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Lord Shadow

Chapter 270: From the very beginning 05
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It is one of the most known islands in the world

People remember the beautiful beaches, the enchanting natural scenery, the warm tropical climate, the palm trees, the shining sun.

But as Azief slowly fly through it airs, he remembers the Old Gods, he remembers Hina, the Helen of Hawaii, Pele and their family, Lono and Kaikilani, of Lohiau and others.

The myths of this land.

He wondered….are they really just myth?

Or out there on the starry skies….they exists.

Azief was not proficient with ancient myths other than the Olympians which by far the most popularized in modern culture.

But after the Fall, he met many people and ask them to pen what they remember about their myths.

Azief once saw the glimpse of Asgard a prosperous planet that rules over Eight Realms, diverse and strong

He saw the mirage of Mount Olympus, grand and domineering as thunder roars each time Zeus is in anger.

He saw eagle head race where Osiris and Ra ruled together, one ruled the night, the other rule the day.

He saw the Three Thousands Worlds where he saw the Celestial Soldiers, Erlang, gods and demons that seems to only exist in fictional and fantasy books.

If all of the stories were true….. Azief just smiles bitterly.

Meanwhile on the center of the island a futuristic type of open bunker was constructed for this meeting.

Most of the people already arrived and they were seated on the table with two long ends and two short ends.

The people were waiting for someone to arrive. They all seem to be talking to each other, each one gauging each other.

Many of the powerhouses of the world gathered here today.

Hawaii was filled with monsters before but in one week almost half of them were eradicated from the joint forces of the three strongest forces in the world.

These joint forces today were all stationed here; their weapon is at the ready.

If the alien representatives try to do anything weird, then they would be met with swift vengeance.

The World Government, the Republic and Pandemonium might not always share the same sentiment and goals but this is bigger than them and their rivalry

This had to do with the world security.

As these figures all talked to each other they could see from the distance a person is approaching the open bunker.

A variety of expression could be seen in many of the people gathered here. Not all of them look happy.

But all of them acknowledge his presence as they all stand up.

The Death Monarch has arrived at the Meeting place.

He was the last to arrive as he slowly floated down with his black robe flapping gently and the aura coming out of him was restrained.

The dust beneath his feet scattered away

Standing there waiting for Azief is the representative from World Government and the Republic.

From the World government there is Raymond armed with his mace Sharur, and wearing golden armor that seems to reflect sunlight from him

He looked heroic and gallant, the aura of the Earth seems to be enveloping his entire being.

There is Hirate wearing his iconic purple robe, runic design were sewn underneath the fabric of those robe, making him to emanate a powerful emanation of power.

His mind power is at its peak today. There is certain weirdness around Hirate that causes anyone near him today to suffer from slight dizziness.

He seems to be smiling but everyone knows that his smile hid blades.

Oreki the Thunder Monarch is also present; in his eyes is golden lightning swirling and orbiting his pupils.

Azief saw him and his eyes narrowed.

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Azief sense something weird from Oreki….it was like his entire being is made up of lightning, sharp and lethal.

He is slowly improving.

Silently and stealthily.

Oreki rarely did anything momentous but Azief also recognize that Oreki had never suffered in the many matters of the World Government.

Azief would not believe that Hirate didn’t see this. No wonder he sense tension when Hirate look at Oreki.

The World Government might decline after the many battle they fought but Azief know for a fact that the independent force underneath Oreki has always expands themselves and maintain their numbers.

Oreki….seems to always back the winning side.

And even Azief himself owes Oreki a few favors.

There is the matter of Will and also it is a fact that Oreki help bust Sofia out from her prison.

What is shocking to Azief is that he did not see Hikigaya.

‘He must be holding the fort’ Azief thought to himself.

Hirate and Oreki both look toward Azief at the same time. Oreki smiles amiably. Hirate on the other hand smiles bitterly.

On the Republic side is Boris who is wearing his famous wolf fur clothing and the aura that is coming out of him is bestial.

He did not seem strong but that is because his power is not conventional.

Azief knows the reason why the subjugation of monster in Hawaii becomes so fast. It is because of Boris.

