavens crashing down to Earth.

Azief is using this spell for the first time since he learned it.

Azief is grinning but sweats are filling his forehead, and three of his Disk is drained all of its energy.

His entire arms and hand is trembling and his body is enduring a powerful pressure that is vast and boundless.

A gigantic vortex appears on the atmosphere of Earth, ripping the Laws that becomes an obstacle for the thing that is about to descend down.

Large ripples of energy appeared on the atmosphere entrance of Earth

Pooping sound echoes all around the world as air pockets in the atmosphere exploded and created air blast and changed the weather all around the world creating storm, tsunamis, earthquakes and floods.

Azief now has used four of his Disk and that thing is still not coming down.

Space all around the world is cracking and being torn apart mercilessly by this enormous pressure.

Then Azief smiles as he felt that it has arrived

‘It is time’


Third part of the chapter. Tomorrow will be the last part