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Lord Shadow

Chapter 277: The great meeting 03
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‘You still did not answer how Sithulran is unable to die’ The other around Azief suddenly was reminded of this and nodded.

Raymond nodded.

Oreki on the other hand while he is appearing to listen attentively to Sith’lenor story, he is doing anything but that.

He is unable to concentrate right now

A burst of energy almost exploded from him as he focused that energy back into his body. His eyes seems to be bursting with golden lightning like lightning is coursing all over his body, unstable and chaotic

Oreki notices that the Death Monarch is looking at him but he had no energy to hides this matter at this moment.

He sighs as his eyes is getting heavy.

Then he closes his eyes the moment the Death Monarch returns back to listening to Sithulran story.


When he opens his eyes, he sees a different view. He is no longer in the meeting room in Hawaii, among the projection of the starry skies.

It all disappeared.

He sees a different place and he saw the person he has been searching with his Lightning Sense.

Oreki smirked, and then turning into lightning he merged with the clouds as thunderstorms forms in the sky, lightning roars and the winds parts ways as the clouds turns dark.

He was chasing the one causing the havoc in many of World Government territory. Since it is considered an internal disturbance, Pandemonium offers no support.

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When Oreki was in the meeting with the Orvanians, he was also on C?te d’Ivoire fighting with the elusive figure known by his codename Void.

How is this possible for him to appear in two places at the same time?

It is because he possesses the Nine Thunder Body Refinement Method. By now, four of his nine clones have already reached Energy Disperse Stage.

The other five of his clone is all over the world disguising themselves, killing monsters and hoarding artifacts and accumulating power.

If Oreki managed to combine all his nine clones into him, he would possess a physical prowess inferior only to the Death Monarch.

However, if Oreki manages to find a substance like the Purifying fire to refine his body, it would not be impossible for him to match the Death Monarch in terms of physical body prowess.

And while his True body is at Hawaii listening to Sith’venar talking about the secrets of the Universe, one of his clones is about to clash with that person called Void in the criminal underworld.

The moment Oreki got a report that Void appear at Cote D’ivoire he immediately orders his Thunder Body to chase over him


There was a brilliant shock of white in the graphite sky, forking and then with a thunderous boom he appears clad in an armor made from lightning.

His entire body radiates sharpness and heat causing the air around him to distort. He looked toward the distance at that young boy.

The ground under Oreki feet cracks and is scorched red.

Oreki could only regard this person as a young boy whether in action or mentality. He is too playful and too arrogant

The young man appears to have been expecting Oreki to arrive

‘Thunder Monarch, didn’t know you would come here personally. I am flattered’ he said, smiling playfully.

That young man have a stave on his back with unique carving emanating power that causes black space to appear around him, neutralizing Laws and energy around him.

The space then forms into a mini floating black sphere around him, orbiting him

The young man is wearing a shabby patched looking purple robe as the harsh cold winds that came with Oreki arrival wash over him.

The lower part of his face is covered by a thin translucent black cloth but one could see his smile.

His hair is long and covering his left eye. White mist appears beneath his feet as his body slowly being shrouded by white mist, making him to appear like he was translucent.

His eyes are sharp and determined. His Three Disk revolves inside his body and the aura causes everything around him to be dematerialized.

The building structures around him, devoid of people is removed from existence as the mist that comes out from his body seems to be able to Void anything into nonexistence and the road beneath his feet slowly disintegrating and the chaotic energy around him is stopping like something preventing it from ever being conceived.

Void smiles and he said

“The oldest and strongest emotion of mankind is fear, and the oldest and strongest kind of fear is fear of the unknown”

And then the darkens in him bursted out

The darkness spreads as the white mist controls the area of his darkness. He was the center of that darkness.

The space around him trembles and undulations of energy are coming out of him. This undulation of energy is different than anything Oreki have ever seen or felt


Oreki eyes burst with lightning as the thunder Source inside his body is raging.

Arcs of electricity shot out from him as the sound of thunder roaring could be heard each time he moves his finger.

The sound waves alone crack the sound barrier around them.

‘You are still too young…and inexperienced’ Oreki remarked. Void only smiles with a hint of disdain as he look challengingly at Oreki

Then Oreki pointed his finger and the skies above him howled as the sound of the sky howling travels the world three times.

Even though Oreki clone only have the power of Energy Disperse Stage his body is full of Thunder Source power.

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Oreki true body possesses the powers of a Seed Formation expert.

With the population of the world right now while it could not be considered as large as before, it is still not small. There are at least two billion and a half people still living.

But the world only has a few Seed Formation levelers. They are at the apex of the power structure.

Lightning erupted out of Oreki fingertips and a white rip in the darkness of night lighten up the dark, as it shot to that person, relaxingly standing.



The lightning bolt coming out from Oreki fingertips were small in the beginning but then it grew as the bolt of white hot lightning causes the air around it to distort because of its heat.

It cleaves the dark sky above into segmented parts for the briefest of moments. Black clouds above sprawl across the sky, blowing in from the west.

The air around them grows heavy.

The pressure falls down onto all of Cote D’ivoire suffocating the people in this coast and the entire country, sound of thunders breaking the sky and lightning illuminating the entire island is a terrifying sight to behold.

By now the Golden Army of the World, Government has already arrived and is pacifying the people of Cote D’ivoire.

The small nation is under the protection of the World Government.

But none of the soldiers that arrived using the Battlestar dare interferes against the battle of one of the Great Lords of the World Government.

The rains falls down heavily with thunder and lightning as the background music. Oreki was soaked but Void was not.

He still smiling playfully even as the light from the crisis crossing thunders illuminate his face

A stillness falls over the small nation and then in the silence comes a low crackle of thunder before suddenly it roars like an enraged dragon.

Oreki aura could be felt in the sky, like a part of him merged with the Sky, like he was the manifestation of Heavenly Thunder administrating Heavenly Punishment on behalf of the heavens.

‘DIE!’ he shouted, his shout echoes through the sky