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Lord Shadow

Chapter 213: Reclaim (1)
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The sound of that black raven pierced the silence of the area as the people rushed quickly around that large structure, whispering under their breath.

Many Ravens was perched on the gothic like structure of the Palace of Bones, overlooking the street with drenched blood.

The sight was truly ghastly

Where it once stood the King Palace, now stood a colossal twenty foot Palace of Bones emanating a powerful deathly aura that creates some kind of black red mist surrounding the base of the Palace

Guarding the Palace is skeletons soldiers, with straight back and on the empty eye socket is blue flame with all of them possessing the power of Orb Condensing High Realm.

The people who look at the Palace all avert their gaze fear to attract the attention of the creator of such ghastly structure.

They whispered in silence, and their eyes look down on the ground, fear is evident in the way they carry themselves.

The cold wind blows and the ravens flies off.

This is the palace of the Death Monarch.

Azief uses his Death Source to control the dead, making the skeletons of the fallen dead around Southern Krakow to emerge from the ground.

The scene was truly terrifying for those that was present during the awakening of these skeleton soldiers.

Skeleton hands clawed out from the ground, some have full intact skeletons others only possesses partial bones as they heed the call of Death Monarch.

Azief turn them into skeleton soldiers, lacking any intelligence and only knows how to follow his will.

Around the palace, darkness reigns as dark clouds were formed from the Death Force surrounding the area.

While the other patch of sky seems warm and full of light only the area on top of the Palace is covered by dark clouds.

The plants near the palace would wither and any monster that dares to approach will rot and decay into mushy goo.

But for his skeleton soldiers the longer they stay in that mist of darkness, the stronger they became.

Since they were billions of people that died since the Fall, the world was full of Death Force. It was this force that supplies Azief the power to use his Death Source.

This power relies heavily in destruction and death. In a world where so many people have died, Azief Death Source almost seems unlimited.

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Azief is in his Throne Room alone, sitting on a chair made by green stones, a mineral called Draecite, which focus element energy.

He was closing his eyes. In his mind he could feel all the people in this city. He saw Fairy of the Stars Somi leading the White Tiger Battalion in the place of Wang Jian.

From what Azief found out, Wang Jian disappeared after rushing off somewhere. And Somi suspect the World Government might be behind this.

When Azief reveal his power that day in the battle between him and the forces of Center Krakow, many people senses his return.

As Azief concentrates harder, he could see in his mind, Sina in his alchemy lab concocting another batch of Seven Refinement Pills.

This pill could quickly elevate someone into the many stages of Energy Disperse Stage.

Now, some of Azief questions were answered.

Azief noticed that there is many Energy Disperse Stage expert in the world right now. But Azief also notices that the concentration of their energy is not pure.

It is negligible and could not easily be detected but for Azief he could sense that something is missing.

Thankfully Sina already explain this to the world that while this pill could help people immediately level up their body in Energy Disperse Stage, nothing beats absorbing the EXP of defeated monsters or quest.

Azief realizes he is evolving into something very different from the rest of humanity.

When Azief ask Sina a few days ago, Azief was surprised to find out even though Sina was already at Seed Forming Stage, the quest windows always popping up and Sina could decide whether to accept or decline a quest.

Azief then theorizes something. He remembers that fire and how the threads unraveled from him.

Maybe….it might means he was no longer under the control of the World Orb.

But a thread is still lingering on Azief body. Which is why he could still summon his status window.

But even his status window could not determine how powerful he really is. Azief then move his mind to somewhere else.

His Divine Sense then rested upon a person. It was a builder. He was repairing the Battlestar that he brought.

It was Budiman. Azief did ask how he arrived a few days ago. The answer to the question made Azief felt that this is Loki doing.

When Budiman was asked how he came to Poland, he said he didn’t remember. He then move his Divine Sense to a residence and he saw her.

Her eyes was like the clear bright moon, and as he gazes upon her it was like was an immortal fairy and he a mortal.

That is the effect of her otherworldly beauty. She broke through Red Palace Forming after the battle.