He tamed almost two thirds of the monster wreaking havoc in this island. If he wanted to he could summon them all and initiate a monster horde stampede.

That is what makes his power so terrifying.

His personal strength is nothing to worry about. It is his ability to commands a large horde of monster that makes him so terrifying.

It is also the reason why the area around Moscow is peaceful from monster invasion. Azief greet him with a simple nod

But Boris is looking at him with wariness and Azief knew why. Thinking about it Katarina is not present.

Is she still thinking? Or did she already make her decision?

He looks to the person beside Boris and saw the other Chancellor of the Senate of the Republic.

Jean the Time Master.

Jean is accompanied by his famous lover Paulette. Azief did hear a few stories about that woman Paulette.

From the intelligence he got from Sasha, Paulette is a talented sniper.

She could use Rain of Bullets and while she never contends with Sofia, many experts speculate that her Rains of Bullet is more powerful than Sofia Rains of Arrows.

Jean notice him and smile politely, Azief nodded and smile back.

They after all discuss extensively on this matter a week ago when Azief suggest a long distance meeting with holographic transmission.

Paulette also looks at him and flash a smile as Azief nodded in acknowledgement

Azief take a seat on the empty seat on the ends of the table. He sits there. On the opposite ends of the table is Hirate.

Azief notice that the dizzying feeling he felt was Hirate using his Psionic Force.

Azief only smirk as he close his eyes and opens it back as the Psionic force that is around him dissipate.

‘It has been a long time since we see each other face to face, Death Monarch’ Hirate greets from the other end of the table.

Azief look at him and scoffed.

Hirate face becomes red with embarrassment.

He was about to say something else, probably something rude when Raymond who was beside him holds him down.

‘Patience, Hirate. You want the big guns and he’s here.’ he said. Hirate nodded as he calms down his heart and sit back down.

Azief waited for a while when suddenly the area space contorted and something appears. A small spaceship appears in the distance and is slowly coming to this island.

The landing port was prepared beforehand and the spaceship opens up as two alien that look like men appears.

Their ships were silver in color and it looks sleek. The alien slowly walk to the open bunker and enter the place.

When they enter the open bunker it immediately closed off. The alien was not intimidated or fearful instead they were calm

They arrived and Hirate give them his seat. He took an empty seat on the left of the alien.

The leader of this alien now sit on the ends of the table, their eyes were trained onto Azief.

Azief squint his eyes and the alien coughs a bit. Their eyes become wary but then they look at each other and nodded.

‘Shouldn’t you introduce yourself, stranger from another planet?’ Azief said casually. He was talking like he was relaxed but there is an aura building up from him.

Raymond also senses this energy as he looks at Azief cautiously. There is too much at stake here.

If humanity could avoid another war with another otherworldly civilization that would be the best outcome.

No one is truly convinced yet that this alien fleet is not intending to attack.

Even the Republic and the World Government will not readily believe such story. The people here today all survive the brutal Weronian war.

One could understand their mistrust to other races of people in the starry skies. But that doesn’t mean they will not try to prevent what could be prevented.

No one wanted another war

‘Death Monarch, this is a peaceful meeting’ Raymond said, but he didn’t seem that eager to stop Azief.

Raymond himself has no good will to the aliens. He after all was in the frontline fighting those Weronian invaders.

Azief did not answer as his energy slowly rising up

He did not even look at Raymond as he knew Raymond himself wanted to sue this opportunity to gauge the alien representatives.

‘You might think we are an inhospitable welcome party but our planet just gone through a war with the Weronian…an alien race like you.’

The alien men that was standing behind the leader of this alien party was clearly incensed with anger as he shouted

‘Do not compare our noble race to those barbaric Weronian!’ That alien pointed his finger to Azief.

The leader of the alien then quickly brings his subordinate finger down.

‘Do not be rude, Sith’venar. He is right. I should have introduced myself. My name is Sith’lenor. I am from the Orvani race’

Sith’lenor looks like a normal human race if not for the triangle shaped mark on his forehead. He has brown short hair and green eyes.

