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Lord Shadow

Chapter 290: The choice 02
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It is only by Azul prodigious power and control over life and Death that enables him to make sure Meihul soul did not dissipated across the eons that passed by.

Azul then look back at Azief his eyes shining brighter. Near him there was an asteroid about to pass him by and landed in a primitive planet near the feet of Azul.

If that asteroid falls down onto that planet, the primitive life that is just about to be formed there would all be extinct.

But when Azul eyes brightened, the heat coming out from his eyes melted the asteroid.

The primitive life forms in that planet did not know that they were just saved from an apocalypse just because Azul eyes brightened.

In a way it is because of Azief that Azul eyes brightened. In an indirect way Azief had saved that planet from being destructed

Then Azul said to Azief.

‘People form Karma, sowing it and when the time are ripe, they reap it’ Then he sighed and he continued.

‘In the six lives you have lived through, what have you learned?’ Azul asks and there is this sincerity and expectation from him that Azief could felt.

Azul truly hope that Azief learn something. Understand his pain. Understand his desperation and his regrets.

Understand his sorrows and his love. And by understanding those thing Azief would understand…him

Azul then said

‘You have felt my happiness at doing simple things. Of loving things with your hearts. You also learn that suffering sometime comes with no reason. Or maybe it is because you are paying karma for your previous lifetimes. You learned the feeling of sorrow, regrets, suffering and many more. Six lives, six lifetimes, six different souls. I implore you to think of this before you make the choice’

Azief was startled.

What is this about? So he asked.

‘What choice?’ Azief asks suspiciously.

‘Mortal, you must have known that I would not create such trials just for the sake of it’ Azief nodded.

He too felt that Azul would not have done such thing just for the sake of it. There is no reason to just give his legacy this easily.

There are other ways if Azul wanted to find a successor.

Azul on the other hand close his eyes for a second and the entire Universe cooled down for a few second.

He takes a deep breath and the particles in the Universe were sucked into his nose and the.

The past words of the Sorcerer of All Realms echoes in his ears. He then opens back his eyes, exhale and look at Azief and said

‘I am supposed to give you a choice’ Azief seems to be contemplating something and Azul was silent as he waited for Azief to spoke.

‘What is the choice?’ Azief asked

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Azul take a deep breath as he remembers this moment. This happened before. He just hopes it will not happen again.

It was also at this junction in the other timeline that this mortal failed. Azul shake it off, mustering his courage and then ask the question.

Looking solemn he said

‘All of my efforts, of imbuing my six lifetimes into six sabers are all for the sake of reviving Meihul’ then Azul glanced to the smiling Meihul.

Meihul seems to be smiling gently at Azul. Only Azief and Azul understand that the smile on Meihul face only made Azul felt even more painful and regretful.

The moment he heard this Azief was shocked.

Azief take a deep breath, digesting what he just heard and then he asked back

‘Didn’t you control life and death, overseeing the path of reincarnation?’

Azul then answered

‘Mortal. I lived in an era where there are no true Heavens and no True Hells. Souls at that time in my Universe have nowhere to go and especially for my race for it is the Celestials that rules the Heaven and only their kind can go there. Other than me who broke the World Shackle, my entire race when they perished has no souls. They were eradicated thoroughly in body and soul’

Azief heard this and he found out another secret of the Universe. The Celestials. Thinking about it Azul as the Divinity of Fire rebelled against the Celestials.

There is Celestials in Azul life as the Divinity of Fire and they were oppressed by the Celestials. Is this the same Celestials Azul is talking about? Or is this a different race of Celestials?

Azief shake the thought of off from his mind. Right now that is not important. What is important is the reasons for Azul actions.

‘Then the reason why you imbued the sabers with your six lifetimes what is it for? What is the reason for doing such thing. For what purposes?’

‘The truth is mortal is that I need to find someone that could connect the lifetimes of the past with the lifetimes of present so I could undo what I’ve done. And someone else will be creating a new soul so that future could be realized’

And he looked proudly at Azief and then continued talking.

‘But what is more important is that I need that person, the fated person to change the regret that I have, and in turn by doing that changes that fate and destiny. In a way, one could call it the act of overturning fate and destiny that has been written’

There is a slight smirk on his face as he said to Azief

‘With each regrets you solve, you gathering the energy of fate and destiny upon you. There is a storm of fate, destiny and Karma around you’

Smiling Azul then said

‘Doing that you solidified the past that will in turn help shape the future’

And then he added

‘Primarily my future’

Azief take a few seconds to digest this information. Then he smirks as he looks at Azul.

