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Lord Shadow

Chapter 293: The choice 05
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The moment Azul hold out his palm, the entire origin energy of this Universe is drained; the entire canvas of the starry skies seems to slowly being ripped apart on the seams.

The realities of this Universe weakened, wavered and slowly cracking and is about to break.

The Palm was not yet shoots out but just by bringing his palm out, there is already this kind of effect.

Azief could felt the power even when he was in the form. This was the ability that he gets when he was passing the Blissful State Trials.

And now he is seeing the master of the art to show him the way. If Loki knows that Azief passed and learned all this technique, he must have ben shocked.

Because while it is true Azief did tell Loki that he regretted not passing the Six Trials of Azul, he did not tell him the whole story.

He only told Loki that he regretted not passing because if he passes that trial, he could complete his grand Path

But he never told what Azul abilities are to Loki.

Azief mastered the Laws of Life and Death in Loki timeline. But he did not completely master the Path of Reincarnation.

Of course this didn’t really matters to his enemies since even that God of Death was powerful enough to beat them down anytime he wanted.

But to Azief himself it was always a pity.

His Grand Path was always incomplete and there were always a few ghosts that could outsmart his Hell Keepers and the Heaven Guardian and soldiers.

But now that he passes, if Azief follow this new path that he laid out for himself, there will be a new kind of Sovereign that might even surpasses the God of Death in the memory of Loki.

Azief is intently watching the World Cleaving Palm, his eyes seems to emit golden light with some faint blue.

Azul notices it but he pretend he did not see it

‘Trace of Ethernian’ Azul thought to himself but he did not let its shows on his face.

Around Azul palm, the essence of Time seems to swirl around it and the space around it seems to revert back to its state before it came into creation.

Then as the reality of this Universe is at the edge of breaking, as the Time goes crazy, the entire universe turns into a titanic palm the size of an entire Universe.

The palm is blood red and contains such terrifying intent of killing that it could be regarded as a catastrophe level threat to All Universes and All Realms.

Azief realizes that the last time he use the World Cleaving Saber there is also a palm that come out.

But that palm was purple. The blood red palm the size of an entire Universe is howling for the destruction of All Worlds and all existence.

The nearby Universes is trembling, their reality swaying like they were a mirage. It was like they were attacked by a fierce wind that shed off the so called reality.

Follow on NovᴇlEnglish.nᴇt

All around Azul every particle that exists turns into nihility.

Everything around him, from unseen particles to dark matter to essence of the Universe all progress willingly to their own destruction.

That palm already destroys life the moment it was gathering momentum.

All of this takes a lot of time to describe but not even a second have passes from the moment Azul bring out his palm to all of this happening.

All of it was absorbed by that palm. Life all over the nearby Universes all dropped dead, their life force was absorbed to powered the Palm.

Like an endless rain of energy, all of those life forces rises up and fused with the palm. The palm thrummed with energy and the sound of droning could be heard through all Universes.

Cleaving a world of its life, that is where the name of this technique comes from! Azul shouted so Azief could hear him.

Azief remember the last time he used the World Cleaving Saber it was during the time he was on Earth 39. At that time he uses the saber and remarked that he felt like he was holding the Universe on his grip.

But now seeing Azul, Azief could not help but bitterly laughs.

‘This is no longer holding the Universe at the grip; this is transforming the Universe into a palm! The palm holding the Universe’ Azief thought to himself.

Azul palm was pressuring the other Universe so much so that their Universe seems to shrink and suppresses whatever resistance energy coming out from the other Universes.

And Azief could feel one more thing that he was familiar with. Its essence of destruction. Then Azul shouted to Azief.

‘LOOK!’ Azul use one of his other fingers to shoot a white light into Azief eyes. Azief close his eyes and when he opens it back what he saw was something shocking.

He saw concepts and Laws.

He saw around the palm, Laws of the Universe is being grinded until it was grinded into nonexistence.

‘Laws are in a way are an independent worlds’ Alsurt once said this to him.

Azief did not understand those words. And he still did not understand it now. But if that was true, then this palm has already destroyed thousands of worlds.

Then Azul shot out his palm. All Universes screams and howls, Destruction energy spreads out throughout the galaxies.

‘The Sky as Chessboards’ Azief heard this sentence and he understand it. After all even he once utter those words.

