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Lord Shadow

Chapter 289: The choice 01
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The sound was explosive and the space around the stars and planet was destroyed when two stars collide with each other.

The impact spread out millions of miles away and the light of their explosions spread out trillion of years away.

The shockwave spreads out destroying small asteroids that passes by.

Azief heard it and even saw with his own eyes how that shockwaves envelopes the nearby asteroid belt but standing on this step, he was unaffected.

It was like standing on these stair steps makes him invincible and unaffected with whatever happens outside the area of this step of stairs.

‘What is this place?’ he ask himself.

In front of him something larger than those stars is gazing at him

Azief look at the thing that is looking at him yet strangely he did not feel fear or trepidation. He is supposed to feel fear or at least awe.

Probably the reason why he is not afraid is because he knows who this person is

In front of him is none other than Azul. The true Azul. And probably his true form or the form that Azief is capable of comprehending.

He could see with his own eyes of how Azul body is radiating so much energy that it suppresses the energy of the sun and distorted the space around him with just slight movement.

Sitting there on his throne of light, it was like he was the Overlord of this Universe and his gaze seems to carry with it the feeling of being watched upon by the benevolent heaven.

The essence of creation, time and destructions swirls around Azul throne complementing each other as it should be, harmonious and creating a synergy effect.

But Azief did not feel fear.

‘Why?’ he asked himself this same question.

Maybe it is because he is here in this form that resembles like a ghost.

Or maybe it is because after living as Azul for six lives, he was so familiar with Azul that seeing his face brings him variety of complex emotion that he did not know how to express or explain.

But whatever feeling he is feeling right now….fear isn’t one of them. Azief smiles a bit. He was feeling weird at himself for feeling this feeling

‘Azul’ he said.

Azul is looking at him and there is a slight smile like he acknowledges Azief saying his name. Azief did not know but Azul acknowledgment in the Vast Universe is hard to get.

And for the life forms in the Vast Universe meeting Azul is like a creature meeting its creator.

Azul acknowledgment is as good as a life immunity for Azief as long as he is in the Vast Universe.

He could walk in the Vast Universe unhindered.

Azief of course see Azul smile from his vantage point, though even as he looks upward he still could not see Azul entire face.

With his titanic stature it is hard to miss seeing that subtle smile.

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It was like Azief was an ant if their size is to be compared against each other. It was really an unfair comparison.

And it is not only the size that is different. After all Azief have fought and met many gigantic creatures in his life and in his journey.

Size doesn’t determine power.

Azief learned that when Thor defeated Alsurt, he was only six feet six.

But his punch was so powerful that it causes the sun near the Eight realms to explode creating an explosion of stars that is absorbed by his hammer.

But this Azul that Azief is facing now, even with such size is emanating such terrifying almost to the point that it could be considered an apocalyptic pressure.

The energy around him resembles primordial energy that is inviolable and absolute.

This Azul is a thousand times, no, a million times more powerful than Azief have ever witnesses. The undulation and emanation of power around Azul body is enough to crush any mid-sized planets.

And that is only the unintentional leaking of Azul power.

And that is saying something.

Azief have never felt this kind of feeling before even when he has traveled many parts of the Universe with Will before.

As Azief took a deep breath to make sure he is truly here and not some figment of his imagination he then finally noticed the wheel behind Azul.

Azief gasped a bit. It was a gigantic wheel and full of souls inside it.

The reason Azief gasped is because he could sense the energy that wheel is emanating.

‘How could this be?’ But then thinking about it is only possible because of it. Azief sighed a bit.

Azief has thirteen attributes.

Out of the thirteen attributes he possesses the Death and Life attributes.

With Death attributes he has used it many times to crush his enemies. And with his life attributes it has save him many times when he is injured.

It is creation and destruction. Life and Death.

And he used that attributes to form the Seed of Death and Seed of Life.

When he reached Divine Comprehension later it is also one of the seeds that will bloom to become his Laws.

It is probably because of that Azief could sense the Laws emanating out from that gigantic wheel.

It was so potent, and so powerful that nothing could mask it or cover it up as it leaks out and spread out incessantly.

That spinning wheel that seems to never stop spinning seems to contain the power of life and death, of creation and destruction.

Azief did not know that before Azief pass the last trials the Wheel did not move. It is only after Azief come to meet Azul that gigantic wheel started moving.

It was like the Time that stopped for Azul has started moving again.

The Laws around the Wheels could remade reality and alter it.

Then Azief notices someone else around that wheel and he was shocked once again, his eyes widened. Then Azief face turns dark as he closes his eyes.

He shakes his head and somehow he understands Azul.

‘All of this is for her’ Azief thought to himself as he opens his eyes.

