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Lord Shadow

Chapter 299: Become a demon 4
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Azief sighed and then he appeared in one of the continent in his Inner World. He walks a few steps and the demonic aura, the demonic blood red mist around him slowly dissipated.

Then he sat down, his eyes glows blue and his hair quickly shrank back to its normal length.

‘Huu…That was my limit’ Azief said to himself slightly panting.

He is almost spent right now. All of his Disk is almost drained in that brief moment of him trying to take control of the demonic energy.

He could feel the Disk already inside his Inner World exerting its influence and fusing with it. Like the Celestial Disk this Disk made of Demonic energy could not be seen but felt.

It is a type of Will.

If his Inner Universe has sentient life, then if one day there is a person that have the heart to defy, then they will sense it.

Sense that there is the demonic energy. To defy the Heavens is to tap on this energy source he has embedded in the creation essence of this Inner Universe.

Azief has already decided to name this Disk the Ancient Demonic Disk. But the reason why Azief was panting in exhaustion was not because he absorbs the Demonic energy.

It is because Azief Grand Path isn’t the same as Azul grand Path. And when he forcefully trying to imitate Azul in that moment it didn’t match Azief own heart and his own Grand Path.

That is why he could only maintain the demonic form for a while. If it lasted for too long Azief fear his own path would become blurry for himself.

His own heart would be affected by it and then instead of following his Grand Path he would be fowling Azul Grand Path.

Because of the incompatibility of their Grand Path Azief mind could be overtaken by the demonic energy and he would become just pure energy. Azief dares say of all the energy he refines to become his Disk this is the hardest refining he had ever experience.

Then what would he become? A shell for a pure energy? Or something else? Or could it be he had to follow Azul path?

But Azul did not make it hard for Azief. While it is defiant Azul probably knows that Azief could make that energy his own.

That is why he calculated the moment he became the Demon to make sure he did not exceed the limit.

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But in that moment he became the Demon, he could understand a bit of the aggressiveness of Azul in the past.

It was demonic ideals and also their Will…to defy anything and everything. One wonder how they could even create a society with such an unrestrained heart.

Azief felt the energy slowly stabilizing and then there is an inner change in Azief. His eyes become colder. Not a hint of killing intent came from his body but his eyes is enough to make anyone seeing that gaze to have all of their hairs stand up.

The entire Inner Universe shook like an unknown aura is coming out from his body. Although this aura wasn’t spreading it was extremely terrifying and suffocating.

It was monstrous above all else. There is now a powerful killing intent in Azief eyes and his eyes turned blood red.

But then the Defiant Heart did it job. It repressed the killing intent and Azief eyes turned back to its original color. Azief closes his eyes for a moment before opening it back again.

He was panting in exhaustion but there is also excitement on his face.

He did it.

He had formed his sixth Disk. Closing his eyes, he spreads his arms and then he slowly turns into motes of light before his translucent form slowly dissipated and gone from his Inner Universe.

Opening his eyes he was still in the secret chamber. But what he saw startled him

Around him were ten people in dark robe and dark veil covering their faces powering the restrictive talisman and the protection talisman in this secret chamber.

They seem to be restraining red mist aura that is in the chamber. The moment Azief opens his eyes and finally formed his Disk there are changes in all of Pandemonium.

The red clouds in the sky of Pandemonium are slowly turning back to normal. The Killing intent that pervaded the skies and the Heavens also slowly disappeared.

The clouds were white and the sky is still there. There is no longer the imagery of something like the sky was bleeding

The red mist that was spreading all over Pandemonium before also slowly disperses. The resentment that was absorbed by the red mist also shares the same fate.

The sound of howling in the clouds is no longer but just an echo of their lingering voice and the ghost like a mirage dissipated with a blow of the wind.

The Demonic energy that filled Pandemonium, the red blood skies, the ghost like being appearing in the clouds, the black flames all of it disappeared like it was all a dream.

But to be more accurate it is not that they disappeared. But they are being absorbed back, the killing intent, the resentment absorbed by Azief unconsciously.

Azief hair is long but it slowly shrank the more Azief body absorbed the demonic energy that is in Pandemonium.

And his handsome face morphed by demonic energy is also recovering and his violent aura has also calmed down.

Azief immediately figure out that there is something wrong with what happen.

Looking at the sea of red mist rushing like it was the racing contest to enter his body Azief immediately figures out what happen.

It was unfortunate but he guessed that the moment he refines the demonic energy, the demonic energy leaked out.

Considering that the demonic energy was defiant from the start and refuse to merge with him, Azief subsequent actions in the Inner World also affect the outside world.

Looking at those ten black robe people Azief knows that this must be the SS Unit of Sasha. He could felt the demonic energy spreading to Heaven and Earth and Azief bitterly smiles.

He then closes his eyes and focused his mind and then almost all of the demonic energy in Pandemonium was instantly absorbed by Azief and calm once again descend down in Pandemonium.

But just because Pandemonium is calm now…doesn’t mean people would stop asking what really happens and speculate on what really went down.

For people of different factions who were here as spies, as merchants, friendly delegation or strolling around the continent, they all could sense it.

The Death Monarch had formed another Disk!

This is big news.

This would surely put pressure on the whole word. Death Monarch was terrifying enough as he is now.

Now, that Death Monarch increased in strength more than before….it would also change the relationship dynamics between the Three Great Powers

President Ashikaga Hirate who was in his room in the Centre palace only laughs bitterly.

When other were evacuating Hirate insisted that he would not get out from the Palace grounds. Since he insisted, no one really cared about him.

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After all, the red mist did not seems to have any destructive power other than its powerful pressure it have over low level levelers.

Hirate sense a few thing about Azief when he stubbornly wanted to say inside the Palace and he had gained certain knowledge about the Death Monarch true power.

Then he said to no one in particular

‘With all of that power….what do you intend to do, Death Monarch? Even if I didn’t want to treat you like an enemy, the whole world will sooner or later be at odds with you. No one is meant to hold such powers!’ He then laughed bitterly.

Meanwhile the eyes and ears of other factions is also looking about this matter very intently

From the reports before the World Government estimated that the Death Monarch has at least four Disks which are the same as Illusion Archmage Hikigaya.

Of course the truth was that Azief possess five Disks before but no one knows this because Azief never told anyone about himself. And unlike others when he used his Disk it did not manifested externally like others.

Now that he formed the Ancient Demonic Disk he has six disks meaning he could control six types of energies.

The spies of the different factions of course were alerted with what happens.

It is after all hard to hide, red clouds, ghostlike faces appearing in the clouds howling and screaming like a banshee that announces death.

These spies are not some weak people. They also have a bit of attainment in their cultivation. So, they immediately could sense what that energy was.

They knew that the Death Monarch had managed to did what none of the other faction had been able to do

Solemnly, that day, they all sent the same report to their employer

The message?

Death Monarch forms another Disk!


The end of Azief refining process. he has formed his Sixth Disk. Anyway I know I told you that there would probably be four parts of the chapters. I miscalculated. Tomorrow there will be another chapter. The last part of the chapter and it is a little bit longer than the rest of the parts. There will be a few other characters and Loki will be there.

And guys and gals( Thought I don’t think many girls read this kind of story)do check out my other s Age of Adventure and Song of Heroes. Song of Heroes is kind of stopped for a moment since I am editing Age of Adventure and writing Lord Shadow at the same time.

But do check it out.

Anyway this is it for today. Hope you like it and see you tomorrow.