‘Orvani?’ Hirate inquired

The alien leader smiles

‘Humans, we do not wish harm to Earth Prime. On the contrary we have ben protecting it for a long time’

‘What do you mean?’ this time it was Jean that was asking. The others are also looking at that alien leader for explanations

‘We Orvanians are the Protector of the Multiverse. We have always been the Protector of the Multiverse’

Azief eyes shone. He heard of them before in stories. An ancient race but they are rarely seen and treated like myths.

He himself thought it was a myth. After all he never saw their planet recorded in any Star Maps.

‘You came from Orvan?’ Azief ask.

This statement shock Sith’lenor.

‘Ah, you know of our home world. This is impressive. I thought this Earth did not yet start its voyage to the stars’

Azief just scoff and he said

‘I heard it was spoken in the Three thousand Worlds.’ This drew a question mark on many people present.

Sith’lenor was clearly excited as he found someone that knew of his home world

‘Yes, Orvan is our home planet. We are among the first intelligent life forms in the Universe other than the Etherna race’

As he looks at the room and notice that no one heard of the Etherna, Sith’lenor is about to tell them

‘The Etherna race is-‘ but Azief cut their words

‘I know who they are. Skip that part. We don’t need a history lesson right now’

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Sith’lenor on the other hand was amused. To think there is someone here on Earth Prime that knows about the story of the Etherna

But then as he looks once again at Azief there is a smirk on his face

‘No wonder’ he thought to himself.

He could sense an Eternian bloodline from this person called the Death Monarch.

Before Sith’lenor descended down to Earth, he was already given information about the participants of this meeting by the World Government and the Republic.

From what he could tell, this Death Monarch is the champion of their world.

‘Oh. You know of their story’

Azief just nodded and not offer any more words.

Seeing this exchange between the Death Monarch and the Orvani the other people in the room also did not press on but they were clearly curious as even Paulette seems to be whispering to Jean ears.

By now there were already a few things that Azief and the Orvanians Sith’lenor talk about that none of the rest understand.

Sith’lenor continues his word saying

‘Unlike the Etherna we became thinkers and we hated war. We experiment with the worlds around us and made many discoveries that benefited the Universe. However…we also have our dark moments. Trillions of years ago, one of our people, an Orvanian named Sithulran used her intelligence to create something horrendous. She is also very powerful’

Azief scoff.

‘I think you are lying to me. You are seeking this alien woman right?’ as Azief slide the document across the table to reach Sith’lenor.

Sith’lenor touches the information node and saw what happened including the battle at the Pandemonium Sea.

Then he nodded

‘Yes, she is the one we are looking for’ Azief smiles and then answer

‘Then you can go now. I already killed her’ Azief declares. Sith’lenor looks at Azief with bitter smiles.

Then taking a deep breath Sith’lenor said

‘First of all, I did not lie. This image is Sithulran and she is powerful, this is the truth. And second of all, you did not kill her’

Azief hearing this was shocked and then he remember that smile.

‘What do you mean? I already sweep the area of my battle with her with my divine sense and determine she was atomized into dust’

Sith’lenor then sighed.

‘It won’t matter what you do. She might have methods to hide from your divine sense. Even if she was caught by your divine sense, you would never be able to kill her. You could ground her to dust, grinded her into pieces, separates her organs and scattered it across the Universe, it won’t matter.’

‘What is that supposed to mean?’ It was Raymond that raises this question. All people here have watched this footage many times.

They all saw how easily the Death Monarch dispatches the alien woman.

They wanted to show this to the alien leader and see if they are still stubborn in remaining in Earth atmosphere.

Sith’lenor answer Raymond question

‘Sithulran was cursed’

‘Cursed?’ Azief exclaim


Suddenly Azief had a bad premonition and he ask

‘What is the curse?’

Scratching his head Sith’lenor answer

‘She could never die. It won’t matter what you did to her. She would never die.’ Looking at the faces of the people in the room Sith’lenor knows that they are confused.

Even Azief was confused. It is impossible. Everything dies.

He could not understand. If Sithulran was stronger than him he could understand but…

Sith’lenor sigh

‘I know it is hard to understand when I said this all of a sudden. To understand the reason why she can’t die, we need to start from the beginning’ Then looking at the people I the room he said and emphasizes it once again

‘And I mean from the VERY beginning of the creation of the Multiverse’