The red blood palm descended down, as the red blood mist around the palms exploded into motes of red light and occupies and attacking the Laws that binds the Universes from breaking apart.

At this point, millions of realities broke apart and all creations in chaos. But Azief saw more. He finally saw the Chessboards.

‘The chessboards!’ Azief shouted inwardly.

‘The chessboard is the Universes!’ Then as Azief look more he saw something else that shocked him to his core.

When he uses the saber last time he did see two beings playing chess but their faces were unrecognizable

However this time the face of the two beings that was unrecognizable before is clear.

One of the being was like Light personified. It shines over all existences and his presence alone even mightier than all of the Universes in existence combined.

He was in a form that resembles a human appearance. All around him plants started sprouting from the stars as life bloomed all over the universe with life essence swirling all around him

The being has a calming smile and a wise appearance with pure white hair. He wears a white robe brimming with the essence of primordial creation.

The other one have black holes as his eyes, his body seems stony and anti-matter energy comes out from him and rejects anything around him.

On the head of that other figure is a dark halo full of mini black holes.

Both of them took stars as their chess pieces and they directed the rise and falls of the Universes.

This time there is no images of legions of dark beings behind the black robe figure. Only him playing chess with the white robe person.

And then the palms finally made contact with the barriers of the other universes. All the Laws around the Universe was grinded into nihility and thousands of Universe screams in unison as that palm energy spreads out and destroy everything on its path and the motes of red light that propagated without stopping.

Then the scene distorted and Azief was back on the steps. It was like a dream.

Azief look in front of him and he once again saw the two thrones and seeing Azul and Meihul smiling at him.

‘And they are giants again’ Azief thought to himself.

Then he remembers what just happens.

It seems like it was just a brief moment but in that brief moment, he was exposed to many things, too many truths and too many paths that is available for him to chase his Grand Path.

It was like he traveled a long time akin of a journey of a thousand years

Azief did not know what to say. Instead he only said

‘That was….unbelievable’ Azul nodded

‘Did you see the chessboard?’ Azul suddenly asked. He did not ask for nothing. After all Azul knew what Azief would become in the future.

His fate is also interesting. But in this second timeline it is even more interesting. Maybe….even this…the Sorcerer has foreseen it.

Azief not knowing what Azul is thinking nodded

‘The World Cleaving palm technique is derived when I saw two ancient beings plays a chess game against each other using stars and planets as their chess pieces. The World Cleaving Palm can do much more than just to annihilate things as you might already surmised from seeing the chess game between those two ancient beings’

Azief nodded. He has his own interpretation of the chess games.

Follow on Novᴇl-Onlinᴇ.cᴏm

If the black robe being represents Destruction….then the white robe being represent Creation. Life and Death, Creation and Destruction, they all originated from each other,

He could explore this later. However, Azief still have one last question for Azul

‘Azul, what if before when I had to make the choice I decided not to help you? What would you have done? Would you destroy me?’

Azul shakes his head.

‘Truth?’ Azief nodded

So, Azul answered

‘I would take all the abilities I bestowed on you except the Demonic Energy’ Azief was not shocked at this admission. In a way he even expected it.

Azief only ask


Azul answers with a smile

‘Because that is the repayment t of your Karma to me. Even though I give the saber abilities to you it was not yours. But now that you truly pass my test, the ability would be permanent’

Azief nodded.

Azief looking at the space them release a sigh.

To the outside world using the ability of his other finger he would not appear to leave Pandemonium for too long but he has lived long enough lives that he is tired.

His experience in the Blissful State trials drains him the most. It was like a dream. A happy dream that he don’t know he could achieve in the real world.

Maybe that is why it is so difficult to break through it. Because it is a dream you never want to wake up from.

He wanted to return home.

So he looks at Azul and asks

‘Can you send me back now?’ Azul nodded but then he said

‘Before you go I wanted to give you a few gifts’

Azief hearing he was about to get a gift would surely not reject it.

He could use all the gifts in the world. After all in Earth there is also an ancient being that is wreaking havoc all over the globe.

And Azief is not entirely sure the Orvanians plans would really come to fruition.

‘What are the gifts?’ Azief ask


I know. Another cliffhanger. Anyway, Azief learns many new abilities and the blessing just keep coming.