Azief fears that there is hidden injury which is why he decided to check her with his Divine Sense.

Katarina also felt that Divine Sense as she look toward the outside of her windows and it was like their eyes meet each other.

Azief knows Katarina could sense him. For a moment, it felt like time stopped. Katarina knows Azief is just checking up on her.

She smiles and her smile like always…is beautiful.

Not that Azief would tell her that. But he always like to see her smiles. Always. It is always better to see her smiling.

Because when she frowned, there is this loneliness that is hanging on her forehead.

And every time Azief saw that, he wanted to touch her forehead gently and melt that loneliness in her heart.

Because…she reminded him of herself. And when he saw that frown, he could not help but want to tell her…that it will be alright.

And when she laughs, unaware of it, Azief also wanted to laugh with her. And Azief don’t know….if that is alright….doing that to her.

His heart has always felt guilty. What should he do with his heart? And what should he do with their hearts?

Unaware of what Azief is feeling right now, Katarina continue to smile. Her heart beats and her body felt warmer even as snow fell inside her residence

Azief was gazing from afar. His heart want but it could not be spoken.

If only Azief could understood love…the causes and consequences… then maybe he would not be so indecisive.

Katarina was like him in a way. Sofia… was better than him…both in coping with her pain. Both were broken by life. Just like him

Then as the wind blows a sigh could be heard. Katarina heard it. And she bitterly smile. Then like the wind and the world sees it, a faint voice echoes

‘When spring blossom falls, let us see it.’ Katarina heard it and there is a little budding smile forming.

Azief then retract back his Divine Sense, a little smile on the edge of his mouth.

Then slowly he opens his eyes as his mind becomes clear, his body is still sitting on his throne. Then he went to his expressionless mode.

He is contemplating his next move.

Right now, he wanted to gather information first especially about Wang Jian and Sofia. It is impossible that after that battle those two still did not come to see him.

Something must have happen. He also wanted to wait for his people to gather. There is still Athena and Freya.

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By now, it is impossible what is happening in Poland could be covered up. Azief has made it as grand as possible.

Hamad and Hatta while they were important member in League of Freedom, they were not in the upper echelons in their organization and don’t know sensitive question.

Of course he could contact Boris using Thunderbird but Azief deign to meet Boris. Azief knows Boris would use Katarina name to stabilize his position.

Of course Azief misunderstand Katarina brother. Boris would use anyone in the world but he would never use his own sister.

But Azief has always felt that Boris is a bad influence for Katarina. If Boris heard this he would certainly feel shocked. Since Boris believes Azief is a bad influence for his sister.

Azief knows how much power Boris has over his sister.

And that is why he worries.

But ironically Boris also shares the same opinion about Azief.

Katarina has never disobey her brother because Katarina knows all that Boris does is to keep her safe.

This has been the case since they were a child. But, Katarina disobey her brother wishes and still went to save Azief in the Weronian War.

This shows how much control Azief have over Katarina.

But they also share one thing in common. They both want what’s best for Katarina. Azief got up from his throne as he slightly floated, his feet did not touch the ground.

He then slowly floated toward the open balcony and then rises up over his Palace of Bones.

The dark red mist that surrounded the Palace thickens as they covered Azief ascent to the top of his Palace.

He slowly floats upwards as he look down.

Azief look down at the Palace he created.

It was a beautiful palace exquisite yet uninviting. Because the palace is made of bones and lined with vein like designs that resembles human capillary veins.

But…..There is beauty even under the guise of such terrifying structure. How many people have died in that battle?

But if they did not obstruct would Azief mindlessly kill them. It is because they were too stubborn, and did not recognize the chance he was giving them that they died.

Though Azief also met someone he respected in that battle. He hopes that person survives

‘Death’ Azief muttered. He floated up on the sky, thunder blaring on the background and red clouds gathered around his feet

Looking at the Heaven above, he saw the dark clouds, and he sighed. Horse hooves thunder on the background as he gently sighs.

‘What is right and what is wrong?’ he seems to ask the Heaven before smiling

‘As long as I have no regrets, let others judge whatever they want to.’