‘In the end, the advantage have always been on my side’ he thought inwardly

He thought back to his experience in the six trials and he slowly understands what Azul is going on about.

Each time he solve a regret, his Asura energy rises exponentially. Thinking about it deeper, he also realizes that the saber abilities also extracted by him

He then finally understands as he looks at Azul. Azief scoffed.

‘Paying Karma’ Azief muttered under his breath.

Azul owe whoever solves his regret karma.

And the ability that is imbued in the sabers was transferred to the people that solve his regret as an act of paying back Karma.

But Azief also understood something else as he thinks about it deeper. So, he ask

‘What is the choice?’ Azief ask again. Azul then finally ask the question. To Azief this is the first time Azul ask this question.

For Azul this is the second time.

‘Relinquish the Demonic energy you have gained and give it to me so that I could use it revert fate and destiny. Help me with it. Help me revive her. Help me solve my greatest regret, mortal’

Hearing this Azief face changed colors.

Relinquish the Demonic energy? If he relinquishes it…

Azief was thinking for a while. He did not immediately answer as there is an internal war going on inside his heart.

If he really relinquish the Demonic energy then he could never completed the Thirteen Disk. Somehow his intuition is telling him that.

And Azief have always trusted his instinct.

If he relinquishes that Demonic energy even though he could create up to twelve Disks he would never be able to reach that Thirteenth Disk.

And he could kiss the Supremacy Stairway goodbye.

He did not know why he felt like that but he just somehow knew.

While it is true one could use any energy to create a Disk everybody knows what energy is suitable for them and what is not.

The Killing heart of the Asura and the Defiant heart of Azul.

If he got the Demonic energy and refines it to become his Sixth Disk he knows for sure that he would also possess that heart.

The heart that will not lose out against even the Heavens! It is a hard choice to make. He closes his eyes.

Then opening it back, he looks at Azul and Azief ask.

‘Then what will I get other than the saber abilities?’

Azul hearing this could not help but curse this moment.

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The Sorcerer clearly told him what to say and what to do if such situation arises.

Azul could give this human mortal thousands of spells to entice him to help him and the Sorcerer of All Realms know that.

So, that damned Sorcerer put some restriction and rules on him. After all the Sorcerer ingredient is quite weird and it requires something that is unable to be achieved by offering rewards.

Instead, he must make it harder for people to accept his terms and make it harder for any person to help him.

And Azul knows he would not get what he want from this mortal if he seduces this mortal with material wealth, spells or weapons.

Because that ingredient is not something that could be seen…it is only could be felt. Magic is like that. Always mysterious and sometime doesn’t make sense.

Then Azul almost gritting his teeth answer

‘Other than that….nothing’ Azief hearing this was gobsmacked.

‘Then what if I ask you to return to me to Earth with what the Demonic energy and do not help you? What will happen to me?’ Azul chuckled bitterly.

Because he remembers that it was the choice Azief made back then.

‘Nothing’ he said. Azief was shock to hear it.

A part of him wanted to just return back. He already could form his Demonic heart. Why bother with other things.

But he did not say that and he did not do that

He did not even move. On the other hand it was his eyes that moved. He looked at Meihul that is still there floating around the wheel of Reincarnation, smiling and then he look at Azul.

Becoming someone for six lifetimes, Azief dare say there is no one he understands more than Azul.

He saw his eyes bright a s the sun and such gaze that could inflict fear and awe but instead of feeling that kind of feeling Azief felt the feeling he got from Azul is a feeling of sadness. And desperations

Azief then thought back to his experience. He looks back on his life as Azul. He remembers when he asks himself about fate and Karma.

‘What is the cause? What is the Effect? Which one is the cause? Which one is the Effect? Distort all of this, and Karma is extinguished.” He remembers thinking about such thing

Then he remembers his life as the Saint of Ten Thousand World. He remembers his mortal life and the pain that comes with it.

“If the flowers of our spring day could bloom again, I would trade anything for it. This is my regret in this second life. The pain did not fade….it is only hidden”

He remember what he said and he remembers what Azul told him

“To see her even when you close your eyes, this heart that misses her turns into regret. With each lives, how could I regret each one? I could turn heaven and Earth upside down, and change the natural order…yet why is it my heart could not be controlled?”

He thought back during the time he was the Divine Dragon and how he reaps Karma to destroy those Gods and Demons.

He smiles a bit thinking about that moment. Then Azief look back at his life as Sword God and how everything has a price.

‘Everything has a price’ Azief muttered.


Part 2 of the chapters. There is still a lot of the parts of the chapter. The other parts will be posted tomorrow one by one. Today there will be only two chapters.