‘Six lifetimes, six regrets and in the end it is this. Probably the only thing worth six lifetimes over’

Azief smiles bitterly. In the end….this trials, all of it, all of this tribulations and obstacle….all of it is for love.

And Azief somehow understand. In the six lifetimes he lived, the one thing Azul lacked….was loving someone and being loved by someone.

Probably if there is someone that love him purely for him and someone that could not be erased from Azul heart is Meihul

What he saw near the Wheel that shocked Azief is Meihul, Azul greatest love in his life and probably his greatest regret.

She seems to be floating near the gigantic wheel in a translucent form just like him.

Azief open his eyes back and notices that Meihul seems a bit older and more mature then the last he saw her.

Then Azul started speaking, his voice reverberated through all the Vast Universe and the stars shines a little brighter.

‘Congratulations are in order. Mortal, you have passed all my trials.’

His voice was booming all across the Vast Universe and the stars dimmed and planets trillion of miles away in the Vast Universe shakes.

But to Azief the voice he heard was normal and did not give him any pressure.

Azief this time could look at Azul face and saw his eyes.

Where it should be eyeballs looking at him it was two shining hot ball of suns.

If not for Azul restraining the power of his eyes, the moment Azul look at Azief, Azief would have been incinerated into ashes.

Azief look once again at Meihul and he notices that she is like him.

She is translucent and there is also the fact that she is unaffected by the Time distortional effect around the wheels and the Laws around it that could crush any beings that dares near it.

Azief could feel the Laws yet because of his form he remains unaffected.

Azul on the other hand is also looking at Azief, thinking a lot of things.

‘This is fate and destiny’ He thought to himself. He almost sighed.

In the other timeline, Azief also found his saber. And he also tried to pass the trials. But back then he failed…at this moment.

Azul however have a little hope this time. That Azief he saw before was darker. Colder. Passionless and there were only hatred in his eyes the last time Azul saw him.

What he saw was a man consumed by anger and hatred to the world, nothing holding him back save one

However the Azief he saw this time looks…..human.

To other races in the multitude of Universe, that would sound like an insult. But Azul did not think so. He himself once becomes something resembling the human race.

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And their greatest quality is also something Azul knows. He comes from the Ancient Asura, the race that spawned the current Asura race.

Azul is older than most things in the Universe. His race is also very powerful. But his race also has one weakness.

They do not know how to have compassion. To love. To them that emotion is a weakness.

But Azul knows it is not. At least it is not entirely true. As love could bring down the greatest warrior, it could turn a beggar into a king.

Azief failed the last time he was here to meet Azul.

At that time, like this time, Azief only needs to take the last steps. Loki himself did not know the details of Azief failure since he did not share it with Loki.

If not Azief could easily use that knowledge to pass the test because Loki would surely have helped him.

But if he passes with Loki guide, he would fail. Because the last trial is not something that could be passed just by having the right answer.

This is the true test. The last test.

The trials are to connect the past lifetimes to the current lifetimes. This is the Sorcerer demands to create a soul that did not exist in the entire starry skies.

Azul truly hope that Azief could resolve his one and last regret.

Azul sneak a glance at Meihul, looking at him smiling. He closes his eyes and tried to smile back but his heart in pain. Even after all this time, the pain did not lessen.

An obsession he never wanted to let go.

He was waiting for this moment but he also dreaded this moment. He fears that the mortal in front of him will once again fail.

And then how many more times he had to wait to meet the destined one?

In his era, there is no True Hell and no True Heaven.

Souls have nowhere to go. And especially for his race that lacks a soul. The concept of souls did not exist in their race.

Who would have thought one momentary mistake eons ago would torment him to this day? And who would have thought that he had labored until today, for eons just to meet her again?

He wanted Meihul to return to him permanently.

He couldn’t do it because of certain circumstances about himself and his abilities but there are others in the Universe that is as powerful as him and have their own set of abilities that could achieve what he couldn’t.

He heard about the Sorcerer of All Realms. The Sorcerer of All Realm lives in the Mystic Universe.

It is where the normal Laws of the Universe does not really applied in certain matters and full of magical powers that comes from the concept of the Universe…. And even from other unknown Realm and Dimension.

The Sorcerer of All Realm could help him.

So, Azul did not spare any effort in searching for the Sorcerer of All Realm. Azul broke through countless of Universes and found him and asks for his help.

He agreed to help.

Looking at Meihul Azul just smiles bitterly.

Karma…..has come to collect.


This chapter is thirteen thousand six hundred fifty seven words. 13,657 words. That must be a new record. Anyway, I will be cutting it into a few parts. Though maybe in June or May I would begin a survey whether people prefer long chapter with no cut, or a few parts whether in two or three or full chapter.

Anyway hope you like the chapter and vote please. Hope you enjoy reading it. You can conatc me at discord.